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1 P O S T G R A D U A T E D E S T I N A T I O N S
SOCIAL SCIENCE DOCTORAL GRADUATES IN THE UK Sally Hancock Department of Education, University of York Postgraduate Study and Employability University of Edinburgh, 19 May 2017

2 Institute for Employment Research, Warwick
Acknowledgements Dr. Heike Behle Institute for Employment Research, Warwick

3 M E T H O D

4 Dataset Secondary data analysis of the Destinations of Leavers of Higher longitudinal survey (LDLHE) 2008/9 and 2010/11 UK doctoral graduates Activity and employment at 3.5 years Linked to Student Record - Academic and socio-demographic characteristics - E.g. age, gender, ethnicity, parent, school, POLAR

5 Dataset Responses (n) Response rate (%) 2008/9 2060 38.3 2010/11 2285
40.6 Total 4345 39.4

6 S A M P L E

7 Sample 1 Social Sci STEM Arts Hum All sample 10.9 70.1 19.0
Social Sci STEM Arts Hum All sample 10.9 70.1 19.0 ≤ 25 on entry 34.6 63.6 32.3 Taught Master's 56.3 31.1 60.3 Parent HE 47.7 55.7 59.7 POLAR 1 or 2 8.1 7.8 6.7

8 Sample II Social Sci STEM Arts Hum Male 51.1 50.6 45.4 Female 48.9
Social Sci STEM Arts Hum Male 51.1 50.6 45.4 Female 48.9 49.4 54.6 White British 92.3 89.3 93.2 Asian 3.1 6.5 1.1 Black British 2.3 0.8

9 Subject Area by Institution Mission Group

10 D E S T I N A T I O N S

11 Employment (ft/pt) 88.1 of sample 87.0 of Soc Sci Graduate employment (ft/pt) 92.5 of employed sample 92.6 of employed Soc Sci NSSEC 1& Soc Sci (96.6 STEM; 91 ArtHum)

12 Higher education teaching professional 20.4 46.1
All Soc Sci Higher education teaching professional 20.4 46.1 University research (discipline unspecified) 9.4 6.3 Natural and social science professionals  4.7 1.5 Medical practitioners 4.2 0.0 Clinical psychologists 4.1 Biochemists, medical scientists 3.6 Programmers and software development professionals 2.4 Social and humanities scientists 2.2 4.3 Senior professionals of educational establishments 1.9 4.6 Secondary education teaching professionals 1.7 n=2343

13 A C A D E M I C C A R E E R S

14 Progression into HE teaching professional
Within Soc Sci… Russell Group White British Male (p < .001) n=876

15 White Male Russell Group = £60292
Salary of higher education teaching professional (x̄) Soc Sci range = £ £73000 Male = £45270 Female = £31229 White = £40675 Black British = £26300 White Male Russell Group = £60292 n=876

16 Career satisfaction 91% of doctoral graduates very or fairly satisfied
94% of doctoral graduates working as HETP Social Scientists happier than Arts Humanities, but STEM happier still!

17 R E F L E C T I O N S Tentative association between PhD subject area and socio-demographic characteristics Clearer association with HEI type Social Science graduates reporting relatively positive outcomes Persistence of socio-demographic inequalities even within academic roles

18 T H A N K Y O U

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