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Creating a Collaborative Learning Classroom

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1 Creating a Collaborative Learning Classroom

2 Introductions Linda Bruenjes Acting Director Brian J. McDermott
Center for Teaching and Scholarly Excellence Suffolk University Brian J. McDermott Assistant Chief Information Officer Director - University Media Services

3 The Big Picture Inclusive, holistic design from concept through assessment. Executive level support and both a capital and operating budget that supports the project now and for years to come. Robust and ongoing instructional design support to assist & prepare faculty to teach using new methods in these new spaces. Deliberate orientation of faculty to technological tools. Clear marketing and communication to student body Clear and continual commitment to maintain the space by the Facilities and Technology Support Groups Just breeze past this.

4 Instructional Design Resources
Assessment of Collaborative Learning Techniques for Encouraging Collaborative Learning Faculty Readiness Planning and Faculty Resources

5 Changing how we think… Name your space.
Determine what will be unique about these spaces? Draft the right design and implementation team. Thinking beyond the architecture, furniture and technology: Consider your audience.

6 What’s in a name? Rally the community!
Our choice? “Collaborative Learning Classrooms” Naming process should be part of the design the process New, exciting spaces. CLC…..Active learning can be done anywhere. What do these rooms offer? In our case, they offer excellent opportunities for collaboration. Naming as part of Design – Why? Naming will drive budget, architectural design, space allocation, etc

7 What is unique about these learning spaces?
Focus on learning Traditional classrooms tools used in new ways Instructor’s space is not the focal point Requires faculty member to prepare differently User interface for technology control may be unique and may require additional preparation Seating layout: opportunities and challenges Cost implications Learning instead of Teaching. Student is the center of the interaction. Space makes that clear. Traditional tools, laptops, document cameras, whiteboard, etc. Faculty prep- Will not be effective walking in with a traditional syllabus with no alterations. Course design should be deliberate. User Interface – can be a challenge. Must be carefully thought through. Seating layout – often requires more space, can be difficult to navigate, traditional test taking challenges, Not all students are facing front. Budget – Ours was 175% underfunded when originally bid. Had to locate more $. Trustees.


9 Drafting the Right Team
Faculty – All disciplines, all comfort levels Students – Grad/Undergrad, buy-in Instructional Designers - Research Guided Design, involved throughout process Facilities/construction/property management professionals – size, shape and physical attributes Registrar – Assignment, marketing, capacity Audio-visual Technology Team – Intuitive integrated technology, responsive to the needs of all disciplines


11 Beyond the architecture, furniture and technology hardware
Consider your community. Are student laptops common in the classroom? Is it reasonable to assume students can afford to provide their own devices? Is software available to students? Common software version challenges Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Faculty Support – 1st time users, ongoing

12 ≈Collaborative Learning ≈
Student-Centered What do students need to be able to do ? rather than Teacher-Centered What do students need to know?

13 Faculty Support Aligned with the Institutional Mission
Strategic Imperative Provide an integrated, student-centered experience, highlighted by strong mentoring relationships that develop students’ full potential. Increase the number of cohort-shared experiences through new initiatives aimed at developing community and cohesion within classes

14 Strategic Partnerships
Information Technology Classroom Technologies Instructional Design Model Training Room (CLCs) Events – Prior to Semester 1 Collaborative Learning Workshop – Annual Technology Symposium Orientation to CLCs

15 Acknowledgment – During Year 1
Faculty Observations Feedback Support Registrar Open Dialog Constraints

16 Year 2 – Faculty Support CTSE Essential Question Workshops
How can we ensure that diverse voices are heard within the context of a collaborative learning environment?" Workshops Fall Speaker – Team-Based Learning – Michael Sweet Followup workshops

17 Next Steps Showcase innovative teaching/learning strategies Assessment
Circling Back to Registrar Continuous Modeling Partnering with Faculty

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