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Apply a climate lens.

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1 Apply a climate lens

2 Imprint As a federally owned enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg Eschborn, Germany T F Contact E I GIZ Climate Protection Programme Responsible Ilona Porsché, GIZ; Michael Scholze, GIZ Authors Jennifer Frankel-Reed, Barbara Fröde-Thierfelder, Ilona Porsché Contributions by Alfred Eberhardt, Mark Svendsen, Lea Herberg, Martin Baumgart, Udo Höggel, Michael Scholze, Alexander Fröde, Nana Künkel, members of the OECD Task Team on Climate Change and Development Co-operation Coordination Ilona Porsché, Barbara Fröde-Thierfelder Photo credits © GIZ/Climate Protection Programme and Claudia Altmann, Dirk Ostermeier, Florian Kopp, Georg Buchholz, Ira Olaleye, Jörg Böthling, Manuel Hauptmann, Markus Kirchgessner, Michael Gajo, Michael Netzhammer, Nicole Herzog, Peter Korneffel, Richard Lord, Robert Heine, Rüdiger Behrens, Ulrich Scholz, Ursula Meissner, Uwe Rau Design Ira Olaleye Articles written by named authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.

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4 Rationale Objective Importance Application
By understanding the relevant climate change risks and opportunities, help a policy, programme, plan or project become more resilient to climate change or more supportive of adaptation. Importance Lays the foundation Gives first overview on issues to be further explored Application The first step towards policy, programme or project formulation, screening or revision. A climate lens means analyzing something (a policy, plan, programme, project) through the “lens” or perspective of climate change issues that may affect it. The idea is to improve solutions by orienting them in the right direction. A climate lens is important in formulating sector/thematic policies and strategies as well as cross-sector initiatives (such as zoning, OTHERS…) and making necessary adjustments to policies, programs and projects that come under periodic review. The desired outcome is that necessary language will be incorporated into a policy or plan that ensures that risks identified in the climate lens analysis will be acted upon at the next stage of programming or implementation. Applying a climate lens is the first step in addressing climate change. With practice, it is not overly time-consuming. It relies on existing information to the extent possible. Additional analysis may prove necessary in areas that have not yet been examined. Chances are good that most information is available. One of the risks that a climate lens can help avoid is maladaptation – creating a situation where people are more vulnerable to climate change pressures. This could be agriculture subsidies for crops that are not tolerant of emerging climate conditions. Or in India, for example, free water provided to farmers results in waste of a terribly stressed resource. This policy is maladapted to current and future climate. Another example would be investments in tourism infrastructure that will be increasingly exposed to hazards in the coastal zone such as storms, or where groundwater is becoming more saline. National level Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) may provide a useful tool/framework for applying a climate lens to strategic decision making. See box 8.1 and the OECD guidance note on SEA and adaptation. Sector level Apply a climate lens in formulating a sector plan to identify priority adjustments to ongoing or planned activities. A vulnerability analysis at the sector planning level may point to the need for further analysis of the nature and scale of risks or response options. This can be an area for donor support. Project level Areas for Donor support:

5 Key questions (1) To which extent may a strategy, policy, plan or programme be vulnerable to the risks of climate change? To which extent have those risks been considered when the strategy, policy etc. was formulated? To which extent may vulnerabilities increase, or positive opportunities be missed? If strategies/policies are revised: which amendments might be warranted to address climate risks and opportunities? Examples Development of certain geographical zones (e.g. coastal areas vulnerable to sea-level rise and storm surges) or sectors (such as hydropower in the energy sector) may reveal risks when medium-term risks posed by climate change are taken into consideration. Projects that address flood or drought risks may make specific consideration of climate change risks (or at least variability). A smaller number of projects may be specifically designed with adaptation to climate change risks in mind. Development or infrastructure investments may make certain assumptions about climate and development – in some cases, dykes have been constructed that ended up trapping floodwater behind them and increasing flood damages. Building or rehabilitating a reservoir is an example of an opportunity to increase the benefits of the investment under climate change scenarios. A project or program that increases the efficiency of water supply/irrigation systems may be a step in the right direction, but additional steps can be proposed, such as utilizing climate change scenarios to develop contingency plans for water shortage. A climate lens can help improve a policy, strategy, regulation, plan or programme’s directions and priorities. However, its real impact will materialize only at the stage where it is translated into actual enforcement of decisions, and implementation of activities and investments on the ground.

6 Policy programming cycle
National long-term visions Policy formulation National short- to medium-term policies (e.g. PRSPs) Multi-year development plan Planning National budget Resource allocation Propose investment Allocate budget Programming/ implementation Sector level plan Sector budget envelope Sector level plan Sector budget envelope To sector level Source: OECD policy guidance 2009

7 National level entry points:
National long-term visions National short- to medium-term policies (e.g. PRSPs) Apply a climate lens. National level entry points: Recognize, incorporate climate risks Apply a climate lens. Include specific adaptation programs. Multi-year development plan National budget Allocate funding to vulnerable sectors/regions Entry points at National Level: Applying a climate lens to identify relevance of climate change and priorities (and integrate these into policy) Strategic national assessments (climate change risks, opportunities and costs, adaptation options and costs, financing analysis, etc.) Proactive programs in the PRSP, and Multi-Year Development Plans Adjusted national policies (e.g. due diligence, land laws, agriculture policy, etc.) Language to ensure accountability for the issue at other levels (e.g. budget process and sector level investment proposals) Adjusting budget allocation to prioritize vulnerable sectors, fund priority adaptation programs Also possible to finance adaptation through donor support in program/project modalities, sector budget support, etc. Horizontal funding for adaptation Allocate funding to priority adaptation activities Sector level plan Sector budget envelope Sector level plan Sector budget envelope Source: OECD policy guidance 2009

8 Sector level entry points: Policy formulation Planning
National level Sector level entry points: Add climate considerations to proposal evaluation criteria Include top-down activities Make room in budget for cross sector activities, claim adaptation funding Apply a climate lens Build in top-down activities Build in cross-sector activities Act on climate priorities Recognize climate risks Sector strategy and policies Policy formulation Sector plan Sector budget envelope Adaptation funding Planning Sector programming Resource allocation Programming/ implementation Sector investment program: Top-down programs, projects Selected projects district A, B Project proposals district A Project proposals district B To project/local level Source: OECD policy guidance 2009

9 Exercise (1) Context: Exhibits:
Revision of the National Development Plan (NDP) of Zanadu Government of Zanadu: NDP should reflect climate change adaptation priorities  make it climate-resilient GoZ has established a climate change advisory group  your working group Exhibits: NDP main goals; the shaded areas have been selected for the exercise ( see Matrix 1, column A) Climate change information and projected impacts for Zanadu Participants are members of a climate change advisory group established by the State Planning Commission. You are provided with the development goals of the NDP 2012 – 2022. Goals that appeared especially sensitive to climate change are already included in the matrix (marked grey in Exhibit 1). Examine these goals through a ‘climate lens’ to identify the relevance of climate change to each goal.

10 Exercise (2) Your task Use Matrix 1:
In column B for each development goal explain if and how it could be affected by climate change. In column C, based on what you know about Zanadu, select the region(s) especially at risk. In column D, identify the key actors at national level that should take action on next steps.

11 Exercise (3) Results (please specify) Logistics Case work* Presentation of results (please specify how)* Reflection* *Please use your own examples here *Please use your own examples here

12 Example – Strategic environmental assessment of a hydropower plan (1)
Scope of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA): ‘Quang Nam Province Hydropower Plan’ for the Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basin, Vietnam 20-year timeline Climate change is considered as one out of 15 key issues Key impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the basin: increased intensity and variability of rainfall increases in extreme flood flows and sediment transport sea-level rise affecting flooding in seaward area increased temperature and higher evapotranspiration  lower dry-season minimal flows, potential saline intrusion An SEA was conducted on the hydropower development plan for the Vu Gia-Thu Bon river basin (2006 – 2010). Climate change was considered as one of 15 key issues to be addressed by the SEA. However, some of the climate change concerns were not quantifiable as predictive, or spatial models for the study area, particularly for the time-frame of the study (20 years), were not available. The analysis of climate change impacts was therefore largely qualitative. However, a range of important climate change impacts on the hydrology of the basin were identified: The SEA concluded that the pace and scale of the proposed hydropower development was at an unsustainable level and recommended a number of fundamental principles to enhance the sustainability and equity of the hydro sector in the basin. One of these principles highlights “safe operations”, recommending the implementation of operational regimes and institutional arrangements to reduce droughts and floods and prepare for disasters; the need to incorporate climate change parameters in design and management is explicitly mentioned. In addition, the results from the climate change analysis gave support to some strategic recommendations regarding the need for (i) integrated river basin management; (ii) coordinated management and water release programmes for the 60 dams considered; (iii) needs for improved data collection on climate-related issues. Sources: ADB (2008), “Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Quang Nam Province Hydropower Plan for the Vu Gia-Thu Bon River Basin”, prepared for the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Electricity Vietnam, Asian Development Bank, Hanoi. ADB (2009), “Strategic Environmental Assessment as a Tool to Improve Climate Change Adaptation in the Greater Mekong Subregion”, Asian Development Bank, Manila. SEMLA (2008), “Evaluation of SEMLA SEA Projects”, Vietnam-Sweden Cooperation Programme on Strengthening Environmental Management and Land Administration in Vietnam, Hanoi.

13 Example – Strategic environmental assessment (2)
Conclusion: Pace and scale of dam plans are unsustainable. Recommended: Operations and institutional arrangements must prepare for and reduce droughts and floods. Climate change parameters must be incorporated into design and management of dams. Strategic issues: need for … (i) integrated river-basin management; (ii) coordinated management and water release for the 60 dams considered; (iii) improved data collection. » OECD DAC Task Team on SEA has produced guidance on addressing climate change using SEA

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