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1 Yes, you are responsible for the content contained within these slides
Criminal Offences Yes, you are responsible for the content contained within these slides

2 Topics to be covered 1. Property Offences 2. Drug Offences 3. Homicide
4. Assault and Sexual Assault 5. Sexual Offences 6. Drinking and Driving 7. Public Order

3 1. Property Offences

4 s.322 Theft Actus Reus (A.R.) Fraudulently and without colour of right, takes or converts to his/her use Mens Rea (M.R.) With intent To deprive, absolutely or temporarily or temporarily, the owner of it To deal with it in such a manner that it cannot be restored

5 s.253 Theft - Punishments If the theft is less than $5,000, then it is hybrid. Indictable = 2 years S.C. If the theft exceeds $5,000, then it is an indictable offence. Indictable = 10 years

6 Joyriding A.R. Without the consent of the owner takes a motor vehicle
M.R. With intent to drive, use or operate Punishable on summary conviction. Note: No damage to property!

7 Possession of Stolen Property
A.R. Has in his/her possession any property that all or part was obtained by an indictable offence M.R. Intent, knowledge or recklessness Value < $5,000 Value > $5,000 Hybrid Indictable 2 years Summary Conviction Indictable 10 years

8 Credit Card Theft and Forgery
s.342 Credit Card Theft and Forgery A.R. Steals a credit card Forges a credit card Has in his/her possession or in any way uses a stolen credit card Uses a revoked or cancelled credit card M.R. Intent, knowledge, or recklessness Hybrid (Indictable = 10 years)

9 Mischief A.R. If the act … M.R. Intent, knowledge or recklessness
Destroys or damages property; Renders property dangerous or useless; or Obstructs the lawful use of property M.R. Intent, knowledge or recklessness s.430 (1.1) deals with mischief to data s.52 deals with sabotage

10 Mischief - Punishments
Note the similarities in punishment between Theft, Possession of Stolen Property and Mischief. < $5,000 > $5,000 Causes danger to life Hybrid Indictable only Indictable = 2 years = 10 years Life Summary C. n/a

11 Robbery A.R. If the accused… M.R. Intent, recklessness, knowledge
Steals using violence or threats of violence Steals from a person and during or after, or before they use violence Assaults with intent to steal Steals from a person while armed with an offensive weapon or imitation thereof M.R. Intent, recklessness, knowledge Indictable only = Life

12 s.348 Break and Enter A.R. Breaks and enters a place and commits or intends to commit an indictable offence Breaks – to break or open anything used to close an opening Enters – any part of his body without lawful justification Place – house, building, vessel, aircraft (but not a car) M.R. Intent, knowledge or recklessness

13 Break and Enter - Punishments
Indictable In relation to a place other than a dwelling 14 years In relation to a dwelling house LIFE

14 Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
2. Drug Offences

15 A “controlled substance” means a substance included in Schedules I, II, III, IV, or V
Note: With respect to all the substances included in the five Schedules, and the subsequent offences, there are legal means under the Regulations for a practitioner to deal with same.

16 The Five Drug Schedules
Schedule I Schedule II Schedule III Heroin Morphine Cocaine Codeine Marihuana Hash Amphetamines LSD (Acid)

17 The Five Drug Schedules
Schedule IV Schedule V Steroids Barbiturates Phenylpropanolamine Propylhexedrine Pyrovalerone

18 Main Offences Possession
Trafficking or possession for the purpose of trafficking Producing Double doctoring Importing and exporting

19 Possession Actus Reus (A.R.)
No person shall possess a substance included in Schedules I, II, or III. Possession is defined in the CCC (s.4(3)): In his/her actual possession or custody of another person Possession in a group, with knowledge and consent of the rest, all are deemed to be in possession Has it in any place

20 Possession Mens Rea (M.R.) Intent, knowledge and recklessness

21 Punishments for Possession
Schedule I Schedule II Schedule III Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (7 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year) > 30 grams of marihuana > 1 gram of hash Indictable (5 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year) Indictable (3 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year)

22 Trafficking Actus Reus (A.R.)
No person shall traffic, or for the purpose of trafficking, possess a substance in Schedule I, II, III, or IV. “Traffic” means to sell, administer, give, transfer, send or deliver the substance or offer to any of the above Mens Rea (M.R.) Intent, knowledge and recklessness

23 Punishments for Trafficking
Schedule I Schedule II Indictable Offence Indictable Offence Life Except if it is in an amount of less than 3 kg, then it is: Indictable (5 years) Life

24 Punishments for Trafficking
Schedule III Schedule IV Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (10 years) S.C. (18 months) Indictable (3 years) S.C. (1 year)

25 Producing A.R. No person shall produce a substance included in Schedule I, II, III, or IV “produce” means to manufacture, cultivate, harvest or propagate M.R. Intent, knowledge and recklessness

26 Punishments for Producing
Schedule I Schedule II Indictable Offence Indictable Offence Life Except: Marihuana Indictable (7 years) Life

27 Punishments for Producing
Schedule III Schedule IV Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (10 years) S.C. (18 months) Indictable (3 years) S.C. (1 year)

28 Double Doctoring A.R. No person shall obtain a substance in Schedule I, II, III, or IV from a practitioner, without disclosing the acquisition of any substance from the Schedules, from any other practitioner in the last 30 days. M.R. Intent, recklessness and knowledge

29 Punishments for Double Dr.’ing
Schedule I Schedule II Hybrid Offence Indictable Offence Indictable (7 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year) Indictable (5 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year)

30 Punishments for Double Dr.’ing
Schedule III Schedule IV Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (3 years) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year) Indictable (18 months) S.C. 1st offence ($1,000 and/or 6 mths) S.C. 2nd offence ($2,000 and/or 1 year)

31 Importing and Exporting
A.R. No person shall import into Canada or export from Canada a substance included in Schedules I, II, III, IV or V. No person shall possess for the purpose of exporting from Canada a substance in one of the above Schedules. M.R. Intent, recklessness and knowledge

32 Punishments for Exporting
Schedule I Schedule II Schedule III Indictable Offence Indictable Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (10 years) S.C. (18 months) Life Life

33 Punishments for Exporting
Schedule IV Schedule V Hybrid Offence Hybrid Offence Indictable (3 years) S.C. (1 year) Indictable (10 years) S.C. (18 months)

34 3. Homicide

35 Culpable vs. Non-culpable
Culpable Homicide Murder Manslaughter Infanticide

36 Non-Culpable Homicide
Complete Accident NOT AN OFFENCE Justified

37 Causes death of a human being M.R. Means to cause death
Culpable Homicide Murder A.R. Causes death of a human being M.R. Means to cause death Means to cause bodily harm that is known to likely cause death Means to carry out an unlawful object that ‘he’ knows is likely to cause death (Subjective Test) Transferred malice

38 The differences between charges
1st Degree 2nd Degree Planned and deliberate Consideration pursuant to a procuring Victim is a law enforcement officer Committed during a: Hijacking Sexual assault Kidnapping Etc. see s.231 Murder that is not first degree murder In other words, normal intent – spontaneous action leading to murder

39 Indictable Murder Punishments
1st Degree 2nd Degree Minimum life Eligible for parole after 25-years Minimum life Eligible for parole after 10-years Faint Hope c A convicted murderer is on parole for the rest of his/her life

40 s.233 Culpable Homicide Infanticide Read s. 233 to the class

41 Cause of death, that is not murder or infanticide M.R. General intent
Culpable Homicide Manslaughter A.R. Cause of death, that is not murder or infanticide M.R. General intent

42 Lawful Manslaughter Murder can be reduced to manslaughter if committed in the heat of passion caused by sudden provocation This is sometimes called voluntary manslaughter There are two (2) tests: Would an ordinary person have lost self-control? (Objective Test) Presuming #1, did the accused act upon the provocation before his/her passion was able to cool off? (Subjective Test)

43 Unlawful Manslaughter
Unlawful Act Manslaughter s.222(5) Means to carry out an unlawful act that he/she ought to know is likely to cause death Combine s.222(5) and s.234 Involuntary manslaughter Objective test

44 Drunkenness Manslaughter
Intoxication can reduce murder to manslaughter Murder is a specific intent offence – while manslaughter only requires general intent Manslaughter Punishments Indictable Up to life

45 4. Assault and Sexual Assault

46 Assault A.R. A person commits assault when:
Without consent he/she applies force, directly or indirectly, to a person He/she attempts or threatens by act or gesture to apply force While openly carrying a weapon, or imitation, he/she impedes or accosts another M.R. Intent, recklessness or knowledge 51

47 Common Assault This version of assault is the same as ‘Assault’.
It is a Hybrid Offence When it is indictable, it is 5-years On other instances, it is charged as a summary conviction

48 With a weapon or causing bodily harm
In committing an assault: Carries, uses or threatens to use a weapon or imitation Causes bodily harm Interferes with the health or comfort of the victim and is more than merely transient or trifling in nature Hybrid (Indictable = 10 years) (Summarily = 18 months)

49 Aggravated Assault In committing an assault:
Wounds – Maims – Disfigures Endangers the life of the victim Includes female circumcision, regardless of consent Indictable = 14 years

50 Other Assaults Uttering Threats (s.264) Causes another to fear for safety, or safety of anyone known to them. Engaging in threatening conduct Torture (s.269.1) An official/person acting at instigation /consent of official, inflicts torture on another person Assaulting a P.O. (s.270) Indictable (< 5 years), punishable on Summary Conviction

51 Sexual Assault General intent – drunkenness is NOT a defence
CCC does not specifically define sexual assault Defined by Common Law Use s.265 PLUS if it is of a sexual nature Therefore, it is any sexual conduct – from kissing to intercourse – without consent

52 Sexual assault is an act of VIOLENCE, not sex, that 1 in every 4 women are victimized.

53 Common Sexual Assault Hybrid Indictable = 10 years
Summary Conviction = 18 months

54 Sexual Assault with a Weapon or causing bodily harm
In committing a sexual assault: Carries, uses, or threatens to use a weapon Threatens to cause bodily harm to a third person Causes bodily harm Indictable 14 years If a weapon was used, minimum 4 years

55 Aggravated Sexual Assault
Aggravated is the same as in s. 268 Indictable Up to LIFE If a weapon was used, minimum 4 years

56 About Consent With respect to consent, please consider: s. 273.1
Voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question Can someone always be in a position to give consent or better yet, to express a lack of consent?

57 About Consent continued
No consent is obtained where: The agreement or consent is expressed by the words or conduct of a person other than the complainant The complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity Accused induces to engage by abusing a position of trust, power or authority The complainant expresses, by words or conduct a lack of agreement to engage The complainant having consented, expresses, by words or conduct, a lack of agreement to continue to engage.

58 5. Sexual Offences

59 Sex and the Law Corrupting Morals Indecent Act Nudity
and many others … Prostitution Sexual Touching Sexual Exploitation

60 Corrupting Morals Everyone commits an offence who:
Makes, prints, publishes, sells, exposes to the public view, any obscene material Obscene = any undue exploitation of: Sex, or Sex and crime, horror, cruelty, violence Hybrid Indictable = 2 years Summary Conviction

61 Corrupting Morals Exceptions: s.163
“sexually explicit erotica which portrays positive and affectionate human sexual interaction between consenting individuals participating on the basis of equality is tolerable no matter how explicit” Not an offence if the public good was served by the acts, for example: Science Social policy Education

62 Indecent Act Does an indecent act in a public place
Exposes his/her genital organs to a person under the age of 14 Summary Conviction

63 Nudity Nude in a public place
s.174 Nudity Nude in a public place Nude is a private place exposed to public view Nude = so clad as to offend public decency or order Summary Conviction

64 Prostitution - Communication
No person, in a public place, shall: Stop a car Impede the flow of traffic Communicate with any person for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or obtaining the services of a prostitute (JOHN) Summary Conviction Everyone who obtains or attempts to obtain, for consideration, the sexual services of a person <18 years is guilty of an indictable offence 5 years s. 212 (4)

65 Prostitution - Procuring
Everyone who: Procures another person to become a prostitute Lives on the avails of a prostitute (PIMP) Indictable 10 years If the prostitute is <18 years old = 14 years

66 s.151 s.152 Sexual Touching Every person who, for a sexual purpose, touches a person under the age of 14 (s.151) Every person, who for a sexual purpose, invites a person under the age of 14 to touch them (s.152) Hybrid Indictable = 10 years Summary Conviction

67 s.153 Sexual Exploitation Every person in a position of trust or authority who commits the above (touching or invitation to touch, for a sexual purpose) to a young person 14 to 18 years Hybrid Indictable = 5 years Summary Conviction = 18 months

68 Criminal Harassment (Stalking)
No person shall cause any person to fear for their safety by: Repeatedly following them Repeatedly communicating with them Besetting or watching at the person’s home or place of work Hybrid Indictable = 5 years S.C.

69 Indecent Telephone Calls
Other Child Pornography s.163.1 Common Bawdy House s. 210 Anal Intercourse s. 159 Bestiality s.160 Incest s.155 Indecent Telephone Calls s.372 Corrupting Children s.172 Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment OHRC

70 6. Drinking and Driving

71 s.253 Impaired Driving A.R. Operates a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol Operates a motor vehicle while >than .08 blood alcohol In care and control of a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alcohol In care and control of a motor vehicle while >than .08 alcohol Refusing roadside breathalyzer test

72 Impaired Driving M.R. Intent
s.253 Impaired Driving M.R. Intent Note: You do not have to intend to drive for care and control. Did you know: 25% of all road fatalities in Ontario involve a drinking driver

73 D&D Punishments These are hybrid offences. The following table outlines the punishments covered under summary conviction. CCC minimums License Suspension 1st Offence  $300 fine 1 year 2nd Offence 14 days 3 years 3rd Offence 90 days Life   Must also complete an remedial measures program costing $475  Review after 10 years

74 D&D Punishments These are hybrid offences. The following table outlines the punishments covered under indictable conviction. Straight case up to 5 years Causing bodily harm up to 10 years Causing death up to 14 years The conviction will remain on driving record for 10 years. Insurance will at least double for the next 6 years. There is also a 50% surcharge (high risk) for the next 3 years

75 Breathalizer Where a police officer believes, on reasonable and probable grounds, that within the preceding two (2) hours an offence under s.253 has been committed, he/she may demand a roadside breathalizer test.

76 Solution??? DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE

77 7. Public Order

78 Obstructing a Peace Officer
A.R. Resists or obstructs a police officer in the execution of his/her duty Fails to assist a police officer in the execution of his duty, after being requested to do so M.R. Intent, knowledge, recklessness Hybrid Offence (Indictable = 2 years) (S.C. = )

79 Disturbing the Peace A.R.
Not being in a dwelling house, causes a disturbance, in or near a public place, BY: Fighting, screaming, playing music very loud Being drunk Loiters in a public place M.R. Intent, knowledge, recklessness Summary Conviction

80 s.437 False Fire Alarm A.R. Everyone, who without reasonable cause …, uses a fire alarm M.R. Intent, knowledge, recklessness Hybrid Offence (Indictable = 2 years) (S.C.)

81 Other Public Nuisance Crimes
Public Mischief s. 140 Obstructing Justice s.139 Perjury s.131 Fabricating Evidence s.137 Failure to Appear s.145 Resisting Arrest s.270

82 We are now finished with criminal offences and their punishments.
It is time to learn about trial procedures The End

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