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South Korea challenges in relation to aerial threats in the modern era

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1 South Korea challenges in relation to aerial threats in the modern era
Research Institute Good afternoon. My name is Hee Woo Lee, Retired AF Brig. Gen. and working for Research Institute of Chungnam National University as a president. I would like to express my opinion about the status, the problems and the direction for the improvement of South Korea’s defense system regarding the missile threats by North Korea which are important and big issues at the current stage all over the world. June 충남대학교 종합군수체계 연구소

2 II III IV Contents Aerial Threats of North Korea
Aerial Threats of North Korea II Air Defense System of South Korea The Issues and Strategies of South Korea Air Defense System III IV The sequence of my presentation will be following. First, I am going to describe what is the actual situation of aerial threats by North Korea and what is the status of South Korea’s air defense system now. Secondly, I will share my analysis on the problems and issues accordingly. Finally, I will cover which direction should be needed for the near future. Conclusion

3 Aerial Threats of North Korea
Alaska Guam Rusia North Korea Japan Hawaii KN-02 KN-01 Scud-B Scud-C Nodong Musudan Taepo- dong 2 Maximum range in km (000s) Ballistic Missile (Range) North Korea has developed continuously focusing on the missile as well as nuclear weapons since 1970’s as one of asymmetric warfare strategies. North Korea has already deployed not only SCUD B&C missiles which can put South Korea within the striking range, but also Nodong missile that is capable to strike entire area of Japan. In addition, as you can see in this picture, they developed Musudan missile with striking range of military base in Guam and Taepodong -2 missile that can travel to strike Alaska in U.S. respectively. Furthermore, it has been known that recently North Korea has succeeded in development of Taepodong series missiles which are capable of striking in the U. S. mainland.

4 Aerial Threats of North Korea
Specifications of the Missiles Classifi- cation  Performance Dimension Remarks Configu ration Range(km) Warhead (kg) Weight (kg) Height (m) KN-02 120 500 2000 6 Solid-Fuel TEL Scud B(Whasong 5): 300 C(Whasong 6): 500 1000 770 6370 6500 11 12 Nodong 1300 800 17800 16 Daepo- dong 1: 2500 2: Unha 2: (?) Unha 3:12000 (?) 700 79200 30 40 Musudan 3000~4000 12000 KN-08 8000(?) 18 It is estimated that North Korea has on or about 800 missiles currently. The type and main performance of their missile is like this chart. As a short range missile, KN-02 is a solid fuel missile and using mobile launchers, so it is very difficult to identify the origin of launching place and the indication of launching missile. Scud missile has the range of between 300 and 500km which is sufficient to strike Korea peninsula and also this one is using mobile launchers, so it is difficult to preemptive attack them. Nodong missiles with a range of entire area of Japan is using mobile launchers also. The North Korea also has developed the ballistic Musudan missile with a range of 3,000-4,000 km recently using mobile launchers. And Taepodong-2 with a range of over 5000 km as far as Alaska respectively. Also, as one of Taepodong missile series, Enhwa-2 has a range of over 6000 km and North Korea shows the capability of development ICBM to reach to beyond km of U.S. main land by success of launching Enhwa-3 in December of last year. KN-08 is believed to be under developed by North Korea and its range is estimated to 8000 km. It can be using also by mobile launchers.

5 Aerial Threats of North Korea
Long-Range Munition 170mm Self-Propelled Gun Range: 54km 240mm MLRS Range: 60km 40km Seoul I am going to mention about long range munition which became quite a threat to South Korea as much as missiles. North Korea’s long-range munitions have been composed of 170mm Self-Propelled Gun with a range of 54km and 240 mm MLRS with range of 60km. On or about 1000 long-range munitions have been deployed along with DMZ and about 300 of them have been deployed to target for Seoul depart from only 40 km from DMZ. Since North Korea has threatened to launch bomb attack on Seoul be in flames, long-range munition has became the biggest threat to Capital area of Seoul. Furthermore, North Korea is lately increasing to threat by deploying 100 quantities of 300mm MLRS with a range of 130km additionally.

6 Aerial Threats of North Korea
Aircraft  Classification  Configuration Remarks Fighter Support UAV Mig-15 Mig-17 Mig-19 Mig-21 Mig-23 Mig-29 IL-28 SU-25 AN-2 It has been known that North Korea has about 900 fighter aircrafts now. North Korea has various about five hundred fifties old version fighters of Mig-15, 17, 19 and 21 as well as around fourty Mig -29 fighters as fourth generation. Also, North Korea is equipped with the supporter such as IL-28 as bomber, SU-25 as attack fighter and AN-2 for special force for penetration. Additionally, North Korea is operating modified UAVs imported from Russia and China including suicidal UAV modified version of MQM-107. MQM-107 modified (suicidal type)

7 Air Defense System of South Korea
KAMD (Korea Air & Missile Defense) China North Korea PAC-2 AMD-Cell AEGIS AN/SPY-1D(V) E-737 Green Fine Launch Intercept Detection DSP, E-767 Green Pine AEGIS RDR Command SM-2 DSP Let’s continue to air defense system of South Korea. South Korea has been forcing to establish Korean Air and Missile Defense system (KAMD) to counter against the growing missile threat from North Korea. As you can see in this picture, if North Korea launch the missile, it could be detected by surveillance satellite DSP, ground based early warning radar Green Pine, Aegis equipped Radar and early warning and control aircraft E-737. The control tower of the shield system, called air and missile defense cell, integrates all the information acquired from them and estimates the missile launching place, the direction of missile and the objective point. After that, AMD-cell can order to intercept the missiles. After receiving order to intercept, PAC-2 battery in ground and Aegis equipped SM-2 can launch them by tracking with its Radar respectively.

8 Air Defense System of South Korea
Surveilance Resources South Korea Resources U.S.A Resources Configuration Range Green Fine 500 km DSP E-737 400 km X-band 4800 km AEGIS 1000 km Global Hawk U-2 Next slide shows surveillance resources of South Korea’s air defense system. South Korea has the Green Pine ground based early warning Radar recently deployed with a detection range of 500 km and SPY-1 Radar with a detection range of 1000 km equipped in Aegis destroyer, and E-737 AEW&C. As the surveillance resource of U.S., DSP early warning reconnaissance satellite, global Hawk, and U-2 can be deployed in South Korea. Recently X-band Radar with a detection range of 4800 km has been deployed.

9 Air Defense System of South Korea
Defense Resources Very Lower-Tier Lower-Tier Configuration Range (Altitude) Hawk 30 km (13 km) PAC-2 100 km (25 km) Nike 155 km (20 km) Chunma 9 km (5 km) SM-2 170 km (24 km) Chungung 40 km Missile defense resources of South Korea have been limited by lower –tier defense system. First of all, as an old version, Hawk and Nike are operating in partially as a very lower-tier system. Defense systems developed in South Korea are such as Chunma with a range of 9 km and recently deployed Chungung with a range of 40 km. As a lower-tier system, there is Patriot Advanced Capability called PAC-2 and SM-2 equipped in Aegis destroyer. These lower-tier missile defense systems are mainly to defense for incoming aircraft and have a limitation in operating for anti-ballistic missile.

10 Air Defense System of South Korea
Strike Resources Ground to Ground Air to Ground Configuration Range Hyunmu 1 Hyunmu 2 180~300 km JDAM 24 km Chunryong 500~1500 km GBU-28 9 km ATACMS 300 km AGM-142 80~150 km Haesung 150 km The following chart shows South Korea’s strike weapon systems. South Korea has developed Hyunmu missile, ground to ground, series with ranges between 180 and 300 km. Also, Chunyong cruise missile can reach to the ranges between 500 and 1500 km. Besides, Haesung which is ship to surface cruise missile from destroyers is capable within the range of 150 km. About 200 ATACM missiles imported from U.S. are capable to reach 300 km. In addition to this, Chunmu, multiple launch rocket system of 230 mm recently developed in South Korea will be deployed in this year with the range of 80 km. As air to ground missile, JDAM with a range of 24 km and GBU-28 known as “Bunker Buster” and AGM-142 with a range of 150 km are imported and operated in South Korea.

11 The Issues and Strategies of South Korea Air Defense System
Defense of the Long-Range Munition Lack of countermeasure capability against the threats of North Korea No protection capability in Capital region within the range of the long-range munition (Expect massive attacks in the beginning of warfare) Limited to passive defensive mechanism (e.g. evacuation, dispersion] Maximized casualty topping with nuclear/ high explosive/bio-chemical tankers Need to Preemptive strike capability by indication of NK’s possible attacks Utilize US C4I assets (satellites & UAV] and SIGINT capability Strike by K-9, MLRS and JDAM, GBU-28 by ROK/US air attack capabilities Moving on to next, I will talk about the problem and task of South Korea’s Air defense System. First, the countermeasures to long range munition threat by North Korea. Seoul has been exposed to considerable threats since it is located within the range of the long range munition of North Korea. Especially it is estimated that around ten thousand bombs per hour can hit mainly Seoul at the beginning stage of warfare but there’s no protection capability to cope with this kind of attack. Therefore, at the current stage, it is evitable to depend on the limited passive defense mechanism such as evacuation and dispersion. Furthermore, causality could be maximized, if North Korea tapped with nuclear, high explosive, bio-chemical bombs. In this circumstance, I believe that it is the best way to make preemptive strike them through indicate and monitoring system. Therefore, actively utilize SIGINT, U.S. Surveillance satellite and UAV. And in case of preemptive attack, precision bombing can be retaliated through K-9, MLRS, and ROK/U.S. Air force.

12 The Issues and Strategies of South Korea Air Defense System
Defense of the Long-Range Munition Tasks Upgrade of C4I through interface with AMD-cell for preemptive attacks Establish Korean version of C-RAM to deal with massive munitions and rocket attacks As a point of view of task in short term, upgrade of C4I system is needed for the decision making of preemptive attack. On the other hand, in long term, Korean version of C-RAM establishment for simultaneous engagement against massive attacks also is necessary for South Korea to do.

13 The Issues and Strategies of South Korea Air Defense System
Defense of the Ballistic Missiles Lack of Countermeasure capability against NK’s ballistic missiles Insufficiency to defense against KN-02/Scud/Nodong Missiles Not enough defensive capability with current PAC-2/SM-2 Not enough quantities No defensive mechanism for Upper Tier Defense Insufficient countermeasures to mobile ballistic launching capabilities Anxiety of increasing damages used by Nuclear/high explosive/bio-chemical weapons Necessity to have Preemptive capability through indicator and monitoring Nuclear umbrella (deterrence) by the U.S. and to have surgical strike capability to NK leadership (F-15 etc.) Executing of Kill-chain within 30 mins by Offensive Counter Air Operation of ROKAF Prepare and shape environment for preemptive attacks (secure targets, striking capability and geo-political/diplomatic approach) Next, the countermeasures to ballistic missile threat by North Korea. Shortly, it is very obvious that the lack of capability to deal with the ballistic missile at current stage in South Korea. Especially, South Korea does not have defense capability for KN-02, SCUD, and Nodong missile with striking range of South Korea substantially. It is difficult to intercept ballistic missile by PAC-2 and SM-2, more over in which are shortfall in quantity. Also, there is no defense mechanism for upper tier defense and it is difficult to countermeasure to mobile launcher system of North Korea. Therefore, at the present time, there is no choice of relying on the passive defense such as evacuation or dispersion. And if North Korea use nuclear, high explosive, and bio-chemical warfare and considerable damage would be expected. Therefore, the best defense method against ballistic missile is the preemptive attack through indication and monitoring system in the modern era. Therefore, it is considered to rely on nuclear umbrella and/or pinpoint strike to North Korea’s leadership by F-15. In other words, ROKAF is establishing the Offensive Counter Air Operation as like the operating of the Kill-Chain within 30 minutes. However, in order to preemptive attack, secure targets, deliberate attack capability and geo-political/diplomatic approach should be prepared.

14 The Issues and Strategies of South Korea Air Defense System
Defense of the Ballistic Missiles (Continued) Tasks In short term, strengthen terminal Phase defense Obtain PAC-3 Develop L-SAM (Hit-to-kill) In long term, establish integrated multi-layer defense system Upper layer defensive system aligns with US MD, THAAD, SM-3 Boost laser defensive system with international collaborative development Integrated Command Force for Air Defense Army : G to G missiles Air force : G to A artillery and missiles ROK/U.S. Combined Commanding System (Link to AMD-cell, ROK PAC-2 and U.S. PAC-3 ) Trilateral collaboration among U.S./Japan/ROK for indication and monitor for detection As a task, in short term, it is necessary to reinforce for lower tier defense system through developing of Korean version of Patriot system, L-SAM and securing to obtain PAC-3. In perspective of long term, obtaining THAAD and SM-3 missiles for upper tier defense system should be needed in order to create integrated multi-layer defense system and also laser defensive system has been required to boot through international collaboration development. Also, respectively dualized Air defense system as Army and Air Force should be integrated as Command Force. This means that especially KAMD which has been establishing currently should integrate and control Air-defense artillery of ROKAF and long range G to G units of ROKA. In addition, it is necessary to improve Command and Control system for operating ROK/U.S. Combined Commanding System. If necessary, trilateral collaboration among U.S./Japan/ROK for indication and monitor to detect by using their mechanism should be positively considered.

15 Conclusion North Korea has developed remarkable missile technology at current De-facto ICBM state Various range/types of missiles more than 800 Realization of North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats Exposed to North Korea’s artillery units and missiles threats Artillery attacks to Yeonpeong island Submarines torpedo attacks against warship Cheanan Increasing threats by operating mobile launchers Improvement for South Korea’s Air defense system Need to improve defense and preemptive attack capability in parallel In short term, improve terminal stage defense of missile and long-range munition In long term, create collaborative integrated multi-layer defense system North Korea has made remarkable development on missile system technology recently. North Korea practically is a country which is holding ICBM and has 800 short and long range missiles. North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats have been reality to us. South Korea is suffering now by the threats their long-range munition and missile. As recent examples, north Korea’s artillery attacks to Yeonpeong island and submarines torpedo attacks against warship Cheonan. And missile threats have been more increasing by operating mobile launcher system. It is essential to set up the detailed strategy for the improvement of Air defense system of South Korea because it requires a lot of cost and time. Therefore, there appears to be need for us to improve the defense and preemptive attack capability in paralle. In short term, improve the protection capability of capital area, Seoul, against terminal stage of missile attacks and long-range artillery attacks. In long term, establish collaborative integrated multi-layer defense system through supplement for upper tier air defense capability. Lastly, I appreciate INSS for giving me a chance of presentation. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to consider on the aerial threats that South Korea is confronting now. Thank you.

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