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Key Ideas Beginning 1947 – 1949 Ending Canada’s Role Results

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1 Key Ideas Beginning 1947 – 1949 Ending Canada’s Role Results
The Cold War Key Ideas Beginning 1947 – 1949 Ending Canada’s Role Results

2 Key Ideas The Cold War was the period of time between the end of WW2 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 World divided into 2 ideological camps: United States led Capitalism = “The West” Soviet dominated Communism = “The East” No direct military confrontation

3 The Beginning End of American-British-Soviet alliance after WW2
American and Britain relations with the Soviet Union, led by Joseph Stalin, begin to fall apart because the Soviets had puppet governments in once-independent countries February 9, 1946: Stalin states that communism and capitalism don’t work together March 5, 1946: Winston Churchill states that “… an Iron Curtain has descended on Europe.”

4 Containment: The U.S. Strategy to limit spread of Soviet power and Communist ideology March 17, 1948: Brussels Pact organized to protect Europe from communism Berlin Blockade begins on June 24. Lasts 11 months. Results in creation of the Berlin Wall.

5 The End 1980’s: Freedom movements inside European communist states
1990: Berlin Wall torn down (it had separated West and East Germany since 1961) 1991: Fall of the Soviet Union

6 Canada’s Role Contribution of armed forces to peace keeping operations around the world Active involvement in preventing nuclear war 1946: Canadian government reveals it had given political asylum to Igor Gouzento. He had stolen documents showing Soviet spies at work in the USA, Britain and Canada. Communist “witch hunts” in Canadian government and society. Communists found and kicked out of trade unions and Canadian diplomats loyalties questioned.

7 Results Creation of NATO
Many scientific advancements including nuclear bombs and Sputnik Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Creation of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)

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