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Kroger Commissary – “a Day in the Life”

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Presentation on theme: "Kroger Commissary – “a Day in the Life”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kroger Commissary – “a Day in the Life”
RecipeManager© Demonstration Kroger Commissary – “a Day in the Life” Vydata Systems User Training and Demonstrations October 2011 Recipe Manager Presentation

2 Who we are… Today’s Presenters… Kevin Rawls Mike Alexander
We are providers of technology solutions, based in United States but sell in over 20 countries! Today’s Presenters… Kevin Rawls Technology/R&D Director Mike Alexander Global Marketing Director (Toll Free) (Office) (Fax) Corporate Headquarters 9151 Interline Ave. Baton Rouge, LA United States of America

3 Today’s Agenda - Overview
“a Day in the Life” Basic introduction to Recipe Manager Enterprise General System Overview Inventory Introduction Inventory Consolidation Identification of Low Stock (raw materials) Reordering Stock: Vendor Purchase Orders (PO’s) Summary from Inventory to Receiving

4 Today’s Agenda – Overview (Part 2)
“a Day in the Life” Store Orders – Automatic Importing and Viewing Store Orders – Creating a daily Production Schedule Store Orders – Checking raw Stock Levels to ensure we can produce – the Pre-Prep Check Process Store Orders – Order Modifications? Store Orders – Produce & Reconcile – enter “actual” production and waste Store Orders – Shipments to Stores Q&A and Overview of Other Common Tasks

5 Introduction to Recipe Manager…
What is Recipe Manager? Recipe Manager is an application designed for total food data management. It is designed to track detailed information at all product levels from individual ingredients to final production. It can be utilized to track detailed product cost, nutrition, inventory levels, vendor purchases, sales orders, product packaging/shipments, menu design, and to control production levels. Manage your operation with precision with Recipe Manager. Product Web Site :

6 Introduction (Summary)…

7 Finding the data you need… quickly!
System Overview Finding the data you need… quickly! The Desktop: explanation and breakdown of screen layouts

8 System Menu Bar Windows-Explorer based UI (User Interface) throughout the System Simple access to Help, Tools, File Groups Access to System “Lists” for Customizations

9 System ToolBar Access to system modules Recipe List Inventory List
Menus (MenuWriter Module) Reports (Generation or Customization) Tutorials Exiting (Shutting Down)

10 Inventory Desktop Starting with your inventory…
NOTE: We need to focus on INVENTORY after entering lists (prior to creating any recipes or menus)

11 Inventory Toolbar Functions
Inventory Desktop Inventory Toolbar Functions Record Count Box Count Button NEW Inventory Item Button OPEN Selected Inventory Item Button DUPLICATE Selected Inventory Item Button DELETE Selected Inventory Item(s) Button Quick Search Box (Search Displayed List)

12 Inventory Desktop Search Capabilities Search within list quickly
Click field to search Enter goes to next record Search within database using the “Custom Search” Pull from entire database Use custom queries

13 Inventory Desktop Search Capabilities Search within database
Floating search bar Search on anything Use operands >, <, =, <> Like, Includes, Not Like, etc. Use wildcards Asterisks (*) Percents (%)

14 Inventory Desktop Tree View Custom Reports

15 Inventory Desktop List View
Displays the records or rows of selected inventory

16 Inventory Desktop Inventory list based on … Stocked Unstocked/Inactive

17 Important Right-Click Menu
Inventory Desktop Important Right-Click Menu Handles your most common tasks New, Open, Duplicate, Print Some specialized tasks Add / Move to different categories or locations Resync, Analyze, Count Quick Order Stock (PO) Quick way to do actions on a selection of records / rows

18 Inventory Consolidation
Counting Inventory PROCESS: Run the “Physical Inventory Worksheet”, count, then enter data for consolidation.

19 Inventory Consolidation
Evaluating: Overages and Shortages

20 Finding low stock levels
Inventory Low Stock Finding low stock levels PROCESS: Simply select “ALL Low Stock Items” to show the list. Reports can then be printed.

21 Vendor PO’s Ordering low stock
PROCESS: From low stock list, simply right-click and select ORDER STOCK.

22 Vendor PO’s Once a PO is created, it can be received later to replenish stock levels

23 Vendor PO’s and Inventory Control
Summary: Important System Stock Level Markers PAR Level – the “re-order” point (defines when stock is considered “low”) MIN Quantity – the minimum order quantity allowed from vendor MAX Quantity – the maximum order quantity allowed from vendor NOTE: The MIN Quantity and PAR can be adjusted based on order delivery time to ensure stock is filled to the required levels

24 Access Orders from FILE Menu
Orders (from Stores) Access Orders from FILE Menu

25 Orders: Automated Importing
Orders are automatically pulled into the system PROCESS: Recipe Manager pulls order files directly from its ‘Auto-Import’ path.

26 Fill the orders for a specific day
Orders: Production Fill the orders for a specific day Search first (show orders for day) Click PREPARE (creates production schedule) Do a Pre-Prep Check Reconcile Production PROCESS: The PREPARE button will create the Production Schedule for the orders listed.

27 Orders: Production Schedule
Do a Pre-Prep Check First, before you PREP!

28 Orders: Production Analysis
We can now determine exactly what we need to produce, purchase, etc. to fill all orders! PROCESS: Items in white are fine. Items in red are low. However, production can still take place. NOTE: Print custom reports from here – Grocery List, Product Production sheet, etc.

29 Order Modifications Automatically Adjust Production Schedules
Orders Changes Order Modifications Automatically Adjust Production Schedules Search first Open Order The system knows the assigned batch Make your modifications Click SAVE The system will prompt you that it is making adjustments to “re-batch” if necessary NOTE: Reprint necessary reports including production sheets when orders change

30 Orders: Produce & Reconcile
A Production “RUN” Creates the Products Ordered and Deducts Raw Materials from Stock NOTE: If “Actual” production deviates from the “Plan” or “Waste” occurs… enter it here

31 Shipment to Stores – Picking Documents
Orders: Final Step Shipment to Stores – Picking Documents Search first Print Order Packing List or Other Required Paperwork Click SHIP ORDER

32 Orders: Final Step Shipment to Stores
NOTE: LOT numbers, actual shipping quantities (if different) and order shipping details are shown here

33 All Order/Shipping Reports can be generated from Orders List
Orders: Reports All Order/Shipping Reports can be generated from Orders List

34 Orders: Reports Excel Bill of Lading

35 Packaging, Nutritional Labels, etc.
Orders: Reports Packaging, Nutritional Labels, etc.

36 Order-Production-Shipment
Summary: Understanding the Process 1. “PREPARE” Button (Creates Production Schedule) 2. Check your Stock Levels Produce Products (assigns daily production to a unique batch number) 4. Reconcile Production (make product and adjust actual verses schedule based on waste) 5. Fill orders and ship (Picking documents are printed, shippers pull what is available to ship out of what was produced) From SCOPE System NOTE: LOT numbers entered at time of production will tie all shipped products back to production!

37 Q&A? This Concludes the “Day in the Life” Walk-Through…
The following slides cover Recipes and other common daily tasks in the system There are some suggested Workshops to help you learn the system

38 Recipe Desktop

39 Recipe Toolbar Functions
Recipe Desktop Recipe Toolbar Functions Record Count Box Add / Remove from “Items in Recipe” Search Button NEW Recipe Button OPEN Selected Recipe Button DUPLICATE Selected Recipe Button DELETE Selected Recipe(s) Button Quick Search Box (Search Displayed List)

40 Recipe Desktop Search Capabilities Search within list quickly
Click field to search Enter goes to next record Search within database using the “Custom Search” Pull from entire database Use custom queries

41 Recipe Desktop Search Capabilities
Same custom database search capabilities discussed earlier in Inventory area

42 Recipe Desktop Tree View Custom Reports

43 Recipe Desktop List View

44 Recipe Desktop Recipe lists are based on … Active Inactive All

45 Important Right-Click Menu
Recipe Desktop Important Right-Click Menu Handles your most common tasks New, Open, Duplicate, Print Some specialized tasks Add / Move to different categories or locations Filter List to Selected Items Quick way to do actions on a selection of records / rows

46 MenuWriter Module The Master Menu Production Menus
Has 2 Primary Functions The Master Menu Production Menus Production of Meal Plans Production Scheduling Waste Sheets Virtual movement of inventory from ingredient to meal Building process for Purchase Orders Final Product Menu Recipe cost changes based on Inventory price changes Analysis of those changes

47 MenuWriter Module The Master Menu

48 MenuWriter Module The Production Menu

49 Configuration of Lists
“Lists” are defined as records needed for basic system operation. They should be entered first. Vendor Information Categories and Locations Units of Measure Recipe Tools/Containers Nutrition Elements

50 Vendor Information Setup
Access the Vendor List from the File-Open-Vendors Menu…

51 Vendor Information Setup
The vendor list includes a toolbar to the right side… ADD EDIT REMOVE ORDERS EXIT

52 Vendor Information Setup
Adding a NEW vendor… Try to enter as much detail as you can… better for reporting!

53 Vendor Information Setup
Special Vendor Tools located on first tab… Excel Price Sheet Purchase Order History Note: Full training on Days 2 &4

54 Vendor Information Setup
Custom Vendor Price Sheets in Microsoft Excel… Import price updates directly from Vendors

55 Vendor Information Setup
Purchase Order History for a Vendor… See all open, back-ordered, or received items for a specific vendor

56 Categories Recipes and Inventory both follow the same setup process…

57 Categories Open the Categories list for both recipes and inventory under the File-Open-Categories menu…

58 Categories Make sure you are in the correct category list…
Recipe Categories (Left Tab)

59 Categories Inventory Categories (Right Tab)

60 Categories Entering New Categories… Assign Name Sub-Categories

61 Categories Sub-Categories… ADD EDIT REMOVE EXIT

62 Locations Locations are more important for Inventory tracking
Recipes and Inventory follow the same setup process… Locations are more important for Inventory tracking

63 Locations Access the Locations List from File-Open-Locations…

64 Locations Add/Edit/Remove Setup Sub-Locations Exit

65 Units of Measure Access the Units List from File-Open-Units…

66 Units of Measure This screen holds both standard
and non-standard units of measure for use throughout the system. Definitions to standard units are given by formulas in the Universal Conversions. Definitions to Non-standard units are given in the conversions tab of the Ingredient Item.

67 Units of Measure Universal Conversions – the internal conversion formulas for U.S Standard, Imperial, and Metric. These formulas should not be adjusted.

68 Universal Conversions
Units of Measure Universal Conversions SETUP Types button opens the screen to configure additional units with formulas such as Canadian, Japanese etc…

69 Nutrition Elements Access this List from File-Open-Nutrition Elements… This list controls the “Nutrition Facts” details for all recipes and ingredients

70 Nutrition Elements This list is automatically updated with the USDA Nutrition download Setup your nutrition label here and click “Preview” to view it

71 Nutrition Elements Double-click to open an element for editing
Part A: Adding/Editing/Removing… Double-click to open an element for editing NOTE: Define where this element is on the “Nutrition Facts” label (see next page) in the “Display on Label” section after opening an element.

72 Nutrition Elements Double-click to open an element for editing
Part B: Defining the Nutrition Label… Double-click to open an element for editing

73 Workshop Suggestions for your Workshop…
Maneuver through all system areas Get used to where things are located Add/delete/edit some lists Change your Nutrition Facts label Add or remove an element Replace one element on the label with another

74 Inventory The importance of the “inventory” side of data and how Recipe Manager tracks it… Inventory is tracked at the moment it is USED to make product Accurate WASTE is tracked by the kitchen, not by sales Purchases are pulled (interfaced) from a PO System Sales from a POS Interface can be used to forecast the amount to prepare on a daily basis Production planning for future to see what you need to order today Allow the POS to do what it does best – Track Sales! Allow Recipe Manager to control production levels of product!

75 Inventory How does this work? Each recipe item… Is an inventory item
Can be used in a recipe Can be a recipe itself Can be marked for sale Note: it is important to properly set up your inventory Categories, Locations , and Physical Units (the “Lists”)

76 Double-click to open an item
Inventory The tree view holds important sub-sets of list data Note: watch for FLAGS (small red check-boxes) – these indicate problems with your inventory items (low stock, high cost, etc.) Double-click to open an item

77 Inventory Important Areas of the Inventory Item Screen… The Toolbar
Item Name The Category, Locations, Units area

78 Inventory The Inventory Item Screen Toolbar…

79 Inventory The Inventory Item Screen Options…

80 Inventory The Inventory Item Screen Name / Cost Area…

81 Inventory The Inventory Item Screen Categorization Area…

82 Inventory Adding / Changing Inventory Categories…
Click the ellipse (…) button

83 Inventory The List Add/Remove Screen…

84 Inventory The “General Tab”… The Toolbar Item Name
The Category, Locations, Units area General Tab Inventory Costing Method FLAGS

85 Inventory The “General Tab” Details…

86 Inventory The “General Tab” Details…

87 Inventory The Other Tabs on the Inventory Item Screen… General
Conversions Purchases Quantity Nutrition Picture Attachments Custom

88 Inventory A Good Process… Start with the Purchase Tab
Layout and Functions Cost as to Physical Units Waste and Dissimilate Sheet Don’t get over-whelmed with data! Take one step at a time and keep it simple.

89 Inventory Purchases Tab…

90 Inventory Purchases Tab (Detail)…

91 Inventory Purchases Tab (Detail Continued)…

92 Inventory Purchases Tab and Waste…

93 Inventory Dissimilate Quantity…

94 Inventory Unit Conversions
NOTE: Standard units are already defined in Universal Conversions (Elements List) – however all non-standard units must be defined in the item Some good on-line references…

95 Inventory Conversions Tab…
NOTE: Conversions are based on your recipes and how you use quantities verses how you receive your goods. Cases, packages, containers, etc will be described as example 1 case = 36 lbs (see image).

96 Inventory Conversions Tab…

97 Inventory Conversions Tab Note…
If your recipes will have volume (gallons, cups, tablespoons, etc.) and counts (each) you will need to add volume/count conversions based on yields of individual items per case/pound (see next slide). That is where the reference pages in previous slides comes into Play.

98 Inventory

99 Inventory

100 Inventory The Nutrition Tab…

101 Inventory The Nutrition Tab (Continued)…

102 Inventory The Nutrition Tab’s Import from USDA…

103 Inventory The USDA side…

104 Inventory The USDA side (Continued)…

105 Inventory The USDA Import to the Item in Recipe Manager is done…

106 Inventory The Pictures / Attachments Tab… Picture / Attachments Area…
Change / Clear / Edit Pictures ADD / REMOVE Attachments for item NOTE: Pictures can be used to provide a nice visual of the product / item. NOTE: Attachments are great for storing important files within an inventory record, such as videos, Excel spreadsheets of data, documents, or even additional pictures.

107 Inventory The Custom Tab… Custom Fields Area…
List of all Custom Fields designated in ‘Setup Database Fields’ off of the main ‘File’ menu NOTE: Actual screen may vary. The above example only has 2 custom fields, but you can have up to 10. They can be any field type you want and can be selected for display on the main screen for sorting/searching.

108 Workshop Suggestions for your EOD Workshop…
Maneuver through the inventory list areas Perform inventory searches Add/delete/edit some inventory Add purchases, conversions, etc. Add a picture or attachment to your inventory item Add a new custom field and store some data

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