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? Disfavoring Macrocycle b Fragment by Constraining Torsional

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1 ? Disfavoring Macrocycle b Fragment by Constraining Torsional
Freedom: The Twisted Case of QWFGLM b6+ Marcus Tirado1; Xian Chen1; Alfred Yeung1; Jeffery D. Steill2; Jos Oomens2; and Nick C. Polfer1 1 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 2FOM Institute “Rijnhuizen”, Niewegein, The Netherlands Methods All peptides were synthesized with conventional FMOC solid-phase synthesis methods using 9- Fluromethylmethoxy Carbonyl (FMOC)-Gly loaded resin. A CEM Discover System was utilized to synthesize 0.1 mmol scale of the corresponding peptide. The presence of oxazolone vs. macrocycle b6 fragment structure was validated by infrared multiple-photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy, using the free electron laser FELIX coupled to a home-built 4.7T FTICR instrument. Figure A: Sequence motif QWFGLM b6+ ion is strictly macrocyclic. Figure B : Proline Experiments: Figure B b7+ fragment exhibits a pronounced oxazolone band and b6+ ion a minor oxazolone band with Proline in the second position. Figure C : 4-Aminomethylbenzoic Acid Experiments: Demonstrates a minor oxazolone band for the b6+ fragment in the fifth position: Figure D: Control Experiment: Poor nucleophile (aminobenzoic acid ) prevents head-to-tail macrocycle formation. Figure E: Photofragments Table from IRMPD Spectra: Evidence of Scrambling is observed in (4-AMBz)WFGLMPG , Q(4-AMBz)FGLMPG . QWF(4AMBz)MLPG exhibits two competing mass channels , m/z 297 (b2-NH3) and m/z 298 (b2-H20). The sequence motif QWFGLM and analogues were investigated to determine whether some amino acid residues are capable of suppressing macrocycle formation in the corresponding b6+ fragments. Proline and Aminomethylbenzoic acid (Amb) were chosen because they possess limited torsional flexibility and may impede macrocycle formation. Overview IRMPD Results Results and Discussion (A) (B) Sizable Oxazolone band Introduction The underlying CID chemistry of protonated peptides is governed by nucleophilic attacks giving rise to b fragments with a C-terminal oxazolone ring.1,2 The oxazolone ring could be subjected to a nucleophilic attack from the N-terminus , which then results in a “head-to-tail” macrocycle. Recently, our group has demonstrated that for oligioglycines and Leu-enkephalin , mid sized b fragment ions exist as a mixture of oxazolone and macrocycle structures in the gas phase.3,4 This raises the question: Is macrocycle formation a general feature in b ion formation, or are the peptide systems chosen thus far exceptions to the general rule? The central hypothesis ,in this study, is depicted in the scheme below : Proline and Aminomethylbenzoic acid5,6 were chosen because they possess limited torsional flexibility and may impede macrocycle formation. Highly conjugated and stable oxazolinone struture is formed. (D) Control Experiment Varying Effects of (4-AMBz) for b6 Ions (C) b6 Fragment Ion Enhanced Cleavage Site (4-AMBz)TrpPheGlyLeuMet ProGly (4AMBz)TrpPheGlyLeuMet ? Isomerization Presence of QW in first and second position leads to the following mass channels. (E) Photofragment Mass Channels Acknowledgments Dr. John Eyler , Dr. David Powell Polfer Group Members: Especially Dr. Kerim Gulyuz FOM Institute in The Netherlands: Dr. Britta Redlich and Dr. Lex van der Meer University of Amsterdam: Dr. Jan van Maarseveen’s Group Special Thanks: (MS PIRE) (OISE ) Partnership for International Research and Education UF Office of Research for Travel Support NSF Career CHE Octapeptide Sequence b6 (b6-NH3) (b6-H20) (b5-NH3) b5 (b4-NH3) b4 b2 (b2-NH3) (b2-H20) (b2-H20-CO) a4 ( a5-NH3) Y2 Y3 (-phe) Unassigned (4-AMBz)WFGLMPG 768 751 750 320 552 Q(4-AMBz) FGLMPG 710 449 281 245 391 134,106 QW(4-AMBz)GLMPG 749 601 488 297 269 173 358 QWF(4-AMBz)LMPG 839 691 298 396 120 QWFG(4-AMBz)MPG 783 766 191,244,355 (4-ABz) WFGLMPG 754 623 510 306 QPFGLMPG 674 526 413 498 (cyclo)QPFGLMPG 302,244,217 References 1 Paizs, B.; Suhai, S. MSR., 2005,24:508 2. Dongre, A.R.; Jones, J.L.; Somogyi, A.; Wysocki, V. H. JACS., 1996,118: 8365 3. Chen, X.; Yu, L.; Steill, J.D.; Oomens, J.; Polfer, N. JACS.,2009, 131:18272 4. Chen et al.; J. Mass Spectrom., 2010, 21, 5. Talaty, E. R.; Copper, T. J.; Van Stipdonk, M. J. RCMS.; 2005, 16:1305 6. Osburn, S. M.; Ochola, S. O.; Talaty, E. R.; Van Stipdonk, M. J. RCMS.; 2007, 21:3409 Scrambled Sequences: (4-AMBz)WFGLMPG (b6) a4 (4-AMBz)WFLGoxa) (m/z 552) Q(4-AMBz)FGLMPG (b6) b2 (4-AMBz)FQGLM(oxa) (m/z 281)

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