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Arts Education Leaders
Welcome to the Arts Education Leaders ArtsR4Life Quarterly Webinar this Wednesday, March 1, 2017, from 3:30-4:30pm You can tweet about your learnings as you Arts Education Leaders May 3rd, 2017 3:30pm-4:30pm @ARTSEDNC
Webinar Agenda GoTo Controls and CEU Credit
NCDPI Panelists and Comprehensive Arts Education in NC Legislative Updates National State Standards Support State News, Updates, and Next Steps The Webinar Agenda today includes the following topics: A review of GoTo Controls and how you can receive CEU Credit An introduction of our NCDPI Panelists and Comprehensive Arts Education in NC Legislative Updates at both the National and State levels ASW Updates and Support State News, Updates, and Next Steps
GoTo Controls Grab Tab Audio Pane Questions Pane Recording → Archived
CEU Credit When you first join a GoTo Webinar session, the Control Panel appears on the right side of your screen. Use the Control Panel to manage your session. To free up space on your desktop, you can collapse the Control Panel and use the Grab Tab to continue to manage your session. Grab Tab (blue/teal): From the Grab Tab, you can hide the Control Panel, mute yourself (if you have been unmuted by the organizer), view the webinar in full screen and raise your hand. Audio Pane (yellow/gold): Use the Audio pane to switch between Telephone and Mic & Speakers. If you’re having trouble with your headset, you may want to switch to Telephone and then back to Mic & Speakers as a way to reset you audio. Questions Pane (purple/violet): Ask questions for the staff. Contact hours to accumulate toward a CEU can be earned by those who participate in the live broadcasts of webinars in the Arts Education Webinar Series. Today’s webinar is 1 hour long, so 1 contact hour or 0.1 CEUs can be earned. Please save the receipt you receive from the GoToWebinar system to document this contact hour towards a CEU for licensure renewal. This is a content activity for Arts Education. Note: Local LEAs (districts) or charter schools must approve professional development offerings that may be counted toward CEU credit. In addition, a recording is being made of today’s webinar and the archive, including these PowerPoint slides, will be available for local training approximately one week from today. These materials can be used as professional development (PD) resources locally, with contact hours documented by the district or school.
NCDPI Arts Education 919-807-3809
Christie Lynch Ebert Section Chief Slater Mapp Theatre and Visual Arts Consultant Sara Reams Comprehensive Arts Education Specialist Jeremy Tucker Dance and Music Consultant We are joined today by your NCDPI Arts Education team (Panelists introduce themselves and their roles) Christie Lynch Ebert NC DPI Section Chief (Dance, Music, A+ Liaison) Slater Mapp NC DPI Arts Education Consultant (Theatre and Visual Arts) Sara Reams NC DPI Comprehensive Arts Education Specialist
NCDPI Arts Education The NC Department of Public Instruction is pleased to welcome Mr. Jeremy Tucker as Dance and Music Education Consultant, effective this past Monday, May 1, Tucker will support all aspects of arts education with specific emphasis in dance and music, including legislation, policies, services, standards, student assessments, instructional strategies, and program implementation. A native North Carolinian, Tucker brings with him a wealth of experience, with degrees in both music and theatre from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Currently serving as the Choral Director at Green Hope High School and as Artistic Director and Conductor for the Raleigh BoyChoir, Tucker is nationally board certified in music and has taught elementary and high school students in both Wilson and Wake County public school systems. He has also worked with pre-service teachers as an adjunct professor at Barton College in Wilson. Prior to entering the teaching profession, Tucker was the assistant musical director for the National Broadway tour of Oliver! The Musical! Tucker was recognized as Teacher of the Year for Wilson County Schools in 2014, and he was named a 2015 North Carolina Schools Regional Teacher of the Year. Tucker states, “I am excited to join the NC Department of Public Instruction as Dance and Music Education Consultant. I look forward to supporting our arts educators, community partners, and educational leaders to strengthen the quality of instruction our students receive throughout North Carolina.”
S66 Vision for Arts Education
In today’s globally competitive world, innovative thinking and creativity are essential for all school children. High quality, standards-based instruction in the arts develops these skills and effectively engages, retains, and prepares future-ready students for graduation and success in an entrepreneurial economy. Dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, taught by licensed arts educators and integrated throughout the curriculum, are critical to North Carolina’s 21st century education. This is the Vision for Arts Education, as developed by the 2010 S66 Comprehensive Arts Education Task Force members. “In today’s globally competitive world, innovative thinking and creativity are essential for all school children. High quality, standards-based instruction in the arts develops these skills and effectively engages, retains, and prepares future-ready students for graduation and success in an entrepreneurial economy. Dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, taught by licensed arts educators and integrated throughout the curriculum, are critical to North Carolina’s 21st century education.” The Task Force had extensive discussion regarding why the arts were critical to preparing globally competitive, future-ready students who will be successful in school and in life. They also discussed how arts education should occur (taught by licensed arts educators AND integrated throughout the curriculum) in NC schools.
Comprehensive Arts Education (CAE)
Arts Integration Arts Exposure Arts Education The S66 Task Force recognizes a Comprehensive Arts Education as: • Arts Education (arts as core, academic subjects) • Arts Integration (arts as a catalyst for learning across the curriculum) • Arts Exposure (exposure to arts experiences) Additional information (not included in the webinar): The first component, Arts Education, relates to the arts as core, academic subjects and the importance of school-based instruction to develop proficiency in the arts. Arts Education is a collective term referring to a comprehensive and sequential education in four separate and distinct disciplines: dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts. Arts Education is defined in North Carolina in the Basic Education Program (115-C-81), and the arts are also defined as core, academic subjects in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). K-12 Arts Education is delivered during the regular school day by licensed arts educators using the NC Standard Course of Study, as specified in the Arts Education Essential Standards. (Some arts educators teach in Pre-K settings.) The second component, Arts Integration, refers to using the arts as a catalyst for learning across the curriculum and in all areas of learning. In addition to offering a rigorous course of study in their distinct disciplines (dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts), the arts are a powerful tool for learning throughout the curriculum. When teachers create curriculum that successfully integrates arts content and concepts with that from other subject areas, students are fully engaged in a multisensory learning experience through the application of multiple intelligences. North Carolina's A+ Schools Program is a nationally recognized, research-based, whole-school reform model that successfully utilizes arts education (instruction in all four arts disciplines) and arts integration to teach a balanced curriculum. The third component relates to the importance of Arts Exposure in providing real world context to students. By experiencing the arts, either as a creator, participant, or audience member, students learn about themselves and the complex world around them. In-school programming by professional artists reinforces the arts curriculum, while showcasing career paths. Artists also provide an inspirational model of the discipline, skill, and perseverance required to achieve excellence. Off-site student visits to art museums, theatres, or other arts venues demonstrate that the world outside school provides countless opportunities for discovery and active learning, encouraging students to become life-long learners engaged in their communities. The interface between the arts sector and a school is an essential component of a comprehensive arts education and sustains a community culture of well-rounded citizens who value creativity.
Rekindle Throughout our webinar today, we will provide opportunities for you to implement the four “R’s: rekindle, reflect, reconnect, and renew. Raise your hand if you have done something recently to rekindle your artistic spirit by participating in hands’-on arts experiences. What are some of the activities that help you to rekindle your artistic spirit? Please type your answers in the question box. You can also raise your hand icon if you have a rekindling activity that you would like to share!
Reflect Our first R provided an opportunity for us to share how we Rekindle our artistic spirits. This next section of the webinar relates to ways that you can reflect on the profession and deepen your understanding of the standards to support student learning and growth
We will now continue with some legislative updates, beginning with some federal legislative updates from Sara. Legislative Updates
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and replaces the No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Minimizes the amount of federally-mandated control over curriculum and assessments, allowing states to create their own educational plans to address issues such as school accountability, curriculum, student assessments, and support for struggling schools. “Well-rounded education” replaces “core academic subjects.” Arts and music are included under the definition of a “well-rounded” curriculum. (Title XIII, Sec. 8002) ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) a The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the new federal education law approved in December 2015 to replace No Child Left Behind. States are required to develop their own ESSA plan to comply with the federal law. The state plan will address issues of school accountability, student assessments, and support for struggling schools among other elements. b The new law continues to focus on student-level assessments for all students in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8, science assessments at least once in the elementary grades and at least once in the middle grades, college and career readiness in the high school grades, and accountability for all student subgroups. The state’s accountability plan must include goals for academic indicators (improved academic achievement on the state assessments, a measure of student growth or other statewide academic indicator for elementary and middle schools, graduation rates for high schools, and progress in achieving proficiency for English Learners) and a measure of school quality and student success (examples include student and educator engagement, access and completion of advanced coursework, postsecondary readiness, school climate and safety). Participation rates on the assessments must also be included in the plan. More information on ESSA may be found online English, reading or language arts, writing, science, technology, engineering, math, foreign languages, civics and government, arts, history, geography, computer science, music, CTE, health, physical education and any other subject as determined by the state or LEA Arts in Education grant program at DOE (is in as continued grant program, $20 million) Consolidated almost all other programs - Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Program (1.65 billion - for all well-rounded subjects) - will go to state in a formula and then 20% must be spent on those subjects in each state Website- Presentation- Slides-
ESSA State Plan Updates
Revision and updates for NC’s state plan are currently underway, and will be completed by September 18, NC’s state plan will take effect during the school year. New draft will be posted to the NC Public Schools website in early May, following the State Board of Education’s monthly meeting. Title I, Part A, Title III, Part A, Title IV, Part A, and Title VII, Subpart B, will be peer reviewed in each state. The rest of the state plan will be reviewed and approved by the US Department of Education. The public is invited to submit comments to the Department of Public Instruction through Let’s Talk. Simply click on the Let’s Talk link on the NCDPI website then select the ESSA dialogue topic. Questions regarding NC’s state plan may be directed to NCDPI Communications: a. NC State Plan Development: b. The public is invited to submit comments to the Department of Public Instruction through Let’s Talk. Simply click on the Let’s Talk link on the NCDPI website then select the ESSA dialogue topic. c. Questions regarding the state plan may be directed to NCDPI Communications at
Components for ESSA for State Consolidated Plan
☐ Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies ☐ Title I, Part C: Education of Migratory Children ☐ Title I, Part D: Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk ☐ Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction ☐ Title III, Part A: English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement ☐ Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants ☐ Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Centers ☐ Title V, Part B, Subpart 2: Rural and Low-Income School Program ☐ Title VII, Subpart B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act: Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (McKinney-Vento Act)
State Policy Updates The next few slides will provide you with important state policy updates.
Legislative Updates HB 13 Class Size Requirement Changes (2017) - an act to modify the maximum class size requirements and individual class size requirements for kindergarten through third grade. Passed House Ed Committee on 2/7; Heard by Appropriations on 2/9, Passed House 2/16 (114-0), referred to Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate Passed Second Reading in the Senate 4/25 (48-1) Signed Into Law last week by the Govenor HB 6 Ed Finance Reform Task Force PED Report Summary of Allotment-Specific and System-Level Issues Adversely Affect North Carolina’s Distribution of K-12 Resources HB135 - Technical Changes to Courses of Study Statute - changes language of BEP to “Sound, Basic Education;” impacts Standard Course of Study and 115C-81. HB97 - Arts Education Requirement (2017) - an act to direct the State Board of Education to require one arts education credit prior to graduation from high school. HB 13 Class Size Requirement Changes (2017) - an act to modify the maximum class size requirements and individual class size requirements for kindergarten through third grade. Passed House Ed Committee on 2/7; Heard by Appropriations on 2/9, Passed House 2/16 (114-0), referred to Rules in the Senate HB 6 Ed Finance Reform Task Force PED Report Summary of Allotment-Specific and System-Level Issues Adversely Affect North Carolina’s Distribution of K-12 Resources HB135 - Technical Changes to Courses of Study Statute - changes language of BEP to “Sound, Basic Education;” impacts Standard Course of Study and 115C-81. HB97 - Arts Education Requirement (2017) - an act to direct the State Board of Education to require one arts education credit prior to graduation from high school. Being heard on the House floor today (March 1, 2017)
Legislative Updates Staying Informed
Interested parties can follow legislative action by visiting: and searching by bill number to view the bills, including their sponsors, and actions taken. Audio Broadcasts - The North Carolina General Assembly broadcasts live, real-time audio of the daily House and Senate sessions, press conferences in the Press Conference Room, and meetings held in the Appropriations and Finance Committee Rooms. Refer to the Legislative Calendar for meeting and press conference schedules: Staying Informed Interested parties can follow legislative action by visiting: and searching by bill number to view the bills, including their sponsors, and actions taken. Audio Broadcasts - The North Carolina General Assembly broadcasts live, real-time audio of the daily House and Senate sessions, press conferences in the Press Conference Room, and meetings held in the Appropriations and Finance Committee Rooms. Refer to the Legislative Calendar for meeting and press conference schedules:
Student Growth Measure: ASW Process
Available on the ASW Wiki: 2016 – 2017 Timeline Updated Online Modules (under Professional Development tab) ASW Overview Planning an ASW Evidence Collection Capturing 2 Points in Time Context ASW Review Process with ASW Rated Samples for Arts Education The ASW wiki ( has the following resources available for local and/or individual training: 2016 – 2017 Timeline Updated Online Modules (under Professional Development tab) ASW Overview Planning an ASW Evidence Collection Capturing 2 Points in Time Context ASW Review Process with ASW Rated Samples for Arts Education
Arts Ed Guidance Chart + Timelapse Artifact Template
– This link takes you to the Arts Ed Guidance Chart plus Timelapse Artifact Template. You can use this tool to create your entire Evidence Collection for ASW. NOTES: Educators with teaching assignments in multiple Arts Education disciplines (for example: music and theatre) should validate “Yes” to classes in the discipline with the majority of their classes. For example, a teacher with 2 classes of music and 3 classes of theatre would only validate “Yes” to the theatre classes. **If you have an equal number of classes in multiple Arts Education disciplines, please choose one discipline. In order for the Evidence Collection to be considered complete: include 1 Timelapse Artifact representing each of the strands in your Arts Education discipline plus 1 or 2 additional Timelapse Artifacts for a total of 5 Timelapse Artifacts. select a unique Clarifying Objective (C.O) for each of the Timelapse Artifacts for a total of 5 different C.O.s Fill out the Arts Education Guidance Chart in your discipline to insure that all the strands are represented in your collection and that all of the C.O.s are unique. Use your 5 unique Clarifying Objectives to plan your evidence collection, in the 5 ASW Timelapse Artifact Templates located below the Arts Education ASW Guidance Chart. (Do not repeat objectives in the same year.) For more information about the Arts Education Essential Standards, including definitions of the strands, please go here
Reconnect Our last section of the webinar provides the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and professional organizations and includes some state news and updates.
Arts Ed Coordinators Meeting (AELC and Think Tank, too!)
The NC Arts Education Coordinators will meet on Friday, April 21, 2017, at Campbell University, from 9am – 1pm. The Arts Education Leadership Coalition members are invited to attend this meeting, and to convene after lunch for a meeting beginning at 1pm, with members of the Arts Education Think Tank, which will run until 3pm. NCDPI thanks Dr. Danny Hester and the faculty and staff at Campbell University for providing the facilities and for making all arrangements for this meeting. Registration information is available online on the Arts Education wikispace - April 21, Campbell University Registration information:
Highlights DPI/DNCR Updates Panel discussion on Class Size Issue
Arts Ed: NC Report Card PD Needs for
Verify Arts Education Coordinator List - http://ances. ncdpi
Please visit this page and click on the chart of Arts Education Coordinators Contact Information. with changes. with changes
ArtsR4Life September 9, 2017 We are in the process of planning the 3rd annual ArtsR4Life Conference for Fall 2017 and can share a save the date for Saturday, September 9, 2017. New this year – NCDPI is working with the Arts Ed Leadership Coalition and Meredith hosts to develop a pre-service strand You will not want to miss this opportunity to come together with arts educators from all over NC to rekindle, reflect, reconnect, and renew! Please stay tuned to the listserv and social media for updates.
Arts Education Wiki
Please remember that the Arts Education wiki is your one-stop shop for everything connected to implementing the NC Arts Education Essential Standards -
Stay Connected Follow us on Twitter:
@ARTSEDNC Facebook at “N.C. K-12 Arts Education” Listserv: Sign up for updates Below are some ways you can stay connected: Follow us on Twitter: @ARTSEDNC Facebook at “N.C. K-12 Arts Education” Listserv: rg Sign up for updates #artsr4life15
Renew This next activity will focus on renew! Activities under this “R” are designed for you to renew your body and mind through expressive, contemplative, and rejuvenating experiences designed to promote your well-being. Please participate in this next activity to the greatest extent that your location allows. You may be alone in front of a computer, or attending with a group of colleagues.
Good News The recording is stopped and participants are invited to share good news during the live virtual meeting.
Thank You!!! Our vision is to provide Comprehensive Arts Education to all students in North Carolina’s schools Thank you for being part of this journey and helping to make the vision a reality! We thank each of you for the critical role you play in ensuring the arts are part of a comprehensive, well-rounded, and competitive education for over 1.5 million NC school children! #artsr4life16
Evaluation What worked well Suggestions for improvement
We are coming to the close of our webinar and will be stopping the recording shortly. We invite those of you who have good new items to share to stay online with us to share either by typing in the chat box or raising the hand icon, good news around arts education in your community. And, if you can take a moment following the webinar, please help us continuously improve our efforts to serve you by completing this short evaluation: Finally, an confirmation for your attendance at today’s webinar will be issued one hour after the closing of this session and will be sent to the address used to register for the webinar. Please keep this confirmation for your records and documentation of your attendance. Please help us continuously improve our efforts to serve you by completing this short evaluation:
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