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Chapter 24, Lesson 3 US Joins the Allies.

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1 Chapter 24, Lesson 3 US Joins the Allies

2 Supplying the Allies Allies were low on supplies
German U-boats sunk 1 of 4 ships Allies used convoys: groups of ships sailing w/ to protect other ships

3 Russia Quits Bolshevik Revolution overthrew new gov’t that had overthrown Czar Nicholas II Led by Vladimir Lenin, who signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk w/ Germany Peace in the East meant Germans could focus on Western Front

4 US Joins the Battle May 1917, Gen John Pershing led American Expeditionary Force (AEF) French & British wanted US to join them Pershing refused, wanted to keep separate American soldiers, “Doughboys” first saw action June 1918 driving back German forces at Chateau-Thierry

5 Argonne Forest Allies begin to attack
500,000 US soldiers defeat Germans at Saint-Mihiel 1 million US troops join Allies at Argonne Forest for 7 weeks, pushed through their lines into Germany Eddie Rickenbacker & Alvin York both receive Medal of Honor

6 End of War Germany struggling on Western Front
Ottoman Empire about to collapse in late 1918 Austria-Hungary broke apart & Poland, Hungary, & Czechoslovakia declared independence Nov 1918 Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire surrendered to Allies

7 German Defeat Germany realizes defeat & asks Pres Wilson for armistice on Oct 4, 1918 Wilson agreed but w/ certain conditions Germany had to leave Belgium & France Only nonmilitary leaders could negotiate Revolution in Germany forced the Kaiser or emperor to step down

8 Armistice Armistice on the 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month (Nov 11, 1918) Germany had to withdraw forces west of Rhine River Remove its fleet from Baltic Sea Surrender large amounts of equipment The Great War was over

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