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AP CSP: Encode an Experience

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1 AP CSP: Encode an Experience

2 Introduction: So far in this unit we’ve been building layers of encodings on top of the foundation of bits. Creating Color images using pixels encoded as binary numbers Formatted text using special patterns of ASCII characters. With binary numbers we created ASCII text. With ASCII text we created formatted text using special patterns of ASCII. We encoded color images using numbers. We created high-level encodings(color images, formatted text) are actually quite removed from the underlying bits from which they are made.

3 Abstraction: In the world of computer science, we call this abstraction - a mental tool that allows us to ignore low-level details when they are unnecessary. This ability to ignore small details is what allows us to develop complex encodings and protocols. The encoding for an image doesn’t need to know that the RGB values in each pixel are actually 8-bit numbers An encoding for formatted text does not care how the ASCII symbols that comprise it are actually represented. As long as there is some way to encode numbers and characters, these high-level encodings will function. DNS protocol doesn’t need to care or know how the bits are physically being transmitted to and from it, or even how the request is routed to it. DNS only has to focus on the higher-level task of mapping a domain name to a number.

4 Project – Encode an Experience
Today we are starting a project in which you are going to apply this idea of abstraction as you set out to build your own encoding and layers of abstraction for a complex piece of information. The Big Question is: How can you take something complex like a human experience, and break it down so that it could be represented in a computer? For example: How might you digitally encode the experience of attending a birthday party?

5 Encode and Experience Continued:
Create a diagram that represents an experience broken down into more specific elements. Break down one of those specific elements even further into very specific details and think about how those details could be represented digitally. Complete template for detailed encoding of specific elements. Like the time of an event, the duration of an event, type of an event, attendance of an event, etc. (Numbers or text) Think about how many bits you will need to encode some data. Think how many characters you will need to possibly encode something like a name Respond to this statement: There are trade-offs when representing information as digital data.   No more than 300 words; Minimum is 150 words

6 Birthday Party Example:
First we need to create a diagram breaking down our birthday party into further sub categories. These subcategories can be further broken down into more concrete details. These details can be encoded either using text or numbers.

7 Birthday Party Example Continued:
Now we must show how we are going to encode the details of things said at a party. Be Specific!!

8 Partnership: After you have outlined your encoding, you will talk with your partner and present your work so far. Your partner will provide feedback about your encodings. Potential Questions for you as a partner to address: Do you think this experience is a good choice? Why or why not? Have I identified the basic elements correctly? Did I miss any? Do you think I will be able to encode this data? What challenges do you think I will have? Do you have any suggestions for the next steps? Students incorporate feedback from their peer reviewer to develop their encoding. This project can be completed entirely digitally

9 Submission Requirement and Expectations:
This project is due October 31st for A-day and November 1st for B-day You can submit a completed template that I provided you with or you can submit your own version that mirrors the requirements of the project. Diagram that shows the breakdown of your experience Detailed encoding table showing binary components of a bottom level of your diagram “tree” Written response about trade-offs ins representing information as digital data.

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