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Advanced Aero Vehicle Group

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Aero Vehicle Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Aero Vehicle Group
October 7, 2014

2 Payments/Donations Lots of personal purchases coming up
Checks can be made out as: Pay Missouri University of Science and Technology Memo: AAVG [insert purpose] All cash payments require a receipt If you did not get a receipt, you did not pay Same thing with donations, memo “AAVG Donation”

3 Shop Etiquette Remember to completely clean up before leaving the shop
Entire machine should be clear of dust, top and bottom Floor should be swept and shiny Tools go back in their spots, batteries on chargers Share the shop Be polite and courteous to the other teams (even if they are dicks) Do not keep a computer logged in if you are leaving the computer room

4 Budgeting SAFB Funding: ~$4,500 AMAE Grant Presentation on Friday
SDELC Grant under review Leads now have budget constraints as assigned by chief engineers

5 Webmaster Raise your hand if you’re the webmaster if(raised_hands==0)
webmaster.get_volunteer(); else webmaster.get_meeting(); ^programming humor

6 Training All members should have minimally General Shop Safety and Basic Machine Shop training If you don’t yet, you are SOL for the foreseeable future Also look out for Composites and Electronics training Mill and Lathe are fun, too

7 Polos Ordering first batch by 16th $20-$25/person (top/bottom)
Cash or Check by next meeting

8 OrgSync Fair warning: Change your notification settings unless you love to drown in s Attendance will be logged in OrgSync for general and subgroup meetings To get access to OrgSync, you must sign up at first


10 2015 Competition Got waitlisted for East!!
Looks like we’re going to California…… Date: April 26-28, 2014

11 Aerodynamics

12 This Week Run stability code for wing configuration
Talked with Dr. Eversman today about stability code that was ran this weekend Finish up stability of the aircraft

13 Next Week Control surface sizing

14 Propulsion- SAE Have attached the tuned pipe more suited for our propeller size and got 18.5K RPM with an 11x4 prop. Continued to break in the engine for roughly another 40 minutes.

15 Propulsion Continue Breaking in the engine (80 more minutes)
Fuel Tank Testing

16 D&M

17 Last Week Did some layups for the fuselage prototype
Turned out awesome!

18 This Week Put the final touches on the fuselage model
We will make the omax waterjet files tomorrow If we have time (I doubt it) we will start working on the wings

19 Next Week We will submit the water jet files to Richard by Monday, and then we hope, pray, and make sacrifices to the SDELC Gods that we get the parts cut by the end of next week. If we get them cut in time, we will start building. If not (pretty likely) we will work on the wings

20 Fuselage Specs Overall Weight (including propulsion and electronics): 4.1 lbs ^ THAT’S .9 LBS BELOW OUR GOAL!!!!! Static margin between 15-20% 6oz fuel tank Approximately $ for fuselage structure (not bad?)

21 More specs Weight carriage that uses our old tungsten
Sand bag is just a tad longer than last year Uses one door (like last year)

22 Research and Development
Last Week: Tested epoxy Looked into materials and propellers This Week: Ordering materials and propellers Hopefully begin testing soon

23 Structures Up and coming Start on spar design!!!
Testing bulkhead material in Mechanics of materials lab this week

24 Electronics

25 Last Week Got the RTF plane ready to fly Tested video system

26 Next Week Fly! Test autopilot In-depth look at drop code

27 Rocket Team

28 Competition Payload design Ask team the question
Thermocouples and Thermo reacting paint Particulates Research Ask team the question

29 Other Subgroup Leads T-Shirts Documentation Committee
This Week: Nominations Next Week: Interviews T-Shirts 15 Dollars Pay up front Documentation Committee

30 Midwest Rides Friday travels Gas Camping Tents COLD!!

31 Aerodynamics and Propulsion
Alex Mundahl

32 Last Week Presentations Google Docs What we learned

33 This Week RockSim!!! Weights, designs, etc.
Possible start at actual design Need payload

34 Electronics – Last Week
Came up with several ideas Some interesting Some not doable Asked you guys to give me your thoughts on the google drive

35 Electronics – This Week
Leads have discussed some of your ideas and what we think could work Go over said ideas and come up with a game plan for the year!

36 Testing and Integration
This Week: Discussed material needs Sourced materials Will be ordering materials Next Week: (Hopefully) Be testing

37 Manufacturing and Design
Last Week: Compiled a big ol’ database of SolidWorks components Talked about sub leads Hopefully this is the final change to meeting times, BUT SUNDAYS from 6-7pm

38 Manufacturing and Design
This week! Sunday Meeting will be at the shop Cleaning up, getting used to where everything is After Juan and Alex figure out exactly what we need, then we can start designing ALSO – SHIRTS – was sent out $15, check or cash Fill out form

39 Questions?

40 After the Meeting Midwest Power: Stay here

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