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Science Knowledge Development Nexus

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1 Science Knowledge Development Nexus
Science & Knowledge for Advancing 2030 SDGs in Arab Region UNESCO Roundtable Workshop Cairo May, 2016 K. El Hassan, PhD. American University of Beirut

2 Outline Linkage between Scientific Knowledge and Socioeconomic Development Sustainable Development Goals & Socioeconomic Development Key Ingredients for Implementation of SDGs

3 Linkage between Scientific Knowledge Socioeconomic Development
Knowledge and its material embodiments are at once products of social work and constitutive of forms of social life; society cannot function without knowledge any more than knowledge can exist without appropriate social supports. Scientific knowledge both embeds and is embedded in social practices, identities, norms, conventions, discourses, instruments and institutions . The same can be said even more forcefully of technology Cannot separate the domains of nature, facts, objectivity, reason and policy from those of culture, values, subjectivity, emotion and politics.

4 Linkage between Scientific Knowledge Socioeconomic Development
This reinforces the need to integrate studies of knowledge-making and technology production with the analysis of human identities, institutions, discourses and representations. Also, this raises the need for a discourse on role of science and technology in society. What happens in science and technology today is interwoven with issues of meaning, values, and power in ways that demand sustained critical inquiry.

5 Linkage between Scientific Knowledge Socioeconomic Development
This framework was taken into consideration in the formulation of the 2030 SD Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets are integrated, interconnected, indivisible, and balance the three dimensions: the economic, social and environmental. To achieve sustainable development, decision makers need to recognize, understand and act on the interconnections between the economy, society and natural environment, such as the critical links between food, energy, land, water, health, poverty, jobs and economic growth. There is recognition that we cannot meet one goal without achieving the other goals. Education and research are essential to all SDGs.



8 Sustainable Development Goals & Socioeconomic Development
A science system in any country carries out key functions knowledge production – developing and providing new knowledge; knowledge transmission – educating and developing human resources; and knowledge transfer – disseminating knowledge and providing inputs to problem solving. Succeeding in these functions requires: education, both formal and informal, capacity building, collaboration with all stakeholders, and innovation and creativity

9 Goal 4. Education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning Opportunities for all covers whole education sector, at all levels, provide youths and adults with relevant skills and knowledge. Increase supply of qualified teachers. Education quality defined in broader terms of excellence- how does it contribute to social cohesion, to inert-cultural understanding, to peace and security, to the search and promotion of innovation including more sustainable production methods and consumption practices.

10 Goal 8: Economic Growth Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and Productive employment and decent work for all New analytical approaches ‘new growth theory’ to achieve higher levels of economic productivity, promote development oriented policies, labor rights, working environments, and global strategy for youth employment. eradicate forced labor, modern slavery and human trafficking, Promote industrialization, upgrade its infrastructure, foster innovation, enhance scientific research, and upgrade technological capabilities of industrial sectors. Role of education and training especially higher education is central, As it prepares for a labor market that is changing much more rapidly and in unpredictable ways. If a direct linear link is not drawn between higher education and employment, then there will surely be a future skills gap in highly qualified people.

11 Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of Children. Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels, based on respect of human rights and effective rule of law and good governance. SD cannot be realized without peace & security; and peace and security will be at risk without SD.

12 Key Ingredients for Implementation of SDGs
Science-based decision-making integrating scientists' advice into decision-making bodies; partnerships between scientific, public and private institutions; improved collaboration between natural and social scientists, and establishing regular channels for requesting and receiving advice between scientists and policy makers.

13 Key Ingredients for Implementation of SDGs
Advanced decision-support tools to enable integrated analysis, evidence-based policy, and monitoring, accountability and follow-up. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) are critical for providing data and information for quantitative analyses, evidence regarding what is and what is not working, and cost effectiveness of different policy options. Required for decision-making a coherent set of sustainable development indicators, development of baselines, collection and management of data, data needs to be accessible, timely, and reliable, regular monitoring of trends and progress, and transparent reporting.

14 Conclusion Agenda for implementing SDGs is through global partnership for sustainable development, supported by concrete policies and actions. Defined targets are aspirational and global but it is up to each region to take into account its regional circumstances and define its own targets guided by the global level of ambition. Arab region has its own vision, priorities, and resources, in addition to the challenges it faces on multiple fronts and these should be taken into consideration when deciding upon its goals and targets. Achieving the SDGs requires a transformation in our economies and societies steered by stable and sound institutional and governance foundations.

15 Thank you

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