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An Example of Obedience?

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2 An Example of Obedience?
When we read of obedience we read of God giving a command and the hearer doing what God said. Gen. 6 – God gave Noah the command to build an ark If Noah had built an ark of his own specifications the ark would not have floated.

3 An Example of Obedience?
2 Kings 5 – Naaman was healed of leprosy If Naaman had dipped in the rivers of Damascus he would not have been cleansed of leprosy.

4 An Example of Obedience?
In the New Testament we read of a man who was a good man. When we read of this man his qualities shine forth.

5 An Example of Obedience?
His qualities: 1. He desired to hear the words of life. 2. He desired eternal life. 3. He was not a murderer. 4. He did not commit adultery. 5. He did not steal. 6. He did not bear false witness. 7. He respected and honored his parents. 8. He cared about his neighbors. 9. He was honest.

6 An Example of Obedience?
If this was used to describe someone today many might say that it is the description of a christian and these are all characteristics of someone who desires to be acceptable to God. However, the man described here was not a christian and he even rejected the command of Jesus.

7 An Example of Obedience?
Matt. 19:16-22; Mark 10:17-22; Luke 18:18-23 In the account by Mark we can read that he was eager, he came running, and he had reverence, he knelt. He was able to recognize that Jesus had the information he was searching for. We know that he lacked something and Jesus pointed that out to the man. He heard Jesus and he went away without obeying Jesus because of his attachment to this world.

8 An Example of Obedience?
He can be an example of many religious people today. Like him, many are eager for the words of life. They recognize that Jesus has the words of life. They also recognize that they must be different and separate from the world. They don’t associate with the things of this world and are even strong enough to proclaim that many things that the world says are acceptable are not. They have a desire for eternal life.

9 An Example of Obedience?
But, just as the man described refused the command of Jesus, they refuse the command of Jesus. Many today go down their checklist of salvation. I hear. I believe. I live according to 10 commandments. I go to worship services. I have accepted Jesus as my personal savior. I am a christian. I am a good moral person.

10 An Example of Obedience?
The rich young ruler asked Jesus, “What do I still lack?” Many today still lack something in their pursuit of the salvation offered by God. They lack baptism.

11 An Example of Obedience?
Rev. 1:5 – John wrote of himself and to those who had been washed from their sins in the blood of Jesus Heb. 9:22 – without the shedding of blood there is no remission, forgiveness Heb. 9:12 – Christ offered His own blood

12 An Example of Obedience?
When did Christ offer His own blood? Matt. 27:25 – the people accepted responsibility for the blood of Jesus Matt. 27:26 – Pilate had Jesus scourged John 19:34 – His side was pierced and blood and water flowed from His body At His death Jesus shed His blood for the remission of sins.

13 An Example of Obedience?
Rom. 6:3-8 – we are washed by the blood of Jesus when we are baptized into His death Acts 22:16 – Ananias told Saul to wash away his sins by being baptized Acts 2:38 – Peter told the people to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins 1 Peter 3:21 – baptism saves us

14 An Example of Obedience?
It is when this is pointed out, that many lack baptism for the forgiveness of sins, that they respond in a similar manner as the rich young ruler. They turn away from the truth of Jesus because they are not willing to give up their idea of what salvation is.

15 An Example of Obedience?
Will you be like the rich young ruler and go away sorrowful? Or… Will you be like the man from Ethiopia how went on his way rejoicing because he obeyed the Gospel?

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