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fulfilling the DESIRE for knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "fulfilling the DESIRE for knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 fulfilling the DESIRE for knowledge
Subject Gateways fulfilling the DESIRE for knowledge

2 Aim of subject gateways
to help users locate relevant and high quality resources on the Internet

3 Subject gateways ... “doing for on-line information resources
what librarians do for books” Internet search and retrieval tool database of Internet resource descriptions selection cataloguing classification

4 Information intermediaries
serving specific user groups identifying information needs building targeted and quality collections “trusted third parties” (Clifford Lynch) filter the Internet not prone to word stuffing/metadata spamming!

5 Cataloguing Internet resources
(… or creating “human-generated metadata”) title keywords description URL up to 60 other attributes

6 Adhering to metadata standards

7 Classifying Internet resources
(organising resources under subject categories) PSYCHOLOGY Theories, Laws, Metaphysical Psychology Experimental Psychology Physiological Psychology mental development sensory perception

8 What’s the difference between a subject gateway and a search engine?

9 Search Engines built by robots exhaustive indexing
automatically generated metadata high recall, low precision

10 Subject gateways Built by humans selective catalogues
human generated metadata low recall, high precision

11 An example - SOSIG

12 The UK gateways Medicine OMNI Engineering EEVL Art ADAM
Social Science SOSIG Business Biz/ed History History General BUBL/NISS

13 Other gateways in Europe
The Netherlands (DutchESS) Finnish Virtual Library Project Germany Sweden (EELS)

14 Elsewhere ... Scout Report Signpost NetFirst Any more?

15 What can users expect to see in the future?
Bigger collections International collections collections covering all subjects

16 Cross-searching

17 Harvesting Combine Harvester bigger databases
still some quality control

18 Distributed Cataloguing
WWW-based cataloguing avoiding duplicated effort improving coverage

19 A Vision for the Future an integrated virtual library for end-users
enabling users to take advantage of subject expertise around the World

20 What this depends on International metadata standards
International co-operation and strategy The technologies are here - it’s the human factor that needs attention!

21 DESIRE Guidelines on developing subject gateways
Research in Internet cataloguing and indexing International WORKSHOPS in 1999 “The Information Gateways Handbook”

22 Internet Detective A Web-based tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet information

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