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Children & Enterprise Directorate

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1 Children & Enterprise Directorate
Myth Busters Debbie Houghton Principal Policy Officer Tracy Ryan Policy Officer Pam Beaumont Project Officer SEND Reforms    Children & Enterprise Directorate

2 Myth Busters For the following statements, decide which is true and make your selection Options are 1 – Statement A 2 – Statement B

3 A: Any child being assessed under the new system must have a social care assessment as well as an educational needs assessment B: The duty to assess a child’s needs is only in relation to their educational needs A B

4 Myth: ‘When I ask for my child to be assessed under the new system the LA must carry out a social care assessment now as well as an assessment of their educational needs’ No this is not true. The duty to assess a child’s needs is only in relation to their educational needs, not any social care needs. This type of assessment still has to be triggered separately by contacting your Children’s Social Care team. Once this has happened, any information should be recorded in the EHC plan.

5 A: An Education, Health and Care plan will continue only for young people who choose to stay in education or training B: ALL young people who have the new Education, Health and Care plans will have a plan until they are 25 A B

6 Myth: ‘I’ve been told the EHC plans are the same as statements and have the same legal duties’
EHC plans will have no legal force until 1st September Like statements, any Special Educational Provision in the plan will have to be delivered by the local authority and can continue until the age of 25 if a young person stays in education or training.

7 All parents and young people with an EHC Plan will be able to access direct payments.
True False

8 Answer - FALSE All parents and young people will be able to request a personal budget where an EHC plan is in place. A personal budget is an amount identified by the local authority as being available to secure particular provision that is specified, or proposed to be specified, in the EHC plan Once identified parents and young people can then request that some or all aspects of the personal budget be converted into a direct payment, but the local authority, and the education provider where relevant, must agree to this and have significant discretion about what they agree to

9 Fewer children and young people will get an Education, Health and Care plan than get a statement of special educational needs? True False

10 Answer - FALSE The legal criteria for an Education, Health and Care plan will be the same as the current criteria for a statement If a child currently has a Statement of SEN, unless there is evidence that their needs have changed, they should be entitled to an EHC plan

11 After a child turns 16 a parent cannot be involved in decisions about their child’s support?
True False

12 Answer - FALSE Young people can continue to have their parents as involved as much as they want. The difference is, when a person with an Education, Health and Care plan turns 16 years old, they have the final say (subject to a young person’s mental capacity) A parent will not automatically be involved in the process. E.g. the right of appeal to challenge an LA’s decision to the SEND Tribunal will be the young person’s no longer the parents

13 Does the fact that a young person experiences some language difficulties / difficult behaviour mean that he/she has a special educational need? Yes No Answer – No Not necessarily – need to consider a range of factors/assessments (in-house, external, observations…) Consider the specialist advice (if obtained)

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