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Primary Longman Elect 6A Chapter 1 Suffixes.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Longman Elect 6A Chapter 1 Suffixes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Longman Elect 6A Chapter 1 Suffixes

2 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -er teach + er  a teacher

3 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -er a teacher = someone who teaches

4 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -or invent + or  an inventor

5 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -or an inventor = someone who invents

6 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -man post + man  a postman

7 Suffixes We can add a suffix to words to form nouns. These nouns refer to people who do that particular activity. -man a postman = someone who delivers posts

8 Suffixes Group the words with the same ending: -er, -or, -man and –ist. a painter an animator a bus driver an actor a businessman/businesswoman a reporter a singer a lawyer an inventor a scientist an artist a film director a dancer a waiter a social worker a fashion designer a taxi driver an instructor a novelist a teacher a fireman/firewoman a policeman/policewoman a postman

9 Suffixes -er -or -man -ist a teacher an actor a fireman/firewoman
a scientist a painter an animator a policeman/ policewoman an artist a singer a film director a novelist a businessman/ businesswoman a dancer an instructor a lawyer an inventor a postman a waiter a bus driver a taxi driver a fashion designer a social worker a reporter

10 Can you think of some more jobs that end with these suffixes?

11 The End

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