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Rise of Greek city-states

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1 Rise of Greek city-states
Chapter 4.2 Rise of Greek city-states

2 geography Peninsula Isolated valleys Rough terrain Islands
What did this lead to?


4 Governing the city-states
Polis=city-state Major city and surrounding area Built on 2 levels Acropolis=high city Lower level contained businesses homes and public buildings Populations were low #’s Citizens, non-citizens and slaves All groups had different rights and responsibilities


6 Governing the city-states
TYPES OF GOVERNMENTS Monarchy Aristocracy Rule by land-holding elite Oligarchy Rule by wealthy elite

7 Governing the city-states
New warfare shapes Greece Iron defensive and offensive tools Cheaper than bronze so middle class people could afford weapons and join Class differences decrease phalanx New battle formation where soldiers would lock their shields together, and the first few ranks of soldiers would project their spears out over the first rank of shields. The phalanx therefore presented a shield wall and a mass of spear points to the enemy, making frontal assaults much more difficult.



10 Sparta Dorians conquered an area and created Sparta
Locals became slaves called helots 2 kings and a council of elders 5 ephors carried out daily gov. functions


12 Sparta Daily life Every citizen started to prep for a military life at an early age Babies were examined and weak babies disposed of or raised to be slaves At 6 or 7 boys were sent to live in military barracks until 30 Men could marry at 20

13 Sparta Women Spartan women had to be strong to make strong warriors.
Allowed to participate in athletics Had to obey men, but had the rights to: Inherit property Manage the family estate Move freely about the city Even allowed to consume wine (no other greek women had this “right”)

14 Sparta Intentionally isolated
Looked down upon non-warrior city-states and their people Forbade travel No value placed on arts or industry Spartan Citizens (warriors) could not handle $$

15 Athens

16 Athens Originally an Aristocracy
People resented noble power and nobles Many people had to sell property or lives in hard times Changed to democracy

17 Athens Solon’s reforms Outlawed debt slavery and freed debt slaves
Granted citizenship to many Encouraged export of olive oil and wine $$$$ Athens becomes powerful city state

18 Athens Citizens share power and wealth Government Reforms included
Land and loans for farmers Council of 500 The council handled daily gov functions. All 30+ yr old citizens could be selected to be on the council.

19 Athens Athenian democracy Citizens could participate
30 yr old Males who owned land were Citizens Very low percentage of the population could participate

20 Athens Women Education Wealthy women lived secluded lives
Poor women worked outside the home+ Marriage was not legitimized until birth of child Men decided if the baby was to be kept or not. Both needed the guidance of men Education Wealthy boys learned reading, writing, rhetoric, music, history, poetry, pe, and military

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