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Suicide Prevention November 2011

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1 Suicide Prevention November 2011

2 Objectives/Purpose The Participants will be able to:
identify some suicidal characteristics; employ primary steps to take when they encounter someone who is suicidal; and devise a way to share this information with their 1st hour class.

3 Elements of Suicide Preventions
Right Click PSA and press open hyperlink to watch a short Video . (A short advertisement will appear first then a short PSA about suicide will begin.)  Jot down some of the characteristics of a person having suicidal thoughts.  

4 Characteristics of Suicide
Click the following website to find some additional characteristics of suicide.   (Place your mouse over hyperlink below; Right click then click Open Hyperlink) What are two characteristics you find significant or surprising?

5 Demographics The method most commonly used by females to attempt suicide is pills. Females attempt suicide more often than males, but males complete suicide more often. The most lethal method used to complete suicide is the use of firearms. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for ages 10-19 Suicide is the only cause of death to increase for year-olds in recent years Suicide rates increase slightly during the spring

6 2007 Suicidal Rates Age Group Number of Suicides Population Rate 5-14
184 40,128,842 0.5 15-24 4,140 42,407,421 9.7 25-34 5,278 40,401,199 13.0 35-44 6,722 43,082,460 15.6 45-54 7,778 43,871,845 17.7 55-64 5,069 32,725,938 15.5 65-74 2,444 19,369,726 12.6 75-84 2,119 13,057,435 16.3 85+ 858 5,515,250 Unknown 6 Total 34,598 280,560,116 11.5

7 Who is most at risk? Psycho/Social Mental or anxiety disorders
Alcohol or drug abuse Hopelessness Aggressive tendencies History of trauma or abuse Major physical illnesses Previous suicide attempt Family history of suicide

8 Who is most at risk? continued
Environmental Family job or financial loss Relational or social loss Easy access to lethal means Local suicides that have contagious influence

9 Who is most at risk? continued
Cultural Lack of social support Barriers to accessing health care and treatment Media exposure to others who have committed suicide

10 Do’s Try to approach the student in a calm and caring way
Accept him/her even though you don’t accept the behavior Let the student know how much you care about him/her Understand that this is his/her way of coping with the pain that he/she feels inside Refer the student to your school counselor Offer to go with that student to see the professional helper Listen!  Allow the student to talk to you.  Be available. Discover what the student’s personal strengths are and encourage him/her to use those strengths Help him/her get involved in some area of interest, a club, sport, peer program, outreach program, volunteer at a local animal shelter/wildlife sanctuary/nursing home, tutor a child, etc.

11 Don’ts Don’t say or do anything to cause the student to feel guilt or shame Don’t act shocked or appalled by his/her behavior Don’t talk about it in front of the class or around peers Don’t try to teach him/her what you think he/she should do Don’t judge the student even if you do not agree with him/her Don’t tell the student that you won’t tell anyone if he/she shares shelf-harming behaviors with you Don’t use punishment or negative consequences Don’t make promises to the student that you can’t keep

12 ACT Model (Acknowledge, Care and get Treatment)
Read about the  ACT model of suicide prevention. (Acknowledge, Care and get Treatment).  More about this model can be found on this tab by clicking:  Learn how to Acknowledge, Care and help your friend get Treatment.   Note: Find out what not to do for more things to avoid doing when someone is feeling suicidal.

13 Evaluate Signs of Suicide
Right Click on Signs of Suicide tab then click open hyperlink.  Think of someone you know and Take Part I: Suicide Risk Questionnaire and Part II: Depression Risk Questionnaire to evaluate their behavior.    Click submit and the site will evaluate your answers.  If the person you answered the questions about did not show they were significant for having depression or suicidal thoughts, but you still feel they may need assistance follow the information on Help a Friend tab. Relate something you could do to follow up on your subject. Share this with your partner.

14 What should you do? Listen (Acknowledge)
Tell them you are concerned (Care) Tell them there is help Talk about some of their strengths and things they have to look forward to Refer to a counselor (get Treatment)

15 What does the school counselor do?
Talk with the student Contact parent/guardian Student cannot leave school property alone. Parent/guardian must come pick him/her up Contract Refer and provide a list of outside agencies and hotline

16 Share appropriate info with students
Devise and share how you can convey appropriate suicide prevention information to your students.

17 Suicide Prevention -Check for Understanding–
1. What % of high school students seriously consider suicide?_____ What is the hotline number written in this PSA that you could share with students? _____________________. (slide 3)

18 Evaluation cont. 2. What are two characteristics you find significant or surprising listed in the hyperlink under characteristics of suicide? (slide 4 ) a b. 3. T F Girls attempt suicide more often than boys, but boys have more suicide completions than girls because of their lethal methods. (slide 5) 4. T F Teen suicide rates rise significantly between the ages of 12 and 14. (slide 6)

19 Evaluation cont. 5. T F If a member of your family commits suicide, that increases the chances you may consider suicide. (slide 7) 6. T F Today’s economy can have an effect on teen suicide. ( Slide 8) 7. T F Media coverage of teen suicides may increase a student’s consideration of committing suicide. (slide 9)

20 Evaluation cont. 8. T F It is better to keep a confidence of a student who has considered suicide than to refer to a counselor or professional (slide 10 & 11). 9. Explain the acronym ACT when it applies to suicide prevention. (slide 12) A ______________________________ C_______________________________ T _______________________________

21 Evaluation cont. 10. ___% of people who commit suicide tell someone or give warning signs that they are considering suicide before they actually attempt suicide. (slide 13 under the help a friend tab) 11. What will you do if a student discusses suicide with you? (slide 14) 12. T F According to school policy on suicide, the school must inform the parent if their child is suicidal even if the parent is involved in the student’s difficulty. (slide 15)

22 Evaluation cont. 13. Share a lesson plan of how you could discuss the issues of sadness (K-5 grade) or suicide prevention awareness (grades 6-12) when assigned by Mr. Pousson. Hint: the focus of the lesson should be on what to do if a student or someone they know feels sad or is suicidal. Include the Do’s & Don’ts on slide 10 & 11 and the ACT Model – A Acknowledge, C Care, & seek T Treatment – refer to adult or counselor.

23 Evaluation cont. 14. I would prefer to learn about suicide and fulfill the two hour state mandated requirement by: a. a power point and evaluation on line b. a faculty meeting in service c. a movie or guest speaker d. use a mixture of different activities.

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