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Ethics or Ethical law, what comes first?

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1 Ethics or Ethical law, what comes first?
Ethics in Business Ethics or Ethical law, what comes first? By Amar Ratnakar Naik

2 Business Men I Need

3 Based on one’s widest and highly-variable personal feelings
Based on building one’s character via virtue Based on the adoption of universal rules based on a supposedly defined “good” and on the supposedly-knowable and widest

4 Business + Ethics Study and examination of moral and social responsibility in relation to business practice and decision making in business is known as “Business Ethics”. Business system as a subsystem to the social system should promote ethics for improving health and wealth of the society consistently.

5 Why Business Ethics is important?
To Avoid Scandals To Address International business Intellectual property, knowledge and skills Human resource management

6 Ethics or Ethical Law? Ethics are always there. We apply and wear ethics in terms of our thinking, motivation and actions. But occasionally, when doing a job, Ethics too get uncomfortable; or rather perhaps we get uncomfortable with Ethics. Law is meant to be abided by people. But a law will be abided by a person when he believes in it. So a law cannot be abided unless we have some basic moral values. Lawyer in a court takes a stance in a court based on the side he takes. Very few take ethical stances. Law is made to protect innocent but lawyers play with it . The right thing is more often than not that which is the law, i.e. legal. But if the law is not just, then the right thing is that which is honest, open, and fair. Keep your word, no matter the consequences. Tell the truth, whether or not under oath. Treat everyone alike, regardless of station, gender, religion because we are human beings. All are equal in their humanness, and their humanness gives them the right to be treated with respect and dignity.

7 Ethics or Ethical Law? A good system of law does incorporate ethical standards, but law can deviate from what is ethical. Law can become ethically corrupt, as some totalitarian regimes have made it. Law can be a function of power alone and designed to serve the interests of narrow groups. Law may have a difficult time designing or enforcing standards in some important areas, and may be slow to address new problems. Being ethical is not the same as doing "whatever society accepts." In any society, most people accept standards that are, in fact, ethical. But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Nazi Germany is a good example of a morally corrupt society

8 Ethics in Industry - Present
Driven by the consequences of the lack of ethics or the failure to resort to time tested ethical standards, a multiplicity of scandals has arisen in both the private and public sector institutions. The public and civil society are demanding that governments, corporations and global institutions clean up their acts. They insist that the latter consider the impact of their actions and decisions on all stakeholders, not just owners or those in positions of power and influence. Businesses today are developing real and perhaps unique ethics and ethical practices are applicable specifically to business. Many words have been written and spoken about Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Global Governance. They’re here to stay.

9 Ethics in Industry - Roadblocks
Corruption in Governments is rampant. It takes at least two to play the corruption game – the receiver – the government servant/politician and - the payer – that’s the business person. Limited natural resources. Civil society is growing in organization, professionalism. Members influence and impact on the decisions of government, businesses and communities. One of their tenets is that business is party to a social contract which requires the private sector not only to act according to what is legal, but also to what is ethical.

10 Business Ethics National Index
Economic Growth Model Environment People Economic Growth Culture Livelihood Business Ethics National Index

11 Business Ethics National Index
Economic Growth Model Business Ethics National Index Establish a Global Standard for all countries. Measure it on a scale of 1-10 for the following Parameters: Academia Business Social or ethical investment Business ethics organizations Government activity Social activist groups Media coverage Decide based on the rating how to do business in any country. Higher the rating better the country for business.

12 Economic Growth Model Environment People
Harm to flora and fauna should be limited Efficient utilization of resources People Do not exploit Check out the expectations of localities and their opinions Setup appropriate compensation and grievance handling mechanism Remove the hierarchical interactions and involve directly

13 Economic Growth Model Culture
Understand the local culture and their beliefs Livelihood Ensure appropriate livelihood for affected individuals

14 India Advantage- Tradition
There is a long standing tradition of respect for the family, for elders, for social, educational, family and community networks, with high value placed on relationships, social stability and education. Various religions with differing value systems (such as Christians, Islam, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains), thanks to their vast numbers of moderate adherents, co-exist in harmony, most of the time, throughout the Asian continent. There is a pervasive atmosphere of private giving to the poor and to the communities in furnishing social safety nets outside of governments.

Incredible India Where will you invest? In a industry with Consistent growth with exemplary ethical history. High profitable firm but which is largely non transparent and no clear ethical rules." I + YOU = ALL  INDIA GROWTH


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