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Jung’s Theory of Religion

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1 Jung’s Theory of Religion

2 Differences to Freud Religion is a natural expression of the collective unconscious Stems from archetypes in the unconscious Harmonises the psyche Beneficial Removing religion would create psychological problems

3 Unconscious Mind His work with schizophrenics lead him to believe the lack of self awareness they experienced was due to far more than sexual disturbances. Libido= source of psychic energy, interruption would create neurosis, much more than sexual drive.

4 Mind Components Unconscious = collective unconscious and personal unconscious Collective = hold archetypes (images or image generators, can be referred to either) - we have a tendency to create similar images that often occur in dreams (eg. Mrs Millar’s dreams of a moth and light compared to her love for God- Jesus as “the light of the world”) Personal= forgotten/repressed memories of the individual

5 Archetypes Persona: public image, can appear in dreams as wearing a mask or disguise Shadow: dark side, closer we go into it the closer we come to material structure of psychic life and chaos results, can appear in dreams as the woods. Animus: masculine side of female- dream: heroes Anima: feminine side of a male- dream: goddesses God + Self = the same (more on them later with individuation)

6 God as an Archetype Images of God are archetypal
We all have the tendency to create them God = an inner psychological experience Jung’s definitions of religion and religious rely on Otto. Does NOT make religious experiences or God any less real- God is real to those who experience it. GOD AND SELF ARCHETYPE ARE THE SAME! create images of wholeness such as Mandalas.

7 Individuation Individuation – balancing the unconscious and conscious mind. Accepting all parts of us – even the dark parts, such as the shadow archetype in the collective unconscious. All archetypes are needed to be experienced, making experiences of any of them religious. Without complete individuation we are more likely to suffer poor mental health.

8 Jung’s Conclusion God and religion exist as a psychic reality to those experiencing the God archetype. Nothing can be proved on his existence outside of the mind. Religion performs the role of individuation (balancing the collective and personal unconscious) and harmonising the psyche. Removing religion would result in neurosis. Real religious experiences, God is real to those experiencing it beneficial

9 Criticisms of Jung Not everyone is religious- how does the theory apply to atheists? Jung’s response: atheism is a religion itself Jung accused of manipulating criticisms to makes his theory unfalsifiable Geza Roheim – obvious that we will have similar images, as humans we go through largely similar experiences. No empirical evidence Buber – unconvinced an experience in the mind can be deemed religious Downplays the reality and importance if religious experiences to some

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