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Very, too, and enough.

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Presentation on theme: "Very, too, and enough."— Presentation transcript:

1 very, too, and enough

2 very very can only be used before adjectives and adverbs (You are very nice). very cannot be used before a verb (I very like you.) really can be used before adjectives, adverbs, and verbs. (You are really good at English grammar—I really envy you.) X

3 Translate these sentences:
他的動作很好笑。 His actions are (very/ really) funny. 他很在意別人的看法。 He (really/ very) cares about what other people think. He cares a lot about what other people think. X

4 Translate these sentences:
我很怕冷。 I (really / very) don’t like cold weather. (I get chilled easily) 我很後悔這件事情。 I (really/ very) regret this thing. X X

5 Translate these sentences:
英文文法很麻煩。 English grammar is really a pain. 最近那個學生很努力讀書。 Lately, that student has been studying (very/ really) hard.

6 Translate these sentences:
我很容易緊張。 I am very easy to get nervous. I get nervous very easily. It is very easy for me to become nervous.

7 too and enough Both too and enough are used to talk about how much or how little of something there is.

8 too We use too to describe the negative effect of having more than necessary. “It’s too cold to work in the garden.” “It’s too late to see the film now. It started twenty minutes ago.

9 enough We use enough to describe the effects of having / not having the right amount of something. “John isn’t patient enough to work as a teacher.” “The dress isn’t big enough.”

10 enough Enough can be used before a noun to mean “all that is necessary”. “I don’t drink enough water. ” “Do you eat enough vegetables?” “My brother doesn’t do enough exercise.”

11 too + adjective / adverb
We didn’t play tennis yesterday. It was too cold. We couldn’t swim. The water was too cold. I’d like to buy this jacket, but it is too expensive. The man’s voice was too soft. He spoke too softly.

12 not + adjective / adverb + enough
We couldn’t hear the music. It wasn’t loud enough. We couldn’t swim. The water wasn’t hot enough. We need another ladder. This one isn’t long enough. We need two pizzas. This one is not big enough for four people.

13 too and enough After too and not … enough we can use the to-infinitive or for + noun / pronoun * He’s too young to go to work. * He’s not old enough for the job. * These jeans are not clean enough to wear to the party.

14 Join these sentences using too … or not … enough.
The parcel was heavy. I didn’t carry it home. Liz isn’t very strong. She can’t lift the bags. The dress was formal. She couldn’t wear it to the party. My daughter doesn’t feel very well. She isn’t going to school. I was tired. I didn’t prepare my lessons.

15 Join these sentences using too … or not … enough.
She didn’t run quickly. She lost the race. You are young. You can’t see this film. The students aren’t working hard. They won’t pass the exams. The orange juice wasn’t sweet. I didn’t drink it.

16 Translate these sentences:
如果椅子不够坐的話,有些人就得站着了。 If the chairs are not enough, some people will have to stand. 這個椅子不够堅固。 The chair is not sturdy enough. there are not enough chairs,

17 Exercise 9, p. 135 Denise has a lot of respopnsibilities. She can’t take a vacation right now.  Denise has too many responsibilities to take a vacation right now. The pace of work is extremely hectic. Denise can’t do her best work.  The pace of work is too hectic for Denise to do he rbest work.

18 Exercise 9, p. 135 Denise’s assistant works very slowly. Denise can’t catch up on her carrespondence.  Denise’s assistant works too slowly for Denise to catch up on her correspondence. 4. Mr. Green hasn’t assigned Denise much additional support. Denise can’t meet the contract deadline. Mr. Green hasn’t assigned enough support for Denise to meet the contact deadline.

19 Exercise 9, p. 135 Denise is very proud. She doesn’t want to ask her boss for more help.  Denise is too proud to ask her boss for more help. 6. Denise isn’t nice to Peter. He won’t offer to help her with the contract.  Denise isn’t nice enough to Peter for him to offer to help her with the contract.

20 Exercise 9, p. 135 7. There is always a little free time. Peter spends it on his friends, his music, and his family.  There is always enough free time for Peter to spend on his friends, his music, and his family. OR: Peter always has always enough free time to spend on his friends, his music, and his family.

21 Exercise 9, p. 135 Peter plays the clarinet quite well. He could be a professional musician.  Peter plays the clarinet well enough to be a professional musician. 9. He doesn’t like Denise. He won’t help her meet her contract deadline. He doesn’t like Denise enough to help her meet her contract deadline.

22 Exercise 9, p. 135 Work is not that important. Peter doesn’t make it the focus of his life.  Work is not important enough to Peter for him to make it the focus of his life.

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