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High School Graduation Tomball Memorial High School

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1 High School Graduation Tomball Memorial High School
Preparing for High School Graduation & Beyond Tomball Memorial High School Class of 2021

2 WWJH to TMHS 8th Grade High School Yearly averages Semester averages
Promotion by grade level Grade classification by credits High school credits without grade points Grade points Credit not given for failing a semester Average to pass

3 A Day at TMHS 7:40am – 2:50pm 7 periods each day 50 minute classes
5 minutes passing time Each student assigned counselor & assistant principal according to last name

4 Plan For The Future Grade 9
Talk to your current teachers and counselor Attend 9th Grade Orientation (in August) Strive for good grades Remember your GPA begins with 9th grade Become involved – make an impact

5 Classification Requirements for 10th Grade
Minimum of 6 credits

6 9th Grade Portfolio Meetings
Gives the counselor a chance to get to know the student early in his/her high school career so she can help the student plan for his/her post-secondary goals Introduces the student to different courses/career clusters that will help him/her to explore career options/interests Gives parents and students an idea of the high school timeline Facilitates dialogue between parent and student about the student's post-secondary goals Helps the student to see the importance of a four-year plan Explains the different graduation plans including STAAR/EOC testing

7 Graduation Requirements Starting with the Class of 2018

8 Foundation Graduation Program
4 credits ELA 3 credits Mathematics 3 credits Science 3 credits Social Studies 2 credits LOTE 1 credit Fine Arts 1 credit PE .5 credits Health .5 credits Speech 4 credits Electives TOTAL: 22 credits

9 Endorsements STEM Business & Industry Arts & Humanities
Public Services Multidisciplinary

10 Distinguished Level of Achievement
4 credits in Math (Algebra 2) 4 credits in Science Curriculum requirements for Foundation & at least 1 Endorsement area *Mandatory to be eligible for the top 10% Automatic Admission

11 Performance Acknowledgements
A student may earn a performance acknowledgement for: In a Dual Credit course In Bilingualism/Biliteracy On an AP test or IB exam On the PSAT, the SAT or the ACT Earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license

12 Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics and
CTE Engineering or Computer Science or Mathematics or Science or Combination

13 STEM Endorsement with CTE Pathway
Engineering Intro to Engineering Design (1.0) Engineering Science (1.0) Digital Electronics (1.0) Engineering Design & Development (1.0)

14 Business & Industry Career and Technical Education
A coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster, including at least one advanced CTE course and the final course from one of the following clusters. Clusters Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Business Management and Administration Finance Manufacturing Marketing or

15 Business & Industry (continued)
English Four English elective credits including three levels in one of the following areas: Debate or Advanced Journalism: Newspaper or Advanced Journalism: Yearbook or Combination A coherent sequence of four credits from the above programs

16 Business & Industry Suggested CTE Pathways - Agriculture
Ag Mechanics Prin of Agriculture (1.0) Ag Mechanics (1.0) Ag Structures (1.0) Practicum in Ag (2.0) Animal Systems Wildlife (1.0) Equine (0.5) & Prof Comm (0.5) Practicum in Ag (2.0) and/or Adv Animal Science Plant Systems Horticulture Science (1.0) Floral Design (1.0) Adv Floral Design (1.0)

17 Business & Industry Suggested CTE Pathways – Manufacturing, Architecture, Construction
Prin of Agriculture (1.0) Ag Mechanics (1.0) Welding I (2.0) Welding II (2.0) Architecture Prin of Architecture (1.0) Architectural Design I (1.0) Architectural Design II (2.0) Practicum in Architectural Design (2.0) Construction Elective Option (1.0) Prin of Construction (1.0) Construction Technology I (2.0) Construction Technology II (2.0)

18 Business & Industry Suggested CTE Pathways – Business, Finance, Marketing
Prin of Business (1.0) BIM I (1.0) Business Law (1.0) or Digital Media (1.0) BIM II (1.0) Career Jumpstart Career Prep I (2.0) Career Prep II (2.0) Finance Money Matters (1.0) or BIM I (1.0) Accounting I (1.0) or Money Matters (1.0) Financial Math (1.0) or Accounting II (1.0) Marketing BIM I (1.0) or Digital Media (1.0) Sports Marketing (0.5) & Advertising (0.5) Entrepreneurship (1.0)

19 Business & Industry Suggested CTE Pathway – Hospitality Culinary Arts
Optional: Nutrition (0.5) Intro to Culinary Arts (1.0) Culinary Arts (2.0) Advanced Culinary Arts (2.0)

20 Public Services Career and Technical Education
A coherent sequence of courses for four or more credits that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster, including at least one advanced CTE course and the final course from one of the following clusters. Clusters Education and Training/Human Services or Health Science or Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Four courses in JROTC

21 Public Services Suggested CTE Pathway – Education and Training
Prin of Education (1.0) Human Growth & Development (1.0) Instructional Practices (2.0) Practicum in Education (2.0)

22 Public Services Suggested CTE Pathways – Health Science
Certified Personal Trainer Optional: Med Terms (1.0) Prin of Health Science (1.0) Clinical & Health Science Theory (2.0) Practicum in HS-CPT (2.0) Certified Nursing Assistant Practicum in HS-CNA (2.0) Emergency Medical Technician Practicum in HS-EMT (2.0) General Health Science Med Terms (1.0) Health Science Theory (1.0) and Optional Clinical (1.0) Anatomy & Physiology (1.0) Pharmacy Technician Practicum in HS-Pharmacy Tech (2.0) Registered Dental Assistant Practicum in HS-RDA (2.0)

23 Arts and Humanities Social Studies Foreign Languages Fine Arts
Five Social Studies credits or Foreign Languages Four Levels of the same language other than English or Two levels of the same language other than English and two levels of a different language other than English or Fine Arts Four credits from one or two disciplines of fine arts

24 Multidisciplinary Studies
Four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education or Four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and chemistry and/or physics or Four credits in Advanced Placement or dual credit selected from English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Economics, Other Languages, or Fine Arts

25 Typical 9th Grade Schedule
English I Math (Algebra I, Geometry) Science (Biology) Social Studies (World Geography) PE or PE Substitution course Graduation Requirement or Elective

26 PAP Frequent Questions
Who can take PAP classes? Classes are open enrollment; however, student, parent, counselor, and current subject teacher input is imperative. What if a student is struggling in a PAP class? A student may choose to exit a PAP course: a. After the 3rd week of school b. At the end of the first six weeks c. At the end of the semester Is there any limit to the number of PAP courses one can take? No but must consider the student’s needs and overall course load.

27 PAP classes? Please consider these guidelines.
PAP classes are demanding. Must be self-motivated and an independent worker. Must be willing to spend hours out of class completing research, projects and supplemental reading. Must have good study skills and time management (use a planner and keep up with long-term projects).

28 STAAR End-of-Course exams (EOC) will be given in the following core subjects at the end of the school year during which students are enrolled in each course: English I (Grade 9) English II (Grade 10) US History (Grade 11) Biology (Grade 9) Algebra I

29 English English I (Regular or PAP)

30 Social Studies World Geography (Regular or PAP)

31 Science Biology I (Regular or PAP) Chemistry PAP

32 Math Algebra I (Regular or PAP) Geometry PAP Algebra II PAP

33 Other Languages Spanish French German

34 Guidelines for UIL Athletic Participation
Athletics or P.E. Guidelines for UIL Athletic Participation Live within TISD boundaries and be registered at Tomball Memorial High School. Must have physical completed on UIL form – TISD physicals will be held Spring 2017. $20.00 fee for transportation and security

35 Athletics All 9th grade athletes (B & G) will sign up for the appropriate Athletic Class if they intend to participate All participants MUST have a physical before participation. TISD provides a date in the spring for ALL athletes in the district to get a physical on our campus at a very discounted rate. All students intending to participate in the Athletic Trainer’s program must meet with our certified Athletic Trainers and get approval and class period of assignment. Direct all questions and inquiries to TMHS Athletics Office – – ext. 1190

36 Athletics Football Volleyball Cross Country Basketball Track Soccer
Golf Volleyball Basketball Soccer Tennis Swimming Softball Baseball

37 Health Health or Principles of Health Science Required for graduation
0.5 credit May take any year in high school

38 Speech/ Professional Communications
Communication Applications Debate 1 Professional Communications

39 Fine Arts Electives Art Band Choir Dance Orchestra Theater
Technical Theater

40 English/Journalism Electives
Debate 1 Journalism Photojournalism (1/2 credit)

41 Career & Technology Electives
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Business/Finance/Marketing Computer Science Culinary Arts Education & Training/Human Services Health Science/HOSA Information Technology PLTW Engineering ROTC

42 TMHS Registration TMHS Counselors will be at WWJH on Jan. 31.
Students make adjustments to their four core classes as necessary. Students will select three electives along with two alternates. Students will bring home a verification sheet on Feb. 6th and can make changes as necessary. Consult with current teachers and counselor for recommendations or questions.




46 No changes will be accepted after 3:00pm.
Don’t overload 9th grade schedule Consider extra curricular activities when selecting classes Talk to your current teachers and counselor Schedule change deadline: February 16, 2017 No changes will be accepted after 3:00pm.

47 DON'T FORGET... NO Schedule Changes After February 16, 2017


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