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Physician Recruitment through

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1 Physician Recruitment through

2 What is


4 Why did ASHNHA acquire it?
How did the site start? FMH started working collaboratively in their community with clinics and private practice physicians They found success stories around the country such as “The Maine Recruitment Center” which convinced them that offering a central site is convenient for inquiring physicians and that the collaborative approach makes sense strategically for building an online presence. Why did ASHNHA acquire it? Members said they received valuable leads from the site and did not want to lose the service Site receives over 5,000 visits per month, 200 inquires via forms since April 2012 Opportunity to expand partnerships statewide through ASHNHA’s already established networks Fits well with workforce committee objectives and our partnerships on statewide workforce initiatives

5 How does it work now? We are operating on a trial bases until the sustainability plan is complete. The process is simple: ASHNHA members can send physician and mid-level job openings to ASHNHA by ing Applicants complete an online form, or call expressing interest ASHNHA forwards potential candidates to facilities based on their specialty and geographic preference. At this time, minimal screening is being done with applicants’ CVs.

6 What’s the value to Candidates?
Saves time. One Site: Many convenient career options for candidates Offers a statewide selection of Alaska Physician Jobs Central promotion of Alaska and information about what it’s like to live and work in both rural and urban settings Puts them in touch with local staff recruiters who live and work here

7 What’s the value to ASHNHA Members?
Provides Alaska hospitals, clinics & private practices a centralized, efficient recruitment tool Enhances local recruiting efforts – does not replace Builds a network of recruiters who can share ideas around similar goals Creates a professional yet cost effective online presence to market Alaskan healthcare Broader & more consistent state branded campaigns Cost efficient web presence & multi media marketing Provides our member facilities access to the best physicians

8 Additional Value – print ads

9 Next Steps Complete ASHNHA staff training
Build Relationships with ASHNHA member recruitment staff Build out facility pages 2014 trial year for statewide posting and participation Determine success metrics and adjust workflow to track Address key recruitment and retention issues Brainstorm sustainable business models & financing Finalize a long range plan during 2014 including sustainability and marketing plans – present to EC in May 2014 Explore recruitment for other hard-to-fill positions: RN, PT, Pharmacy, etc.

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