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The Cold War Era Chapter 27 Vocabulary.

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1 The Cold War Era Chapter 27 Vocabulary

2 Iron Curtain An imaginary barrier separating the Soviets and the communist East from western Europe.

3 Containment The policy of preventing the spread of communism.

4 Airlift The transportation of food and supplies into Berlin by aircraft.

5 Lt. Gail Halvorsen, the “Candy Bomber”
During the “Berlin Airlift” American C-54 pilot Lt. Gail Halvorsen flew food and supplies into Berlin during the airlift of He loved children and wanted to do something special for them. He thought up an operation that he called "Little Vittles." He bought candy at local stores and dropped it with tiny parachutes that he made by hand. His Air Force buddies donated their rations of candy and gum and their handkerchiefs to make the parachutes.

6 Cold War A struggle over political differences between nations that does not involve physical fighting.

7 Inflation A continuous rise in the price of goods and services.

8 Stalemate A situation during a conflict where both sides are at a standstill.

9 Closed Shop A work place in which the employer by agreement hires only union members.

10 Demilitarized Zone A region where no military forces or weapons are permitted.

11 Subversion An attempt to overthrow a government by persons working secretly from within. Was a Communist for the FBI was an American espionage thriller radio series with 78 episodes in The series was crafted to warn people about the threat of Communist subversion of American society. The tone of the show is very ultra-patriotic. Communists are evil incarnate and the FBI can do no wrong. As a relic of the Joe McCarthy era, this show is a time capsule of American society during the Second Red Scare.

12 Perjury Lying when one has sworn an oath to tell the truth.

13 Blacklists List of persons who are suspected of being communist or communist sympathizers.

14 Alleged State as a fact but without proof.
Alleged mob associate from Staten Island

15 Censure To express formal disapproval of some action.
Senate Resolution 301: Censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1954) On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to censure Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had led the fight in Congress to root out suspected Communists from the Federal Government. The censure described his behavior as "contrary to senatorial traditions."

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