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South West England the place for Environmental Integration

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1 South West England the place for Environmental Integration 23rd February 2006 Nigel F Jump Chief Economist South West of England Regional Development Agency

2 South West England GDP & GVA incomplete measures of output
let alone total well-being. Nevertheless… GVA per head EU rank €’000 EU=100 Glos, Wilts, & N Som Dorset & rest of Somerset Devon Cornwall & Isles of Scilly South West England

3 South West England Sub-regional shares of SW GVA, 2003 (%)
Gloucestershire, Wiltshire & North Somerset 53.9% Dorset & Somerset 21.1% Devon 17.9% Cornwall & Isles of Scilly 7.1

4 Markets & the Environment
Prices allocate resources efficiently But market failures exist power information property rights rigidities state intervention Externality social costs &benefits wrongly or not priced opportunity costs Markets are imperfect but least worst Need to improve measurement - “Gross Sustainable Welfare”

5 Markets & the Environment
Scarcity - change - pace? short termism & absolute loss time & space trade-offs Institutional Failures regulation - bureaucracy – taxation Labour & Resource productivity - relative v absolute problem - driven by technology/demographics - sustainable consumption & production Strong economic case - Env. service flow = $33 trillion p.a. - “Wild” net losses = $250bn p.a.

6 Monetary Valuation Total Economic Value Use Value Non-use Value Market
Non-market Intrinsic Bequest

7 Policy Issues Polluter pays principle
Taxes/subsidies - encourage ‘goods’ / discourage ‘bads’ Permits - regulation - campaigns - standards Iterative processes - SD indicators - options markets - discount rates Appropriate level of intervention? Revenue recycling & hypothecation?

8 UK Sustainable Development
UK’s 5 Principles of Sustainable Development Sustainable Economy Good Governance Sound Science Living Within Environmental Limits Strong, Healthy & Just Society

9 SW Environment Driver 3 linked RES drivers skills, innovation & environment key to productivity - SD - prosperity chain Asset & flow value of environment to SW economy recognised by RES businesses, 30k+ employees - £1.5bn+ GVA, over 100k jobs Env Tech - £1.4bn GVA, 22k jobs Real costs of access, depletion & repair unknown - but 3 planets footprint

10 SW Environment Driver Need to value: lifestyle choice environmental impact Quality (building), waste handling & energy use. Better option & risk assessment Procurement requirements Lobbying government & partners


12 SW Environment Driver Comparative Advantage
as scarcity raises potential returns Sectors environmental technologies construction, tourism, ICT, creative Branding/Perception migration, entrepreneurship, leisure, investment – FDI, skills Consumption services, peripherality – overcome time-distance Energy – renewables, low carbon, security Materials – efficiency, waste, recycling

13 SUMMARY Better Measures of Prosperity Failure & Valuation
Resource Productivity South West Environment Driver - opportunity, options & Risk South West England The Place to do Environmental Business!

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