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Athens vs. Sparta Aim: What are the similarities and differences between ancient Sparta and Athens? Do Now: What is a rivalry? What causes a rivalry? Take.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens vs. Sparta Aim: What are the similarities and differences between ancient Sparta and Athens? Do Now: What is a rivalry? What causes a rivalry? Take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens vs. Sparta Aim: What are the similarities and differences between ancient Sparta and Athens? Do Now: What is a rivalry? What causes a rivalry? Take out Greek Gods Essay.

2 Why do these teams and groups of fans dislike each other?

3 Reasons Appearance Recent dominance Stadiums Location Fan base
Proximity League Jealousy History Championships

4 Athens Glorification of the individual Emphasis on learning
Trade with other city-states

5 Sparta Military state Conquers areas and takes slaves No trade

6 Athens – government Council of 500 was made up of citizens over 30
Laws proposed by the assembly Democracy – government in which the people (citizens) make the laws

7 Sparta – government Free males make up the council of elders
5 administrators carry out laws Oligarchy – government ruled by the few elite

8 Athens – social Wealth and power held by aristocracy
Aristocracy – the highest class in a society Based on wealth Slaves had no political rights and freedom Women did not have same rights as men

9 Sparta – social Wealth was not the most important thing
Honor and respect Skills in battle

10 Athens – education Physical as well as mental skills (school at 7 yrs old) Women held no rights in society

11 Sparta – education At age of 7 boys were sent away from homes to train for military Girls – athletic – women manage estates and owned property

12 Similarities Slaves City-states (polis) Legal systems Citizenship
Governments Citizenship Religious – polytheistic

13 Differences Education Roles of women Government Democracy
Oligarchy (rule by the few)

14 Athenians – people of Athens
Spartans – people of Sparta

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