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Analysis of relapse and its clinico - histopathological correlation – a retrospective study from The Leprosy Mission Hospital , Purulia Joydeepa Darlong.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of relapse and its clinico - histopathological correlation – a retrospective study from The Leprosy Mission Hospital , Purulia Joydeepa Darlong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of relapse and its clinico - histopathological correlation – a retrospective study from The Leprosy Mission Hospital , Purulia Joydeepa Darlong

2 Objectives To study the clinical profile of patients diagnosed with relapsed leprosy using WHO guidelines Correlate their bacteriological and histopathological findings . Discussion of Drug resistance profile in this cohort of patients

3 Methodology Suspects - All patients who had successfully completed treatment with WHO MDT in the past, reporting with clinical signs of progression of disease. Confirmed cases – Defined by Who guidelines and Slit Skin smear +ve with confirmed biopsies . Data Collection was done from patient medical records and computerized hospital information system on patients diagnosed with relapse from 2009 to 2015. Entered into excel sheets and analyzed


5 Presenting complaints

6 Years free of disease


8 Resistance profile 15 relapsed patients underwent resistance study
4 had rifampicin resistance 1 had dapsone resistance .

9 Discussion Leprosy is common in males , a similar trend is seen in relapse. Patch is the commonest symptom (51%) explained by cosmetic reasons . Edema and infiltration must not be ignored. They are subtle signs of LL leprosy . BL and LL are the commonest classification . Unless bacteriological index and histopathological examination is done , chances of missing a correct diagnosis is high .

10 Conclusion Histopathological study of relapsed leprosy is very important in understanding the disease, its varied manifestations . It will enable correct classification , hence appropriate treatment . Cases presenting with new patches and neuritis might get missed if not correlated with BI and Biopsy . Resistance studies must be done in all relapsed cases If resistance to any antibiotic is obtained , then alternate treatment regimes must be offered .


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