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Strategies to Prepare for AzMERIT (Computer Based Testing)

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies to Prepare for AzMERIT (Computer Based Testing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies to Prepare for AzMERIT (Computer Based Testing)

2 Strategy 1: Utilize the Sample Tests
Provide students the opportunity to see/take the sample tests online to gain exposure to a wide variety of item types. Teachers can support student success on a variety of item types by using the interface to answer questions they generate from their lessons. (See next slide for example) Sample Tests for All Grades Guide to the Sample Tests (embedded answer key)

3 Example: Sample AzMERIT Item Used for its interface not its question
Teacher uses question 9 from the AzMERIT 7-8 Math test to ask the following during bell work Teacher projects the following item from the AzMERIT sample test and asks a student to forego the question displayed and instead graph the line 3x+1=y

4 Sample Test “Knows” Sample tests posted by are not indicative of the content that will be asked on AzMERIT. Sample tests are meant to provide users with an example of the type of questions and the interfaces students will need to use to answer questions. The state will not confirm for CBT if multi-select (also known as multiple response) will appear with square selections next to the answers whereas multiple choice (single answer) will be circular. Prepare students for verbiage indicating more than one like “select all” or “choose the answers”

5 Strategy 2: Utilize the Equation Editor Tutorial
In all CBT math tests (3-HS) students need to know how to use the equation editor. The below hyperlink offers a tutorial that differentiates by grade the skills necessary to answer equation editor items. (How to make a fraction, exponent etc.) Every student should have an opportunity to practice entering in equations into the portal. Similarly to the using the sample tests as interfaces, teachers may support student proficiency by projecting students using the equation editor. (See next slide for example) Equation Editor Tutorial

6 Example: Sample Item Used for Interface
Teacher pulls up the equation editor on their computer and navigates to the Practice I slide. Teachers have a closure that requires students to translate math sentences into equations. Teacher asks a student to use the equation editor to translate: X to the power of six minus three Seven squared plus two times the sum of one third and one half. X plus seven is greater than ten

7 Headphones ALL students will require headphones for testing.
We have an inventory of headphones. Those in need of more headphones will have them delivered to them as they arrive or are available.

8 ALL THINGS AzMERIT The best source of information for all things related to AzMERIT, including materials referenced in this presentation is:

9 Questions? Let’s do this!

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