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January 23 Alison Catherine Cristiana

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1 January 23 Alison Catherine Cristiana
Iceair Airlines January 23 Alison Catherine Cristiana

2 Assist Iceair Airlines to increase internal efficiency by:
Mandate Assist Iceair Airlines to increase internal efficiency by: Hedging oil prices Restructuring the defined benefit pension plan Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

3 Iceair Airline should:
Recommendation Iceair Airline should: Hedging oil Use a put bear spread to hedge the oil price risk (2) Defined benefit plan Overweight in equities to meet the 8.3% required rate (more diversification) + hiring 2 new managers. This will allow Iceair to be able to focus on expanding its business and achieve pension obligation. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

4 Industry Overview Seasonality Social/political events
Peak months Summer: July, August Winter: January Depressed months Summer: April, May Winter: October,November Social/political events 2012 student protest (decreased vacation in winter) expected increased flights volume in summer 2014 Meet demand by increasing the number of flights and destinations Airline Industry marked by high volatility. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

5 Leader in tourism market
Iceair Overview Leader in tourism market Specialized in passenger air transportation & vacation packages Vertical integration Vision Competitive prices => reduce costs (17% gross profit) Family-oriented clientele Goals Increase fleet by 23% in an effort to eliminate leasing => increased oil consumption => higher exposure to fluctuation in oil prices Iceair would need to hedge the oil price in order to minimize the greater risk exposer due to increased fleet. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

6 Higher exposure to oil price volatility Leader in tourism market
In order to maintain its competitive advantage and strategic vision Iceair needs to increase its fleet Higher exposure to oil price volatility Hedge oil price risk Iceair Overview Leader in tourism market Specialized in passenger air transportation & vacation packages Vertical integration Vision Competitive prices Family-oriented clientele Goals Increase fleet by 23% in an effort to eliminate leasing => increased oil consumption => higher exposure to fluctuation in oil prices Iceair would need to hedge the oil price in order to minimize the greater risk exposer due to increased fleet. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

7 Historically the WTI prices increased by %65 in the past 4 years.
Historical WTI prices Historically the WTI prices increased by %65 in the past 4 years. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

8 Oil Industry Mechanism
Oil Demand Oil Supply Slower economic growth in China leading to a reduced oil demand Over supply in U.S. due to new oil extraction technologies Discrepancy between supply and demand will lower WTI barrel price Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

9 Demand considerations
China the second largest oil consumer in the world China GDP Oil demand is decreasing because of China’s low growth. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

10 Supply considerations
U.S. supply is increasing because of new technology (fracking) Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

11 We expect that oil price will decrease to $95/barrel by March, 2014.
Expected WTI prices We expect that oil price will decrease to $95/barrel by March, 2014. Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

12 The expected WTI price is $95/barrel0
Hedging strategy We expect that Iceair would need ~830,000 barrels of oil for the month of March (15% of total annual consumption of oil) The expected WTI price is $95/barrel0 Need for a strategy that: Allows Iceair to benefit from the future oil price decrease Protects Iceair in case of a oil price increase Offers Iceair the lowest volatility Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

13 Hedging alternatives 1. Futures
Engage in futures contract of $100/barrel. Gives the buyer the right and obligation to buy the underlying commodity at a fixed price Protects in case of price appreciation High volatility (expected decreasing prices) Unlimited loss Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

14 Hedging alternatives 2. Swaps Engage in swaps contract of $100/barrel.
An agreement whereby a floating price is exchanged for a fixed price over a specified time of period. Provides potential upside if oil price increases High volatility (expected decreasing prices) Unlimited loss Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

15 Provides profit in event of price depreciation
Hedging alternatives 3. Put Bear Spread Purchase put options at strike price of $100 ($2) Sell put options at strike price of $90 ($7) If price decreases below $100, realize $4.15m gain Option strategy that seeks maximum profit when price of underlying asset declines involving simultaneous purchase and sell of options. Provides profit in event of price depreciation Limited loss Pay premium Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

16 Hedging Summary Method Protect against oil price appreciation Protect against oil price depreciation Protect against volatility Futures Contract Swaps contract Put bear spread Legend: Met Investment Criteria Somewhat met Investment Criteria Didn’t meet investment criteria The put bear spread offers the best protection against oil price fluctuations

17 Overview of Pension Plan
Current Fund Defined Pension Benefit Plan Managed by the Company’s treasurer AUM of $395M Actuarial deficit of $30,9M +++ sustainability Restructure the portfolio to cover the fund’s deficit Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

18 Current Portfolio Fixed Income Equity Cash Allocation 24% Return -13% (10y Cad) 54% 0% Invest cash, rebalance bond versus equity to attain X% objective while reducing risk Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

19 Current Asset Allocation
Current Portfolio Rising Interest Rates in Cnd and US 80% of bond portfolio in long term maturities Bullish on U.S and Emerging Markets 26% of U.S. equities and 0% in Emerging Markets equities Cristiana’s analysis Neutral on Canadian Equities 74% of equities in Canadian equities Current Asset Allocation doesn’t reflect management projected view on the economy Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

20 Assessment of Current Managers
Current Asset Allocation doesn’t reflect management projected view on the economy Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

21 Surplus or Deficit Cover deficit with Operations Increase Contribution Increase Returns Current Asset Allocation doesn’t reflect management projected view on the economy Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

22 Goals of Portfolio Restructuring
Cover the Fund’s deficit $395M $30.9M in Deficit No Deficit 8% 8.3% Rebalance the portfolio considering management views Bond portfolio vs views on interest rates Equity portfolio vs expectations on the different markets Total allocation vs currency risk and tax benefits Modify Investment Policy Statement Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

23 Investment Policy Return objective
IceAir needs 8.33% to cover the deficit Risk Tolerance Low risk tolerance : capital preservation Time horizon 25-years investment horizon (close the gap within) Liquidity needs Payments to retirees (no immediate need) Constraints Maximum 10% in cash, (target at 0%) Investment in ETF No weapon, acohol, tabacco Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

24 Graph with optimal portfolio Bond/Equity return
Expected Return 7,4% Graph with optimal portfolio Bond/Equity return Standard Deviation 3,7% This capital allocation doesn’t meet the fund’s required rate of return to recover its deficit Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

25 Graph with Bond/Equity return
Proposed Allocation Expected Return 8.4% Graph with Bond/Equity return Standard Deviation 4.0% The recover the fund and achieve 8.33% return, 42% has to be invested in equities and 58% in bonds Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

26 Proposed Asset Allocation - Equities
Previous Allocation Proposed Allocation Allocation Return 5,1% 8,4% The proposed allocation is in line with management views on the economy and recovers the fund’s deficit Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

27 Current Sector Allocation
Current Portfolio 68% of equities in 2 tourism stocks Remainder in ETF graph Concerns Highly volatile stocks 2 slides with this Diversify sector allocation to reduce the exposure to the tourism sector and associated volatility Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

28 Implementation over 6-12 months
Sector Allocation Current Portfolio Concerns 68% of equities in 2 tourism stocks Remainder in ETF Highly volatile stocks Diversification Implementation over 6-12 months Eliminate market risk Reduce volatility Hire 2 new managers specialized in X and Y Buy ETF/Stocks (20-30) in different sectors E.i. Financials, Staples, O&G, etc 2 slides with this Diversify sector allocation to reduce the exposure to the tourism sector and associated volatility Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

29 Proposed Portfolio Fixed Income Decrease allocation from 63% to 58% Invest in lower duration bonds Equities Increase allocation from 24% to 42% Higher emphasis on U.S. and Emerging Market Equities Diversify away from tourism sector Cash Target allocation at 0% as we see better opportunities in the market Hire 2 new fund manager specialized in equities (North America vs. International and Emerging Markets) Management We suggest a more diversified sector allocation to reduce the exposure to the tourism sector Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

30 The new investment policy meets the fund’s goals
Risk and Mitigation - US investment: hedge right away currency risk: 500 m in usd, forward contracts on the same equity amount on cad to US. Interest rate differential defines forward contract. Hedges over 1 year Country 5: 5% --- depreciating currency Country 1% Interest rate : short term The new investment policy meets the fund’s goals Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

31 Goals of Portfolio Restructuration
Cover the Fund’s deficit $395M $30.9M in Deficit No Deficit 8% 8.3% Rebalance the portfolio considering management views Bond portfolio vs views on interest rates Equity portfolio vs expectations on the different markets Total allocation vs currency risk and tax benefits The new investment policy meets the fund’s goals Introduction Analysis Implementation Conclusion

32 Thank you. Q&A January 22 Alison Catherine Cristiana

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