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North and South Korea.

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Presentation on theme: "North and South Korea."— Presentation transcript:

1 North and South Korea

2 Korea Japan annexed Korea in 1910 WWII Japan on side of Germany
Korea - Japanese territory = caught in the middle

3 Cold War Korea Both the US and the Soviet Union (USSR) stationed troops in Korea to help buffer them from their neighbors. Post WWII - the US and USSR begin the cold war. Their troops remained in Korea to help them in the aftermath of the war. It turned into 2 nations occupying the same place and disagreeing…

4 Korean War 1949 - 1953 Cold War conflict
US supports democracy in the south USSR - supports communism in the north. US and USSR each support different leaders and types of government. The war is fought to see who will gain control.

5 North and South Korea cease fire was signed, but there is still no peace treaty. The 2 nations have agreed to a division between them at the 38th parallel Separated by the DMZ (demilitarized zone) = a strip of land where no troops or weapons are allowed. The US still has troops there.

6 North Korea - Today North Korea – a military dictatorship and communist economy. Controlled by of Kim Jong Il. After the end of the USSR in 1991, they lost their main economic support Kim Jong Il has isolated his nation, resulting in poverty and famine.

7 North Korea - Today Kim Jong Un Totalitarian Dictatorship
Kim Jong Il In power 1994 – 2011 His son, Kim Jong Un is now in power. Severe restriction on political and economic freedoms. October 6,2006 demonstrated that they have nuclear weapons. Believed that they do not have the capacity to send a nuke via missile, would have to rely on aircraft. North Korean defectors have testified about detention camps with an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 inmates, and reported torture, starvation, rape, murder and forced labor. Kim Jong Un

8 South Korea - Today Constitutional republic
Mixed Market Economy - 11th largest economy in the world. South Korea is also one of the world's most technologically advanced and digitally connected countries; global leader in electronics, digital displays, and mobile phones.

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