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Lucio Rossi (CERN) WP10 coordinator

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1 Lucio Rossi (CERN) WP10 coordinator
Future Magnets WP10 Lucio Rossi (CERN) WP10 coordinator

2 WP10 structure Task 10.1: Coordination & communication
(L. Rossi – CERN / P. Fazilleau – CEA Saclay) Task 10.2: Conductors (L. Bottura – CERN / C. Senatore– UniGeneva) Task 10.3: Magnet prototype (M. Durante– CEA Saclay / G. Kirby– CERN) Task 10.4: Tests (stand-alone configuration) ( F. Broggi – INFN LASA / M. Bajko– CERN) (Task 10.5: test as insert of background field has been removed from Eucard2 program but is still active for after Eucard2) Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

3 WP10 : beneficiaries BHTS: A. Usoskin
CEA: M Durante, Ph. Fazilleau, C. Lorin, C. Pes, F. Borgnolutti CERN: A. Ballarino, M. Bajko, L. Bottura, J. Fleiter, G. Kirby, J. Murtomaki, J. van Nugteren, L. Rossi DTI: N. Zangenberg INFN: G. Volpini - F. Broggi INPG: A. Badel, P. Tixador KIT: W. Goldacker, A. Kario SOTON: Y. Yang TUT: E. Härö, T. Salmi, A. Stenvall UniGE: C. Senatore UT: M. Dhallé Industry USA and JP labs associate: NHMFL (Florida) BNL, LBNL, FNAL KEK & Univ. Kyoto Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

4 Done: FM0-4 To be done! FM2 and Cos
WP10 main scopes Develop a 10 kA-class cable in HTS (High Temperature Superconductor) suitable for accelerator (collider) magnets, Large current to reduce magnet protection issues, Cable properties suitable for accelerator (AC losses, coupling/persistent currents, mechanical behavior…) Uniformity of properties over long lengths Design, Manufacture and test a first accelerator quality, small prototype, dipole Bore diameter 40 mm Outside diameter, 99 mm to be inserted in Fresca2 Length > 400 mm Field 5 T, good geometric homogeneity ( 10-4) stand-alone Field > 15 T in a HF magnet (Fresca2) – Outside EuCARD2 Done: FM0-4 To be done! FM2 and Cos Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

5 Design: baseline lay-out
Aligned block design Structure and coil design using so named “fat” cable Structure and coil design using so named “skinny” cable Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

6 Alternative design: Cos-θ
Two coil designs based on fat (A) and skinny (B) cables Cos-θ A : 1.2 mm + 2x100µm insulation, 14 turns Cos-θ B : 1.0 mm + 2x125µm insulation, 17 turns Layout Unit Cosϑ A Cosϑ B Iop kA 11.68 10.06 Bop T 5 Bpeak 5.7 5.8 Ic 14.4 15.2 LL margin (%) 20 34 T margin K 30 Layout Unit Cosϑ A Cosϑ B Sd. inductance mH/m 0.49 0.73 coil inner radius mm 22 24 yoke inner raidus 50 yoke outer raidus 112 110 Nb. of turns - 14 17 Unit len. of cond. m 20 Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

7 MS and Deliverables: one only is left!
We must start test the magnet at the end of March 2017 at latest! Magnet delivered by March!!! Tests at INFN Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

8 WAMHTS-4 Date: 15-17 February (Wednesday afternoon to Friday)
Place: Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, Barcelona (Prof. X. Obradors) In conjuction with Eurotapes last meeting Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

9 Conclusions Eucard2 Glasgow last Eucard2 Colabroation meeting
Report form WP10 Topical talk on FM-0.4 test resuot by H. Bajas No special event for WP10 Some work for the Periodic report and for the Final report. Mainly concerned Philippe, myself and task leaders. Burn resources!!! Coordination for publishing results (CA is binding on all results also after Eucard2). MT25 & Eucas2017 Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

10 ARIES 300 kEuro for BHTS 100 kE for U.Twente 100 KE for U. Geneva
The large collaboration will continue on a more informal way (with a few Institutes we will have bilateral agreement, like CEA, KIT…) and with WAMHTS series. Lucio EuCARD² - WP10 meeting CERN 7 Feb 2017

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