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2 Task On your own, decide the technical name given to these descriptions: Conforming to the group based on a desire to be right, we look to others who we believe have the correct answer as to how to behave, and this often leads to a long-lasting change of belief. Conforming to the group based on the desire to be liked and accepted, and we may comply in front of the group but privately still own our own (different) beliefs ….. Conforming BECAUSE we want to be right = informational SOCIAL INFLUENCE Conforming BECAUSE we want to be liked/accepted = normative SOCIAL INFLUENCE

3 AO3 of explanations p.4 One advantage of Informational social influence is that there is research to support the idea of conforming to be correct one of Asch’s variations shows that as task difficulty increases, so does level of conformity. This shows pts were unsure of the correct answer and so conformed for informational reasons. Which other study have we done which shows ISI? Jenness – no obvious answer

4 A strength of Normative social influence is there is research to support this explanation.
For example, Asch’s pts when interviewed said they “could not bear to be a minority of one and excluded or ridiculed”. Also, they could not have conformed for informational reasons because…. The correct answer was obvious! This shows they must have conformed to ‘fit in’ and shows this concept to be correct

5 However, it could be argued that there is a better explanation of conformity in social impact theory
This theory says we are more likely to conform when the group is important to us Therefore, this theory is superior to ISI and NSI as it can explain why we would conform in some situations and not others (e.g. when with friends compared to with people not in our social group) A limitation is that it is unlikely that behaviour is EITHER due to NSI OR ISI. It is more likely to occur together e.g. if one person goes against the group, it is likely that conformity would decrease due to social support AND alternative information. This suggests to assume they are INDEPENDENT of each other lacks face validity. (this means it is illogical)

6 Task: “Outline and evaluate two explanations of conformity”
Complete essay plan p.9 Can bullet point (but detailed!) Need 6 marks’ worth of description of the two explanations – NSI and ISI Don’t need research studies for this bit, just the reasons why we conform Evaluation – bullet point but show identify point, justify evidence, elaborate 3 x AO3 if doing AS level, 4-5 if doing A level Extension: Look at qs 5, 6, 7 on p. 21 Note down your answers

7 Q. 5, 6, 7

8 Variables affecting conformity: (purple shows ones on specification)
Features of test Level of conformity Original study 6 confederates gave unanimous wrong answer 36.8% Non-unanimous majority A confederate dissented (went against) from the majority and supported the genuine pt Conformity dropped to 5% Size of majority With one real pt and two confederates, conformity is low When this increases to three confederates, conformity increases sharply Beyond this, it did not increase massively 12.8% 31.8% Losing a partner Being deserted by a partner who had previously given correct answers 28.5% Nature of task Levels of conformity increased as tasks made more difficult e.g. Asch made the stimulus lines more similar to the comparison lines Conformity increased Mode of response When pts had to write down their answers rather than call out, conformity dropped sharply Dropped from 36.8%

9 Cultural differences Useful as extra variable or use as AO3 later on….. Research shows conformity depends on culture Smith and Bond (1998) did a meta-analysis of 31 studies in different cultures using Asch-style procedures Collectivist cultures showed higher levels of conformity than individualist This makes sense as collectivist cultures are concerned with the needs of the group and so may make group decisions & conform whereas in individualist cultures the focus is on the self and being independent and so may be less likely to conform

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