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18th Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting

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1 18th Hadron Synchrotron Incoherent effects section meeting
December 9th, 2016

2 Information SLM IPAC abstracts :
All internally approved and submitted A total of around 1900 abstract have been submitted to IPAC17, 370 requested referring, and 200 will be selected. The first come first served is on the presentation of the paper, not the abstract. Those papers have an earlier submission deadline. One TS selected for the section (supervised by Guido) Mild office space movement (Guido in the office of Giovanni) New WWW BE pages: Look at the content that has been added so far and collect comments and suggestions to be sent to Kevin Sent a visually impressive plot from the section for the putting it in the web-page. Group banner to be decided. Agree at the section level: whether to continue the Drupal pages (true for HIS), on a common and coherent format and style of the mandate, on what should be kept at the section level and what should be propagated to the group level (i.e. WGs etc.) The contact person for the section pages will be the SL. Help for adding content to the page

3 Information SLM Chamonix official program: available, invitations have been sent. MERIT (new MARS): All interviews to be finalised by end of March (new date). Please go through slides of Dona and e-training: PhD subjects for students from the university of Liverpool (with trainee status, without passing through usual committee, so outside of quota). Requests collected by R. Jones and then to be forwarded to C.Welsh. Christmas party today at 16:30: Final crisis CPC after the Section meeting Section Christmas dinner to be transformed to New Year‘s dinner (13th of January, at 8pm in L‘Echalotte, please fill the doodle

4 Information BEMB LMC 8:30 meeting
A discussion in the extended directorate took place for the paper on the strategy of particle physics to be set-up in 2018, for finalisation during 2019. Christmas holidays: number of people on-site should be kept to a minimum, and in consequence no entrance is allowed but for the people who need to intervene. Rende presented the new structure of the OP group. Discussion with Rende on the machine supervision contribution of the group, which is well covered apart from PSB and AD/Elena for the future. BE promotion panel: Elias wishes to step down, Ilias will be the new representative Presentation about computer security: CERN is trying to reduce the number of gateways, setting up bastion- host with two factor identification. They will profit from LS2 to deploy the full system Reports on Ombudsman activity from Sudeshna : Ombudsman is there to help, people should not to wait too long before consulting . Statistically more men than women ask for support but normalising to populations more women than men. There is an increase in the number of consultations: now at 2% of the employee which is lower than in other organisations. Often the main issue is supervisor/supervisee relationship. Three services to ask for help/consultations: Ombudsman/ medical service/ HRA. Due to confidentiality the 3 services don’t communicate, so may be the statistics are not so meaningful. LMC Discussion of the impact of the CMS realignment during the EYETS. 8:30 meeting In the LHC sign of beam instabilities show up after few hours, octupole current increased by 20 and 40 A, EM’s section to investigate

5 Information Beam-beam and luminosity Misc
Work of Fanouria, Gianni, Dario, Stephane, et al. in preparation of LMC and Evian. Experiments are pushing for crossing angle equalisation (in sigma) for reducing geometrical effect imbalance, reflected in their luminosities Presentation of Dobrin in the BBL working group, on global tune scanning. Best WP found similar to the one of the actual LHC, closer to the diagonal Work of Dario on the impact of BBLR compensation with ATS and negative octupoles. The wire experiment workshop will be potentially organized on 20-21/03/2017 close to CERN, to be finalised with external collaborators. Discussion with Adriana and Stefano for exchanging the vertical wire TCT with the horizontal TCL in IR1. TBFU by the collimation and FLUKA team. Stefania wrote a paper on last IPAC contribution on IBS SIRE code vs theory benchmarking. Skype discussion with Miriam, Stefania and Fanouria for the profile analysis during the noise MD Discussion with Rama, Fanouria and Hannes on MDs for CC. Coast MD on the 7th of December joined by Andri). Working with Fanouria on the high-energy LHC performance for the document finalisation Draft MD request (as for 2016) sent to Jan in preparation of Evian Misc Sent to Vittorio Vaccaro a draft collaboration agreement with Napoli for characterization of aC coated waveguides (Giovanni and Andrea, as contacts) Discussion with Sandra, contribution to the PS measurements, she will mainly contribute in the (7,7) study MD injector days to be organised on 23-24/03

6 Next events Evian workshop, 13-15/12/2016
LC school, Mount Fuji, Japan, 9-20/12/2016 LHC Chamonix workshop, 23-26/ CLIC workshop, CERN, 6-10/ Wire-workshop, close to CERN, 20-21/03/2017 MD injector days, CERN, 23-24/03/2017 EUCARD2 Annual meeting, Glasgow, 28-30/03/2017 IPAC 2017, Copenhagen, 14-19/05/2017 FCC week, Berlin, 29/05-02/ Impedance and Instability workshop, Benevento, September 2017 SC workshop, 16-17/

7 AOB First section meeting of 2017 on the 20th of January, at 11am

8 AOB First section meeting of 2017 on the 20th of January, at 11am

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