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Room 111 News Friday September 15, 2017 Important dates:

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1 Room 111 News Friday September 15, 2017 Important dates:
Next week’s Shine Student is Sophia! Friday 9/22: School Fundraiser begins! Sign of the Cross Oral Assessment Tuesday 9/26: COSI on Wheels Important Information: In Religion this week the children have be learning the prayer the Sign of the Cross. They are practicing the proper way to make the Sign of the Cross. I will test the children next Friday 9/22. This will be an oral test. The children are to know all of the words, the correct motions and to use their right hand. Please practice with them at home. We will soon start Listen to Reading in Daily 5. In order to participate, your child needs a working pair of ear buds or small, folding headphones. I am putting together the classroom volunteer schedule for Thursday mornings. me if you are interested and have not already given me the form. If you want to be on a set schedule but can’t make Thursday mornings, let me know what morning is better for you, and I will put you on the schedule on that day. Reading Word Lists: Please continue to work with your child on these lists. If your child is able to read the list successfully please sign and return it ASAP. If the list is missing please send in a note and we will replace it. Our first fieldtrip is scheduled! On October 18th we are heading to Lynd’s to pick apples. As soon as we get the final bus confirmation we will send home all of the details Mark your calendars if you would like to join us! Thank You! Thanks to everyone that participated and donated to our SCAAP with a purpose day last week. Your generosity is appreciated. We were able to collect around $1300 for St. Catharine of Sienna School. We are working on Growing our Minds! Students have learned it is okay to make mistakes as long as you keep on trying!!!

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