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Chap 8 Arts & Entertainment.

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1 Chap 8 Arts & Entertainment

2 A&E section should have a mix of
Music Dance Film Theater Visual Art And cover different genres of each category Should have STRONG coverage of campus events

3 A&E section should have
STRONG coverage of Campus events Local bands/artists Major films/artist If relevant to the area Movies about the bay Major artist performances in the local area

4 Previews Advances of stories on Upcoming performances/exhibits Can be
Briefs or longer feature General or focused on aspect of performance Help readers plan what they want to see Should include Dates Contact info Ticket info Location

5 Reviews Not simply about dumping your opinion
Three things needed to be a critic Able to write well Able to report Ability to think

6 Reviews A critical analysis of a performance
Most reviews include five basic elements A catchy opening (That draws readers in) Identifying information (event, artist, location) A concise summary of the content A critical assessment of the work Background & History (other work by artist) Be tactful with student artists Be detailed in your criticism Don’s just say it’s “Weak”, explain why.

7 First Person Dilemma The best advice is to write what feels natural
Some feel the use of “I” is a crutch for a young critic Arrogant, unprofessional, lame Should it be discouraged/banned? Others feel it adds Personality and intimacy The best advice is to write what feels natural

8 Columns Regular reviews from specific voices
Columnist should know topics well Be able to provide background/contex

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