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Lowest Level Reading Placement Policy

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1 Lowest Level Reading Placement Policy
2016 February

2 Team Members Vikki Cooper Sophia Ward Brewer Jan Chapman Shanna Goff
Andrea Hayes Domingo Hernandez-Gomez Sandra Lancaster Tari Mattox Christina McElwee Sheryl York

3 Issue There continues to be a downward trend in success rates for our lowest level developmental students. Students who take the Accuplacer Reading Assessment and score below our lowest level developmental courses are enrolling in courses and are not prepared to succeed.

4 Explanation of Fall Data
Sixty-seven prospective students applied to GRCC and scored at or below 32 on the Accuplacer Reading Assessment Forty-three (64%) of these students did not enroll 70% of these students are students of color

5 Issues for AGC to Consider:
We would like to seek an academic policy that will support our lower level readers. Consider this policy: Students reading at the 7th grade level or below will be required to undergo remediation at GRCC prior to enrolling in credit classes. Applicants with documented reading disabilities are encouraged to request testing accommodations to ensure accurate placement.

6 Possible Solutions Create an Indicator for Secondary Assessment for this group of students. A reading level below 7th grade equivalency triggers multiple measures. Students will be referred to the College Success Center where the secondary assessment will be administered in order to confirm reading level. Success Coaches may present additional options such as potential job training programs and community resources After a period of remediation students may re-take the placement test and possibly place into developmental courses. Pending approval of the policy, the implementation team will consider these and other possible solutions to ensure our students are prepared to learn.

7 Please discuss the following Questions:
Table Discussion Please discuss the following Questions: How can we be equitable and inclusive in implementing this type of policy? What are possible barriers that may occur with the implementation of this policy? What concerns do you have?

8 Next Steps: Present this information to your department.
Contact Vikki Cooper with clarifications, concerns or questions.

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