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Collaboration/Engagement Domain Task Force
April, 2017 Update Louisa Stark, University of Utah Lead Team Member
Developing Measures for Assessing and Improving Collaborations WG (Co-Leads: Beth Tigges, Usha Menon and Doriane Miller) Progress Timeline (Project Status) Deliverables Complete an environmental scan of measures related to collaboration and engagement. (2 months) Compile a toolkit of reliable and valid measures of different constructs/variables related to collaboration and engagement. (5 months) Recommend next steps in the development of new measures and/or adaptation of existing ones that may be used to assess collaborations and the outcomes of interventions designed to improve collaboration. (1 month) Completion of environmental scan: December 1, 2015 Completion of toolkit: April 1, 2016 Completion of prioritized recommendations regarding new measures (end date): May 1, 2017 (complete) A toolkit of reliable and valid measures of different constructs/variables related to collaboration and engagement [value, quality (subjective); productivity, impact (objective) of collaboration and engagement] A set of prioritized recommendations regarding new/adapted measures that will need to be developed
Joint Workgroup on Researcher Training & Education and Community Capacity Building WG (Co-Leads: Hal Strelnick, Hugh Tilson, Jane Garbutt and Al Richmond) Collaboration/Engagement and Workforce Development DTF workgroup Progress Timeline (Project Status) Deliverables Conduct a pragmatic literature review of curricula and training resources for researchers in engaging communities & stakeholders in translational research and for building community capacity to participate in translational research (3 months) Develop an annotated (and searchable?) inventory of existing curricula and training resources (6-9 months); Joint Workgroup surveyed via REDCap to identify existing curricula—September-October-November 2016 Completion of inventory of existing curricula, including websites—January 2017 Pragmatic literature review methodology developed & reviewed by Joint Workgroup—March 2017 A pragmatic literature review of curricula and training resources that builds academic researchers’ capacity to engage communities & stakeholders and community capacity to collaborate in translational research; An annotated inventory of existing curricula and training resources;
Joint Workgroup on Researcher Training & Education and Community Capacity Building WG
Progress Timeline (Project Status) Deliverables Conduct a gap analysis of important areas requiring further development (3 months); and Identify best practices (1-2 months). Gap analysis comparing curricula with consensus of Community & Stakeholder Engagement competencies—in process March-April 2017 Best practices—to be determined Spring 2017 Target completion date—July-August 2017 A gap analysis of important areas for future development; Dissemination through peer-reviewed publications of the pragmatic literature review findings and the annotated inventory of existing curricular and resources; Identification of evidence-based best practices and resources currently under development; examples of successful programs, including contact information for those with questions; and Recommendations for dissemination to and adoption by CTSA hubs and NCATS.
Dissemination & Implementation and Knowledge Transfer WG (Co-Leads: Laura-Mae Baldwin, Rowena Dolor and Paul Meissner) Progress Timeline (Project Status) Deliverables Established workgroup composition, leadership, meeting and administrative support logistics Developed brief survey to CTSA administrators to identify CTSA D&I leaders -- in process Developed interview guide for D&I leaders to identify CTSA-funded D&I activities, training, scientific projects Drafted metrics for assessment of D&I science training and support in CTSAs – in discussion Regular presentations of CTSA-funded D&I activities, training, scientific projects by workgroup members – ongoing Convene workgroup – Quarter Complete environmental scan – Quarter Publish about D&I resources across the CTSAs – Quarter Develop D&I metrics – Quarter Finalize and propose metrics – Quarter Disseminate metrics – Quarter Implement D&I technical consultation model – Quarter Publication of D&I resources, training, scientific projects across the CTSA Consortium D&I metrics that can be used by CTSAs, ideally part of Common Metrics Service as advisors-consultants on D&I strategies Peer-reviewed publication/s related to D&I science based on environmental scan, metrics (e.g., gaps in D&I science that CTSAs might fill)
Methods to Support Community Engagement (Co-Leads: Giselle Corbie-Smith and Arthur Blank) Methods and Collaboration/Engagement DTF workgroup Establish workgroup composition and leadership- in progress Through the survey and literature review, to identify “best practices” for engaging community partners at CTSA institutions To develop a publishable paper based on these results. Identify CTSA Collaborators- Quarter 2&3 (2017) Develop survey for data collection- Quarter 2& 3 (2017) Literature Review- Quarter 2&3 (2017) Design data collection protocol & pilot survey- Quarter 3&4 Launch data collection- Quarter 1 & Quarter 2 (2018) Analyze data- Quarter 3&4 (2018) Write Paper- Quarter 4&1 (2019) Literature review of evidence based strategies for engaging community partners. A survey to document the varied strategies used to engage and sustain CTSA – Community Partnerships Identification of practices that advance the literature A publishable paper.
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