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Unit 21 Vocabulary.

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1 Unit 21 Vocabulary

2 loathe I loathe shopping for new clothes because nothing fits the way that I want it to. Definition: To feel disgust or intense aversion for Part of Speech: Verb Synonyms: detest, hate

3 buffoon I have many buffoons in my classes, and it seems as if I can never concentrate on my work. I wish those class clowns would behave. Definition: a person who amuses others by tricks, jokes, etc. Part of Speech: NOUN Synonyms: clown, comedian

4 pique The invitation to the party Piqued her interest.
Definition: to excite (interest, curiosity, etc.) Part of Speech: VERB Synonyms: stimulate, stir, prick, incite, goad.

5 fervent Everyone was fervent toward my family when my niece was born.
Definition: Having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc. Part of Speech: ADJ Synonyms: enthusiastic, heartfelt

6 pithy I made a pithy observation that I wanted the Toyota Camery over the Handa Accord this Saturday. Definition: brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor Part of Speech: ADJ Synonyms: brief, to the point

7 oeuvre His oeuvre didn’t exactly get less sensational or surreal from there. Definition: the works of a writer, painter, or the like, taken as a whole. Part of Speech: NOUN Synonyms: body of work

8 devotee I am a devotee; I love my job, and I admirer those who work with me. Definition: a person who is greatly devoted to something. Part of Speech: NOUN Synonyms: fan, believer, admirer

9 engross The boy’s parents’ discussion engrossed him because they were discussing buying him a race car for his birthday. Definition: to occupy completely, as the mind or attention; absorb Part of Speech: VERB Synonyms: hold one’s attention, captivate

10 anomalous He held an anomalous position in the art world; his art work could change therefore, his position can change. Definition: deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule Part of Speech: ADJ Synonyms: deviating from normal

11 Sentiment Definition: an attitude toward something; regard; opinion
Part of Speech: Noun Synonyms: emotion, belief The girl’s mom had a sentiment of pity for her because her dog passed away yesterday.

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