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Chapter 20 Notes, part III pH and [H+].

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1 Chapter 20 Notes, part III pH and [H+]

2 Hydrogen and hydroxide in H2O
Working with the Arrhenius acid definition, we say that acids are: HX a H+ + X- And that a base would be: XOH a X+ and OH-

3 Hydrogen and hydroxide in H2O
Water, being made up of both H+ and OH- can dissociate giving us the formula: H2O a H+ + OH- But it only does once out of every 500,000,000 molecules!

4 Hydrogen and hydroxide in H2O
We can measure how much H+ and OH- there is in regular water. [H+]=1x10-7M and [OH-]=1x10-7M From this information, we can get a dissociation constant for water.

5 Hydrogen and hydroxide in H2O
Kw=[H+]x[OH-] Kw=(1.0x10-7M)x(1.0x10-7M) Kw= 1x10-14

6 Acids, Bases and Concentration
Even if a solution is acidic or basic, [H+][OH-] = 1x10-14 Like a see-saw, raising or lowering the amount of H+ will change the amount of OH-.

7 The pH Scale The pH scale is a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. It measures the concentration of H+ (pH stands for “potential hydrogen”) with the formula: pH = -log[H+]

8 The pH Scale Water has a pH of 7.0, which is neutral.
Less than 7.0 is acidic (the closer to zero the stronger the acid). More than 7.0 is basic (the closer to 14 the stronger the base).

9 The pH Scale Another way to look at it is the concentration of hydrogen in a solution is 1x10-xM. X is the pH.

10 The pOH Scale The pOH scale measures the hydroxide ion concentration.
Because Kw=[H+][OH-]=1x10-14, 14=pH + pOH Given this, you can solve for pH, pOH and [OH-] given just [H+].

11 How to measure pH Indicators-chemical dyes used to determine pH of substances Cheap, but only precise at specific temperatures and have limited range pH meter-device that uses two electrodes to measure pH

12 Practice Problem #1 What is the pH of a solution where [H+] = 1.0x10-3M?

13 Practice Problem #2 What is the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution with a pH of 9.6?

14 Practice Problem #3 What is the pOH of a solution with a pH of 6.2?

15 Practice Problem #4 What is the pOH of a solution with a [H+]=2.9x10-11M?

16 Practice Problem #5 Find [OH-], pH and pOH of a solution where [H+]=7.2x10-2M.

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