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Deconstruct Three Research Methods

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1 Deconstruct Three Research Methods
aura Engaged Excellence in Research and Teaching Practices Deconstruct Three Research Methods Research 2, Session 5, Day One

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this session, you will be able to:
Describe three research approaches in general terms (surveys, comparative case studies, social network analysis); including the analytic trade-offs each makes, and what they can and cannot do Deconstruct and reflect on the three research methods and evaluate their likely strengths and weaknesses

3 Alternative: 3 mini lectures on the three methods
The facilitator may take into consideration the following pointers for method presentations: What are the main tenets and principles of the method? What makes the method distinct form other methods? Which other methods are similar (yet distinct)? What are the method's strength and weaknesses?

4 Method #1: Case Studies Characteristics and potential uses:
Empirical examination of a real world phenomenon within its real life context Situational knowledge (high measurement validity) Use of multiple sources of evidence Analysis of causal relations

5 Method #1: Conduct Case Study Analysis
Tasks that should be considered while conducting (comparative) case study analyses: Identify the specific research questions and objectives Conduct a literature review Identify the "class" or subclass" of events of which the single case or a group of cases to be studied are instances. Research objectives and research strategy shall guide the selection of single or various cases within a class or subclass Make explicit the data requirements to be gained from the case studies.

6 Method #2: Survey They produce rather than collect data
Surveys (sometimes called questionnaires [even though they are not synonyms]) are a method to gather empirical data in a relatively standardised way

7 Method #2: Survey – Data Gathering Process
It is important that during the design, data gathering and analysis process you apply ethical principles, as well as principles of research rigour. Also: Choose research tool Plan the content of a research tool Design tool (e.g. questionnaire layout) Pilot tool Re-design tool based on feedback (maybe pilot and revise a second time) Design covering letter Start data gathering

8 Method #3: Social Network Analysis (SNA)
Social networks are basic features of many social, political, and economic processes - from the spread of diseases and information, to the mobilization and coordination of social movements Networks are sometime called graphs Network theory and network science underpins SNA in that it provides some of the techniques used for the analysis and understanding of graphs

9 Method #3: Social Network Analysis (SNA)Data Gathering Process
Identify the population – bounding, sampling, gaining access Determine the data sources Collect the data (e.g. survey design and administration) Analyse the data (e.g. by using SNA software)

10 Group Work (90 mins) Photo credit: sduvigneau

11 Activity: Deconstruct three research methods
In 6 groups (based on the number of participants): Two groups will work on the same method (three methods) You decided which method you feel most comfortable with: That will be the method/group you go into first There, your group has 20 minutes to talk about that method

12 Activity: Deconstruct three research methods
Once the 20 minutes are over: One of you stays back whilst all the others float between groups and decide what you want to talk about next You can seek out other groups where there is still one knowledgeable person representing that method With your "new" group, you speak again for 20 minutes

13 Activity: Deconstruct three research methods
While discussing in your group, you can refer to the following guiding questions: What are the main tenets and principles of the method? What makes the method distinct form other methods? Which other methods are similar (yet distinct)? What are the method's strength and weaknesses?

14 The content is authored by:
Associate Lecturer Dr. Philipp Grunewald This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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