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The Beginnings of Civilization

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1 The Beginnings of Civilization
3,700,000 to 587 B.C.

2 How We Study History primary source – material created during the time being studied (artifacts-tools) secondary source – material created after the time being studied

3 Hominids ordinfo.htm
Key characteristics Walk upright Earliest form of human Left no written records Oldavai Gorge, Africa (location early fossils were found)

4 Lucy 1105/features/eureka3.htm
Oldest human-like skeletal remains ever found 3.5 million years old Found in Ethiopia, Africa

5 First Humans ~cfford/342ggsintro.htm
Hunter/gatherers Nomadic- moved from place to place following herds of animals Traveled in clans of 40-50 Men hunted, women gathered

6 First Humans Homo sapiens – emerge 250,000 years ago and mastered creating fire Cro-Magnon  survived (us = man) -Buried their dead (sign of religion) Neanderthals  died Types of homo sapiens

7 Neolithic Revolution! Neolithic Revolution – man shifts from hunting and gathering to farming and domesticating animals excess food led to storage (pottery)  excess pots required labeling of different pots (writing)  writing led to written accounts of information (history) 1 2 3

8 Bronze Age ist_ilustrata/$file/4.jpg
Combined copper and tin Made better tools Weakness: not strong enough Better tools and excess of food lead to towns and new jobs (craftsmen)

9 Civilization Calendars-Oct03.gif
Civilization key characteristics: Cities, Gov’t, religion, social structure, technology, writing, art

10 Iron Age ironagem/reception.html
Iron was smelted (melted) from iron ore Much stronger than bronze

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