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Presentation on theme: "2017 ANNUAL MEETING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Call to Order January 29, 2017, 10:05 a.m. Declare Quorum
Opening Prayer

3 Today’s Agenda Motions to Amend the By-Laws Financials
Deacon Size Session Size Financials VIP Presentation A Look Ahead Pastor’s Terms of Call

4 Motions to Amend By-Laws
Regarding Session and Deacons

5 Deacon Size Bylaws - ARTICLE IV, Section 1 The Board of Deacons shall consist of thirty-six forty-eight Deacons. The Deacons shall be under the supervision and authority of the Session. The Pastor(s) shall be advisory members. The Board shall elect a moderator and secretary from among its members. A quorum shall be one-third of its members, including the moderator. Board shall meet regularly and upon reasonable notice.

6 Session Size - motion Bylaws - ARTICLE III, Section 1 The Session shall be responsible for the mission and government of the Church. The Session shall consist of the Teaching Elders (Pastors) and the Ruling Elders. The congregation shall elect twenty-seven fifteen Ruling Elders, who by reason of their office shall be the trustees of the corporation.

7 Session Size - Rationale
Numerous churches have gone to a board this size and have expressed that it: Still adequately represents the church Is still a sizeable enough group to maintain accountability Creates a much greater ability for real discussion and decision-making We can continue to function as we currently do with elders serving on each committee of the church. Helps the nominating committee Adjustment will take 2 years

8 Financials

9 2016 Year End Numbers have changed slightly since the letter I sent with your statements, since there are always final adjustments made until we close the year. We ended the year with a slight deficit of $ 12,600 Pledged giving came in at $ 1,392,450 Other giving came in at $ 197,350 NSLC contributed $ 41,457 above their budgeted amount. Thank you North Star!





14 2017 INCOME Pledged Giving 1,276,767 Unpledged Giving 368,070 Loose Offering 10,000 NSLC Tuition 982,522 NSLC Enrollment Fees 39,375 Other Income 12,000 $ 2,688,734 2017 EXPENSES External Ministries 37,625 Family Ministries 41,000 Discipleship 12,190 Welcoming 13,600 Worship & Arts 31,170 NSLC 884,418 Church Staff 947,909 Property & Administration 457,054 Mortgage 357,348 $ 2,782,314 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ($ 93,580) 2017 BUDGET

15 A Look Ahead

16 VIP Presentation Welcome Liz Heinzel-Nelson Executive Director of VIP

17 Associate Pastor Search

18 Associate Pastor Search
Up to now we have been responding to a need or a hole that needed to be filled. Mission need Ellen taking Discipleship and Pastoral Care Megan taking Children & Families With this search, for the first time, we are leaning forward and fitting ministry with the talents/calling of the staff.

19 Associate Pastor Search
Ellen – Congregation Care, loses the discipleship piece Megan – Mission/Families, loses the children’s piece Part-time Children’s Educator (mid-year) We will be searching for an Associate Pastor for Discipleship/Play This does, however, mean a hold on a communications person

20 New Design

21 Timeline Winter/Spring Summer/Fall End of Year
Elect the Assoc. Pastor Search Committee (done) Assoc. Pastor Search Committee begins meeting Summer/Fall Hire Children’s Educator (20hrs) Move mission to Megan’s position Move discipleship to Assoc. Pastor (Russell) End of Year Welcome new Assoc. Pastor when committee completes its work Complete final tweaks to job roles

22 Worship & Music David Hays

23 External Ministries Russell Jonas

24 Discipleship & Care Ellen Dittman

25 Family Ministries Megan Sanders

26 Pastor’s Terms of Call

27 Andrew Odom 2016 2017 Salary/Housing $100,400 $102,400 SS Offset $7,681 $7,834 Benefits $38,459 $39,098 Professional Exp. $7,000 TOTAL $153,540 $156,332

28 Prayer & Adjourn

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