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Multicultural Societies

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Presentation on theme: "Multicultural Societies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multicultural Societies

2 Ethnic Groups Ethnic groups are groups of people with common ancestry, culture, and many times, common religion and language.

3 Homogeneous Societies
Cultures with one dominant ethnicity: Ex: 99% of people in Japan are Japanese. Ex: Almost all people living in Saudi Arabia are Saudi.

4 Heterogeneous Societies
Cultures that have many ethnicities in their society. Ex: Most European nations. Ex: United States

5 Minorities Minorities are groups that are the smallest sized ethnicities. These are any groups that are not the dominant ethnicity.

6 Ethnic Discrimination
Occurs when minority groups are denied civil or political rights. Ex: South African Apartheid –

7 Expulsion or Genocide Extreme actions against minorities; expulsion kicking out a minority and genocide is exterminating a minority. Ex: WWII Jews by Nazis. Darfur region of Sudan

8 What did the traditional family look like?

9 The Traditional Family
Large families More than one family per household (Extended families) Very little education Children stay w/ family until marriage

10 What does the modern family look like?

11 What does the modern family look like?
Small families One family per household Education is very important Children stay w/ family through HS

12 Traditional Gender Roles
Men Women

13 Traditional Gender Roles
Men Wage earners Head of household (final decision maker) Women Stay at home Main concern is taking care of kids Few political rights

14 Modern Gender Roles Men Women

15 Modern Gender Roles Men Wage earners Equal parenting role
Equal political rights Women Wage earners Equal parenting role Equal political rights

16 What is Rural Culture ?

17 Traditional Rural Low level of tech Small, simple houses
Farmers, livestock herders Low level of literacy and education

18 What is Urban Culture ?

19 Urban Culture High level of tech. Cities w/ paved roads
Buildings of steel, concrete and glass Higher level of literacy and education.

20 What problems are associated with urbanization?

21 Problems associated w/ Urbanization
Increased crime Traffic Pollution Overcrowding

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