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IEEE Engineering Management Society

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1 IEEE Engineering Management Society
Dr. Wade H. Shaw, P.E. 2000/2001 EMS President

2 IEEE Overview Over 360,000 of the world’s best engineers, scientists and technicians Innovating Technology and Products Designing Technology and Products Building Technology and Products 36 technical Societies in 10 Divisions 4 technical Councils 10 geographical Regions RAB, TAB, PAB, EAB, IEEE-USA, SA

3 Why EMS? Over 66% of the engineers in the world spend over two thirds of their careers managing: Technology Product development Engineering-related projects, activities Good “core” Society Further the field of interest and serve IEEE members directly Engineering Management Publications Conferences Leadership ‘training ground’

4 The EMS Mission To promote excellence in engineering management practice by providing focused, practical, accessible educational opportunities for technical and functional managers, project and program managers, and engineers and technical professionals interested in becoming managers. To provide educational programs which highlight Proven management techniques used at successful companies New "leading edge" management theories and techniques To provide other professional development and networking opportunities to create and support the community of engineers, managers, and other technical professionals.

5 EMS Fields of Interest :
Technology Policy Development Technology Assessment Technology Transfer Research Design & Evaluation Production Commissioning Operation or decommissioning of technical, electrical or electronic equipment/systems Allied Activities

6 EMS Areas of Interest : Management of engineers, scientists, and technologists Their characteristics Effective laboratory or work environments The process and economics of invention, innovation, and technology application Relations between engineering and other organizational functions Techniques for program/project management, including schedules and controls The structure of engineering and technology driven organizations

7 EMS Overview 7800+ Members worldwide Publications Conferences
Educational Products Awards and Recognition Chapters and Networking

8 Quarterly EMS Publications
Transactions on Engineering Management What’s the latest research in the field? Engineering Management Review (EMR) What have leading journals published this year that our practitioners especially should know about? Engineering Management Newsletter What is EMS doing? Engineering Management-Online EMS Web site

9 Annual EMS Conference: IEMC
Int’l Engineering Management Conference Tutorials and Seminars Workshops and papers Insights into academic research Practitioner Perspectives & experiences Simultaneous EMS Board of Governors meeting, with open working sessions on the Web, membership, education…. IEMC Albany,New York -Oct 2001 IEMC 2002 – Cambridge, England – August 2002

10 We’ll help you start one!
EMS Chapters The opportunity for personal contact and local learning Meetings with speakers; local seminars; networking; joint meetings; working groups. Typical topics areas: business management, project management, technical management, personal skills (communication, presentations, interviewing…), tales from the front. Coming: web-based “virtual chapter,” discussion groups. Special $25.00 rebate per meeting (up to 4 per year) Don’t have a Section EMS Chapter? We’ll help you start one!

11 EMS Chapters in R3 Current Region 3 Status Opportunities for Growth
574 EMS Members (2.12% of R3 IEEE Membership) Our 10th largest chapter is Atlanta Section (105 members) 3 Active Chapters (no chapter chair in Miami) Chapter Coordinator EMS: Jaime Jaen Region 3: Kathy Drevik (MDC) Opportunities for Growth Eastern NC (46 members) FL West Coast (34 members) Huntsville (22 members) Jamaica (22 members)

12 In Closing, we encourage you to:
Join EMS for your own professional development. Start chapters in your sections. Think of us for joint programs with your societies and sections. Steer your engineers and managers to EMS as a source of relevant information and contacts for their careers…. We welcome your participation-- how can we help you?

13 EMS Coordinates Our EMS web page Subscribe to the Chapters listserv:
Subscribe to the Chapters listserv: Membership and Chapter Issues: Charles Rubenstein VP Membership - EMS Board of Governors (Voice/Fax) EMS President: Wade H. Shaw

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