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How to add a network printer in Windows 7

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Presentation on theme: "How to add a network printer in Windows 7"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to add a network printer in Windows 7

2 Click on the circle in the lower left corner (this is the Start Button now) and click on “Devices and Printers

3 In the top row of the next box, choose “Add a Printer”

4 In this window, choose “Add a network printer, etc.”

5 Click “The printer I want isn't listed”

6 Choose “Find a printer in the Directory” then click “Next”

7 This familiar box comes up
This familiar box comes up. Make it full screen by clicking the box in the top right corner

8 Make the “location column wider by clicking and dragging to the right when the mouse pointer looks like this. It changes when you hover over the juncture between the 2 columns

9 “Click on “Server Name” to sort by campus

10 Scroll down until you see “046-…” in the Server Name column (1) and find the printer you wish to connect and double click on it. Check the Location column (2) and it will help. 2 1

11 When you see this screen, make sure the printer is the one you wanted and click “Next”

12 Click as default printer and click Finish
Click as default printer and click Finish. The try to print something you need. Check that printer for your stuff.

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