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Change the Lens, Change the Life: Trauma Informed Care

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Presentation on theme: "Change the Lens, Change the Life: Trauma Informed Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Change the Lens, Change the Life: Trauma Informed Care
Annie Lange, LMSW, ACSW

2 Annie’s Practice Lab and Greatest TEACHERS!!!

3 Caregivers can make a difference…

4 Every child is born with beautiful potential

5 What trauma have your children experienced?

6 Triune Brain

7 The Developing Brain The brain is a social organ and develops in the context of relationship Humans are hardwired for connection Attachment changes the brain A healthy brain supports self-regulation Genes provide frame work Life experience directs final brain construction The Hope of Neuroplasticity

8 Human Danger Response Step 1: Danger Beliefs “lens of danger”
Step 2: Body and Behavior Responses “Fight – Flight – Freeze” Step 3: Compromised Healthy Development Self Regulation * Social * Cognitive Blaustein & Kinniburgh 2010 8

9 Understanding Triggers
 Trigger: A reminder of a past event that can lead to same set of emotions and behaviors Understanding Triggers Blaustein & Kinniburgh 2010 9

10 Do exercise where audience identifies white picket fence experience and scary house experience
Andy: safe calm utero, easy birth, nurturing, gentle touch, emotional availability, physical needs meet, consistent parents, sensitive care giving, responsible parents, social needs meet, safety/security, predictability, stable home, good health, consistent housing, Billy: prenatal drugs, difficult birth, sexual, physical, emotional abuse, neglect, foster care, adoption, accidents, frequent moves, depressed parents, unmet needs, bullying, Domestic violence, medical trauma, divorce (Adapted from Forbes 2014)

11 Blaustein & Kinniburgh 2010
Common Child Triggers Unpredictability or sudden change Loss of control Feeling vulnerable Feeling rejected Confrontation Loneliness Sensory overload Intimacy Peace / Calm Quiet Blaustein & Kinniburgh 2010 11

12 Common symptoms of trauma and attachment disorder
Superficially charming, indiscriminate affection Need for control Hyper vigilant Argumentative, tantrums rage Demanding or clingy Lack of empathy, morals or values Lying, stealing Destructive to property Cruel to animals Constant chatter Eating issues, hoarding or refusal to eat False accusations of abuse Fascination with gore, blood and weapons Few or no long term friends Triangulate adults Attitude of entitlement or narcissism Affection on child’s terms, not the parent’s terms Manning, 2013

13 Trauma Informed Care

14 Volunteer  Caregiver  Child

15 Curiosity Kindness Compassion
Tuning in With… Curiosity Kindness Compassion

16 Attunement is a moment to moment, day to day process
“I see you”, “I hear you” Attunement is a moment to moment, day to day process Attunement fosters co-regulation 16

17 Compassion Compassion is tied to the practice of mindfulness, paying attention to the present moment, with complete acceptance of thoughts, feelings and body sensations. (Desmond,2016) 17

18 EMPATHY Perspective Taking Withholding Judgment Recognizing Emotions
Communication of Understanding

19 Mindfulness “Name It to Tame It”
Awareness Of Present Experience With Acceptance 19

20 What Story are we making up?

21 Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor
“In between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor

22 Thought Travel

23 Thought Cycle 23


25 Where do we shine the light?

26 The Nurtured Heart Approach
The approach has three basic aspects: Super-energizing experiences of success. Refusing to energize or accidentally reward negativity. Providing a perfect level of limit-setting and consequences. 26


28 “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

29 To your Greatness!! Annie Lange BSN, LMSW, ACSW Clinical Social Worker
Nurtured Heart Approach Advanced Trainer

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