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The Concept Value Test and our entire approach is covered in our book, Customer-Driven Playbook Available from O’Reilly Media and Amazon

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Presentation on theme: "The Concept Value Test and our entire approach is covered in our book, Customer-Driven Playbook Available from O’Reilly Media and Amazon"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Concept Value Test and our entire approach is covered in our book, Customer-Driven Playbook
Available from O’Reilly Media and Amazon

2 How might we make it cool to wear a helmet?
This is an example of a Concept Value Test. For this concept, we’re exploring an idea to solve the following problem: How might we make it cool for teenagers to wear a helmet?

3 Firehawk Concept Hypothesis
We believe that [Firehawk] will solve [the feeling that wearing helmets isn’t “cool”] and be valuable to [teenagers in Fresno, CA who use bicycles as their main mode of transportation] while [riding their bikes] We will know this to be true when we see [teenagers report that they would be willing to wear it today] This is our Concept hypothesis [Type of Customers] Teenagers in Fresno, CA who use bicycles as their main mode of transportation [Concept] Firehawk [Problem] The feeling that wearing helmets isn’t “cool” [Job-to-Be-Done] Riding their bikes [Criteria] Teenagers report that they would be willing to wear it today

4 Fire hawk

5 The Firehawk is the ultimate helmet for unparalleled cycling experiences. It leverages the power of social networks and the cloud to create a super-connected, fun, and engaging helmet for teens to wear. It’s covered in LED, RGB lights and uses BT to connect to your smartphone.

6 The cool thing about the Firehawk helmet is that it reacts to the activity on your bike. Just turn it on while you’re riding and it gives a visual indicator of your status. Let’s say you’re going for a distance goal. Simply set your goal and as you ride further…

7 Your helmet starts to warm up
Your helmet starts to warm up. Letting everyone know just how close you are to reaching your goal! Of course all of this data goes right back to your smartphone, so you can set challenges with friends and let the world know just how awesome you are on your bike!

8 Firehawk Benefits Most Impactful Least Impactful Connects to your smartphone to give your friends-realtime data of your rides Set challenges for yourself and friends Helmet changes colors as you ride (Cool, Warm, Hot, Firehawk) Colors change with the use of LED lights, making you visible in all lighting conditions

9 Firehawk Limitations Lighting colors cannot be customized
Most Impactful Lighting colors cannot be customized Only works with iOS (Android not yet supported) Battery lasts 7-9 hours and cannot be replaced Helmet takes up to an hour to charge Weighs 820 grams (~1.8 lbs.) Least Impactful


11 Would this concept solve a problem or fulfill a need for you?
1 2 3 4 5 Definitely would not Definitely would

12 How likely is it that you would recommend this concept to a friend?
1 2 3 4 5 Definitely would not Definitely would

13 How believable is this concept as a solution?
1 2 3 4 5 Not very believable Very believable

14 How different is this concept from other solutions currently available?
1 2 3 4 5 Not at all different Very different

15 If Firehawk was available today, would you wear it?
1 2 3 4 5 Not at all different Very different

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