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Literacy Focus 3 Top connectives!.

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1 Literacy Focus 3 Top connectives!

2 What are connectives? Connectives are words that are used to extend a sentence, or include more detail and information. 3 connectives we often use are ‘however’, ‘and’ and ‘but.

3 For example… The sentences below are very list-like… On Tuesday I went swimming. I don’t usually like swimming. I enjoyed it on Tuesday. The water was warm. All of my friends were there. It’s normally really expensive.We were allowed in to the pool for free!

4 For example… …So we add connectives to extend some of the sentences. This gives the writing more structure and detail. On Tuesday I went swimming. I don’t usually like swimming, but I enjoyed it on Tuesday. The water was warm and all of my friends were there. It’s normally really expensive; however, we were allowed in to the pool for free!

5 Some things to remember… When using ‘however’ as a connective to join two separate sentences, always use a semi-colon before it and a comma after it. E.g … It’s normally really expensive however we were allowed in to the pool for free! …needs structure so it becomes… It’s normally really expensive; however, we were allowed in to the pool for free!

6 Some things to remember… When using ‘but’ as a connective, always use a comma before it. E.g … Mum is Scottish but Dad is English. …becomes… Mum is Scottish, but Dad is English.

7 Some things to remember… When using ‘and’ as a connective, you don’t need a comma before it. E.g … I ended up scoffing all of the cakes and six biscuits! …is fine!…

8 Have a go… Look at this piece of text. Add 2 connectives
Have a go… Look at this piece of text. Add 2 connectives. Correct the connective in the last sentence. My favourite food is spaghetti. My brother likes baked beans. Dinner time is tricky for Mum because she has to cook one thing for me. She has to cook something different for my brother. I’ve said I don’t mind trying new foods however my brother is just not willing to change!

9 Have a go… Look at this piece of text. Add 2 connectives
Have a go… Look at this piece of text. Add 2 connectives. Correct the connective in the last sentence. My favourite food is spaghetti, but My brother likes baked beans. Dinner time is tricky for Mum because she has to cook one thing for me and she has to cook something different for my brother. I’ve said I don’t mind trying new foods; however, my brother is just not willing to change!

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