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Europe Plunges Into War

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1 Europe Plunges Into War
What alliances form during World War I?

2 World War I Alliances Aug 1914: Declarations of war issued (Russia on A-H, Germany on Russia & France) Triple Alliance becomes Central Powers Germany and A-H in Central Europe Ottoman Empire joins to gain back lost territory, 1915: 4) Bulgaria joins to gain new territory Triple Entente becomes Allied Powers Russia, Serbia, France declared/had war declared on them Britain Germany invades Belgium Italy joins, claims CP started unjust war

3 The Western Front Fought in France Ger vs. GB & Fr Known for bloody battles due to trench warfare The Eastern Front Fought on border of Russia/Germany/A-H & Balkans Ger & A-H vs. Russia & Serbia Known as frozen front due to cold weather & lack of supplies

4 Schlieffen Plan (Shlee-fun)
goal: avoid fighting on two fronts 1) attack/defeat France first on W front [had beat them in Franco-Prussian War] 2) Attack Russia later on the E front - Russia not able to mobilize  less industrialized (few RRs and factories), A-H can hold them off Ger enters neutral Belgium to get to Fr British upset & enter war

5 Western Front – Battle of the Marne
Ger w/in few miles of Paris Allies regroup and counterattack  Ger retreat 4 days later - taxicabs rushed soldiers from Paris to the fighting front significance: Ger must fight on two fronts - Schlieffen Plan will not work – no quick/easy victory in Fr German troops near Paris Taxis rush soldiers to the front

6 The Western Front – Trench Warfare
new technology  new strategies series of trenches dug by both sides in N France Soldiers fought, lived & slept in trenches - deal with artillery fire, rats, lice, disease, smell, boredom, contamination, mud AND trench foot

7 Arial View of Trenches

8 Occasional Forward Traverse
Trench Diagrams: Dog Legs Tenaille / Zig Zag “T”s and “L”s Occasional Forward Traverse




12 Trench Warfare: Side View
Sandbags Barbed Wire Rats H2O Firing Step Boards

13 British cooking up a “trench meal”
Typical British Rations: 1lb frozen meat, or salt meat 1 lb bread/biscuit/flour 2 oz. bacon 3 oz. cheese 5/8 oz. tea 4 oz. jam 3 oz. sugar 1/2 oz salt 1/36 oz. pepper 1/20 oz. mustard 2 oz. dried vegetables 1/2oz lime juice (if no vegetables) 2 1/2oz rum or gin (at discretion of commander) up to 2 oz. tobacco per week (at discretion of commander British cooking up a “trench meal”


15 German troops firing Machine Guns
French troops using a periscope in a trench German troops firing Machine Guns

16 French troops testing phone lines for communication

17 French Soldiers Killed on the Western Front

18 Water filled trench (usual cause of trench foot)
Soldier caught on the barbed wire

19 Big Problem in Trenches…


21 Trench Foot

22 Bloody Stalemates “No Man’s Land” space above and between trenches - filled with barbed wire and land mines battles on W. Front result in little territory gained and huge loss of life Battle of the Somme, 20K killed in one day & overall 600K wounded/killed for the Allies and 450K for CP (4mos) Christmas truce: December 1914 each side stopped fighting for one day and came out of the trenches to celebrate the holidays together

23 Trench Foot

24 The Eastern Front Russia winning vs A-H  Ger & Ottomans cut off Russia’s supply lines (Black Sea) - lack of supplies/clothing = high death toll [“frozen front”] Russia’s only advantage was a large population allowing them to constantly “rebuild” their army

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